Are these progressives insane? Really?
They're acting like this is some windfall of $$$ raining down like manna from heaven. What they fail to grasp is that the money comes from someplace, in this case oil refineries. Now these refineries have that much less money in the till to upgrade equipment (jobs) , expand production (jobs and lower gas prices) and hire more people.
Maybe I'm missing something, but gov Moonbeam and the thieves in Sacramento are acting just like hungry castaways on an island with no food, who suddenly start gnawing on their foot and think they've been given an endless feast.
You would think they would look at the epic fail of cap and trade in Europe and realize they are living in Wonderland. California already has tough emission laws. There is no ‘low hanging fruit’ left for the gov fleece. Those who can move will, others will just leave.
“Maybe I’m missing something, but gov Moonbeam and the thieves in Sacramento are acting just like hungry castaways on an island with no food, who suddenly start gnawing on their foot and think they’ve been given an endless feast.”
Well said, but I’ve always preferred the poignant image of an old toothless dog, chewing on a dry bone until its gums bleed, then savoring the delicious treat it has in its mouth.
I like the quote in the Mecury News, that states:’the funds will somehow be restrained to enviromental projects’ great lies if anyone accually believe the frauds in Sacremento; to think Arnold pass this offensive legislation(we should have known that if you marry a Kennedy you will always be liberal no matter what party affiliation). That prick not only fathered a bastard kid, got his murdering son’s pal sentence slashed in half, but put into motion, years of lawsuits, and counter lawsuits, in a time we cannot even afford to give free cell service to legislators. Progressives are anything but! That piece of garbage should be shipped back to Austria before he does any further damage——God, Califorians are so effing stupid, they voted for Brown again, what do you expect.
That is the effect. Emissions trading schemes and carbon taxes (as well as EPA regs) are taxes on capital. They reduce the value of a company's assets because of a reduced future revenue stream and will cause what businesses that do remain in California to cease capital improvements.
Our rising standard of living is directly due to capital improvements and accumulation. The end result of cap-and-trade will be to reduce living standards and to increase the very income inequality the liberals profess to despise.
Of course, they'll just blame the capitalists.