Posted on 09/26/2011 2:58:25 PM PDT by knighthawk
The BBC has been accused of bowing to political correctness after it emerged that it was discouraging the use of the terms BC and AD for fear of offending non-Christians.
The Corporation's religion website states that it opts for the "religiously neutral" Common Era and Before Common Era, rather than Anno Domini (the year of Our Lord) and Before Christ.
It goes on: "As the BBC is committed to impartiality it is appropriate that we use terms that do not offend or alienate non-Christians."
But critics said the changes were meaningless because, just like AD and BC, the alternative terms still denote years in relation to the life of Christ.
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The U.K. is finished.
I prefer BBBC(before BBC)
Whose decision is this? Names, man! Names!
Already talked to my kids about this and told them that it is BC and AD and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
This all started not too long ago from guess where, Wikipedia.
They had changed it to CE for common era and BCE before common era
I’m letting off mail to the BBC right now.
We have a calender in the west and we go by it and if those who come here do not like it then piss off.
I’ll go over there and respect their ways but you need to come here and respect our ways so before some liberal troll says we need to respect them when they come here then if that is the case where is my respect?
No where and respect is a two way street
Historians 200 years hence will have to be TAUGHT what BC and AD means and HOW IT RELATES to BCE & CE.
I read books with a pen in hand. When I see this non-sense of CE and BCE, I scratch it out and put in AD and BC.
you think this is the UK, no way my kids were told that some are trying to change it to BCE and CE over here and it is coming form over here
wikipedia started this and it has been going on for a couple of years maybe longer
We all need to stop this madness right now before it gets out of control
BCE = Before the Christian era
CE = Christian era
Common? Yes, what they have in common is that they are based on the (approximate) birth of Christ, who, if you want, can be viewed as an historical person if not the Son of God.
it started over here at wikipedia.
A year ago I was told about this and have been looking into this for that time.
The founder of wikipedia said he would not put BC or AD and so someone a conservative site like wikipedia out of protest
here it is
Now I’m offended.
Confused Ping
as an historian I have found some who already are teaching it BCE CE in the schools over here.
That site was done by a conservative not sure who but he or she did it in protest
Not sure if Jim knows about this site or BC AD but maybe a banner with news like this could be useful as I am surprised many did nto know what is going on over this and we can’t rely on FOX and the other pro queer media
I’m a history major, this has been going on for some time now, at least 15 years.
I teach using BC and AD - and this garbage has pissed me off enough that I’m going to teach it again in tonight’s class.
every class or speech I give now I make it known AD BC .
There is no way on this earth I will go along with this but I have to ask you and that is where you are do you find most history teachers, professors more on the conservative side unlike say science teachers which are usually spaced out liberals?
Heh heh. Good one.
For everyone who wants to learn how the calendar came about Dominus Exiguus was the very first to switch over to our current calendar.
Prior, all calendars were dated to Ab Urbe Condita -”from the founding of the City”, ie, Rome.
There’s a discreprency of about 200 years between Ab Urbe Condita and the Jewish Calendars that has yet to be resolved.
Teaching BCE + CE is just bad history! Every history teacher should be taught and teaching that the current system was set up by Dominus Exiguus! That is why it is BC and AD, Before Christ and “Anno Domini”, year of our Lord.
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