They’ll get less than the projections as more companies flee California.
My wife and I have good paying jobs in Silcon Valley, but we can’t wait to get out of this insane state. Not only will companies flee, people will too when their energy bills soar.
Yes, but they'll spend twice what they project.
For those companies who have finally realized that they have no hope of continuing running a decent business in California:
There are 7 states that have NO personal income tax. Some don’t tax corporations, either.
Properties are less expensive in many of those states. Property taxes are less, also. I have 5.58 acres with house, garage, well, septic & my property taxes last year were $1200. Properties can be bought at the bottom or the top of the price ranges.
Talented & qualified persons you have now would have an opportunity to go with you and improve their usable income, also.
Here in N Nevada, the reacreational activities are abundant. Summer/winter & in between.
Look at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Park just east of Reno, along Interstate 80. Also- look in the Carson Valley at the aitport complex.
If your business needs access to major transportation, or wants to build a newer facility, see what they offer on their website.
I have absolutely no personal connection with Lance Gilman, the developer, nor with any company that is there already.
I just am a former resident of California who has known for years that California is sinking into a morass of it’s own making.
I left & I don’t miss it.