Gingrich Daughters: 'Open Marriage' Charge 'Simply Not True'
On the contrary, I'm not the one looking for a halo.
Rather, it's the purists among conservatives who wouldn't go for a Daniels, Barbour or (Heaven forbid) a Jeb Bush because they were considered "Rinos".
Now we have Gingrich who the conservatives are going ga-ga over despite his stance on global warming, health mandates, boosting of immigration, tinkering with federal programs and his consideration of the Ryan plan as "social engineering". Not to mention his sordid womanizing which is the topic of this thread...(and BTW to expect a stable marital relationship is not expecting a "halo"...just normal behavior). But the man can SPEAK!/sarc
Quite hypocritical to say the least.
As for the Bushes...you are right. They are quality people and we would be in an extremely dark period had George W. not been Pres. on 9/11. How easily people forget.
The left is pure hypocrisy.
The 2nd wife wasn't useful enough to Newt to get him where he wants to go, so he married Callista.
Gingrich is primarily power-hungry...his core values vary from day to day.
I would vote for Newt vs. Obama, and would hope that something could be accomplished under him with a GOP House and Senate, but I wish there were better choices in the running.
My first choice would have been Haley Barbour. But he apparently was too "RINO" for the Tea Party crowd. I knew that the hyper-enthusiasm for Bachman, Cain, and Perry on the right would wane...and so it has.
So what?
Siena Dreaming is now a dead troll.
Wow! Lots of reseach!
Is the poster aware of Haley Barbour’s “Huckabee pardons?” I live in Mississippi and Barbour’s name is Mudd!