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(Ron) Paul: No such thing as an independent Israel (Iran's State TV- Press TV Interview)
Iran's Press TV ^ | 12/2008 | Jihan Hafiz

Posted on 08/26/2011 10:10:01 PM PDT by mnehring

Ron Paul, House representative of the 14th district of Texas, believes that US foreign policy must be reformed to avoid conflicts around the world.

The interview was conducted outside the Foreign Relations Committee.

Press TV: What is your opinion on the idea of the US blocking Iran's oil exports and preventing its gasoline imports from reaching the country (based on H. Con. Res. 362 previously sought by US congressmen)?

Paul: I think it is an outrage I think it is a blockade. It is the use of force to stop the inflow of petroleum products and people and goods, banking, trains, cars, trucks, cargos. It's all prohibited. How can we stop that without the use of the navy and without the use of force? This idea is not a blockade it is just pure silliness on their part [US senators and congressmen].

If we bomb them, that's the start of hostilities. They (US policy makers) are never willing to take anything off the table, which includes a nuclear-first strike. So, if they do that do you think the Iranians are going to sit still? They are going to react!

The opposition said that, well, we don't want them to block the Strait of Hormuz [the Persian Gulf waterway which allows the passages of a third of the world's daily oil supply]. They ought to change their policy because they are more likely to get the Strait of Hormuz blocked if we persist on this. If we do any bombing or we put on a blockade, it's going to lead to big trouble.

Press TV: There has been a lot of speculation that Israel may act on its own and conduct an independent air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Do you think that's possible?

Paul: I don't think there is such a thing as an independent Israel doing anything, because I think no matter what they do its our money, its our weapons, and their not going to do it without us approving it and if they get into trouble we're going to bail them out, so there is no separation between the two.

Press TV: During your line of questioning at the Foreign Relations Committee you mentioned the Seymour Hersh article, which was among the articles that revealed that the Congress had awarded the Bush administration hundreds of millions of dollars for a covert operation to overthrow the Iranian government. Why did you mention those stories?

Paul: Well it's something that I have known about and heard about and it does go on. It goes on all around the world. To me it was a surprise that it was news, because we have been doing that and people do talk about it. I think it's an outrage. How would we react if somebody did it to us? We would be infuriated, willing to go to war. The fact that somebody came and tried to undermine our government.


TOPICS: Israel; Politics/Elections; US: Texas; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2016election; bombbombbombbombiran; chuckhagel; election2016; hydrocarbons; iran; israel; johnkerry; lebanon; lurch; methane; opec; petroleum; presstv; randpaul; randpaultruthfile; randsconcerntrolls; ronpaul; ronpaultruthfile; seymourhersh; texas; trollfreneau; waronterror
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To: mnehring
How can we describe Ron Paul?

post 6 Anti-Semitic Nut, 7 horse $hit, 9 Dangerous distraction, 10 whack job, 12 total ass, 13 true conservative, 14 Crazy Azz Crackuh, 16 moderate libertarian, 17 anti-Zionist, 18 friggin wacked.

To those whose descriptions I overlooked, feel free to make additions posts. For those who have not entered their descriptions yet, fire away.

My description? My brother's favorite senile crackpot.

21 posted on 08/27/2011 12:02:58 AM PDT by tdscpa
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To: Steel Wolf

In Ron Paul and Rand Paul we see a revival of the Old Right - anti-Semitic (to some people, anti-Zionist Entity), isolationist, sympathetic to fascist regimes, state’s rights even when the state violates the civil rights of some citizens, and anti-Federalist with longings for a kinder, gentler version of the old Confederacy.

A good litmus test is to ask one of these super-patriots what he thinks of Abraham Lincoln, whether we should have fought the Nazis, and whether there was a need for civil rights legislation. If you ask about Israel, you may be treated to a diatribe about how we can’t hear the “truth” about Zionism because “those people” control everything. There are some people who are at least partly fascist but they try to hide it with libertarian slogans. There are good people who are libertarians, there are others who might have some libertarian ideas in economics but who have a toxic brew of really bad ideas in other areas.

22 posted on 08/27/2011 12:05:32 AM PDT by Wilhelm Tell (True or False? This is not a tag line.)
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To: BlackElk

Jeffrey Lord is a historical dunce. He made so many factual errors regarding the Founding Fathers and their intent that he can only be accurately described as “just another name-calling RINO seeking to make a buck”.

If you want a good analysis of Jeffrey Lord’s “research” (so-called), listen to this interview of Doctors Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman at:

BTW, during the interview, the book “The Roosevelt Myth” is mentioned. I highly recommend it.

