They’ll get less than the projections as more companies flee California.
All I want to know is how do I get in on this SCAM and how much money can I make?
Consumers shafted again.
People need to get over this notion that actions have no cost.
Emphasis on "could".
And even if it does, the idiots in Sacramento and the thousands of bureaucracies in this state will just spend 10 times more than whatever this brings in so we will have accomplished nothing except driving more businesses out of the state.
Such as the train to nowhere.
Are these progressives insane? Really?
They're acting like this is some windfall of $$$ raining down like manna from heaven. What they fail to grasp is that the money comes from someplace, in this case oil refineries. Now these refineries have that much less money in the till to upgrade equipment (jobs) , expand production (jobs and lower gas prices) and hire more people.
Maybe I'm missing something, but gov Moonbeam and the thieves in Sacramento are acting just like hungry castaways on an island with no food, who suddenly start gnawing on their foot and think they've been given an endless feast.
Funny that California consumers think some one else will pay this money.
Idiots have a powerful media and education system working to please them, smart people don’t.
“Carbon Credits” of the Global Warming religion are the same as “Indulgence Papers” of the Catholic Church during the middle ages... The goal is to scam the stupid and take their money telling them that you have been saved and in the meanwhile the priests of the Global Warming religion are getting filthy rich...Global warming is the biggest hoax in history of mankind...
Another extra ambitious plan by California to drive businesses from that state.
For the companies and consumers left behind, from where do you suppose these companies will get the cash to pay for the pollution credits?
Bwaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!
As if Gov. Moonbeam and his Commie Pinko friends give a damn about laws and rules and all that crap.
Oh, San Jose Murky News, you crack me up.
Among others, The power companies should just shut down and turn off the lights. Something tells me that there will be a lot loss jobs in California in a few years.
According to Tribune. BLAME IT ON BUSH!!!!
Higher gas prices cause less public anger this time
Several factors are behind the relative complacency now compared with the price surge of 2008, analysts say.,0,816255.story
..the tax payers of the US....anyone else think this is a payoff from the Odungo administration?...notice the word "could" get paid. This sounds so hinky
As if "strict constraints" ever stopped them, ever.
$1-3 billion in new “taxes” on the consumers still paying their own power bills. These additional costs will be passed on to the consumers. They might as well just call it what it is - another tax increase.
These leeches also told us the lottery would save education and balance the budget, and tobacco taxes would save health care and balance the budget.
Nothing has changed and they continue to spend 20-30% more then they take in in revenue.
I don’t blame the politicians as much as the morons in this state who keep electing them.
Thanks for posting the article.
“The windfall could come as soon as this fall, when state officials are set to begin auctioning off pollution credits to oil refineries, power plants and other major polluters as part of a new “cap-and-trade” system. “
And WHERE do the oil refineries, power plants and other major polluters get the money to pay for those ‘pollution credits’?
Windfall of cash?
Sounds more like a Ponzi scheme.
Ah, them Kalifornians are too smart by half.
That would bring in trillions.
Couldn't charge Eric Holder's people, though. That would be racist.