23 posted on 08/27/2011 12:09:43 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: BlackElk

Jeffrey Lord is a historical dunce. He made so many factual errors regarding the Founding Fathers and their intent that he can only be accurately described as “just another name-calling RINO seeking to make a buck”.

If you want a good analysis of Jeffrey Lord’s “research” (so-called), listen to this interview of Doctors Tom Woods and Kevin Gutzman at:

BTW, during the interview, the book “The Roosevelt Myth” is mentioned. I highly recommend it.

24 posted on 08/27/2011 12:09:54 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: Wilhelm Tell

>>>...sympathetic to fascist regimes...<<<

Do you RINO’s ever get tired of name-calling?

Fascists are big-government socialists. Ron Paul is the antithesis of a fascist. If you read a little history, you will find that the fascists take control of the economy and industry. In other words, you end up with a nationalized auto industry (e.g, like GM and Chrysler, or “Government Motors”), nationalized finance (like Dodd-Frank and the bailouts), etc.. In other words, you will have a leader like Barrack Obama.

Abe Lincoln was a true tyrant, and his much-heralded Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave. He banned slavery in the Southern states (where he had no control), but allowed slavery in the Northern states. So, slaves under his control remained slaves until after the war. His own general, Ulysses Grant, kept his slaves until after the war. Lincoln was slicker than Bill Clinton.

But I am not as eloquent as some, so I quote the unapologetic historical scholar, Thomas J. DiLorenzo:

“It was Lincoln who, immediately upon taking office, declared himself dictator, ignored the Constitution, abolished civil liberty in the Northern states, and waged total war on fellow citizens, killing 300,000 of them because they no longer consented to being governed by Washington, D.C. and politicians like himself. He did all of this on behalf of an abstraction he labeled “the mystic chords of union.” This was not unlike how future tyrants would kill hundreds of thousands, or millions, of their own people for the sake of “creating socialist man,” “the master race,” and other collectivist abstractions.”

In other words, Lincoln was a fascist tyrant.

25 posted on 08/27/2011 12:27:59 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: BlackElk

That Alex Jones is a real piece-o-work... a looney alarmist.
I’m not at all surprised that Paul finds kinship with someone of his ilk.

26 posted on 08/27/2011 12:31:25 AM PDT by Bobalu (He who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate)
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To: tdscpa

>>To those whose descriptions I overlooked, feel free to make additions posts. <<

Instead of name-calling, like a Barrack Obama Crazy, why don’t you try some political discourse? Is that too much to ask?

27 posted on 08/27/2011 12:34:12 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: BlackElk
I pity Paul's supporters.

They take him seriously.

But he doesn't take them seriously...

28 posted on 08/27/2011 12:36:32 AM PDT by okie01 (THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Ignorance On Parade)
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To: Jmouse007

>>Ron Paul is an Anti-semitic NUT<<

Wow! How could I possibly argue with your logic? You so eloquently and completely described why Ron Paul is an anti-semitic nut, I would be a fool not to believe you.

BTW, exactly why is Ron Paul anti-semitic? I am Jewish, and I don’t think he has an anti-semitic bone in his body. In fact, his ideology is strongly influenced by Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises, both Jews. How can one be both anti-semitic and an admirer of Jews at the same time?

Maybe Ron Paul does not like the actions of SOME Jews. I love my Jewish parents and siblings, but I personally hate the actions of the ACLU, founded by Jews. I hate all loud-mouth Jews, like Chuck Schumer and Jon Stewart. I hate all dishonest Jews, such as the majority of Wall Street executives. And I truly hate the Jews that run the major media outlets and Hollywood — the ones who have corrupted our culture. But I also hate the Gentiles who did the same. So maybe I just hate evil and love liberty. Ron Paul hates evil and loves liberty, so I believe he is a pretty good fellow.

Ron Paul is a strict constructionist (an ideology foreign to all liberals and nearly all so-called conservatives). Keep that in mind the next time you spout your venom.

29 posted on 08/27/2011 12:55:41 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: Jmouse007

Have you read the Constitution and/or read the Federalist Papers? Ron Paul is the closest politician to our founding fathers. Oh damn! Now I’ve said it. All of the republicans here will get mad and talk about all of the wars we should be fighting.

Our foreign policy under both Republican and Democrat Presidents is a complete joke. We are spinning our wheels trying spread Judeo Christian values in muslim countries.

It’s stupid. C’mon be honest. If China invaded the USA and was spreading “Communisim” with the barrel of gun...would you take it? Or fight back? To quote Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” And he was 100% correct. That is because we will defend our values, our sovereignty, our honor and most importantly our freedom. Get the point?

Please ask yourself......Are your proud of the country we are? Are we better or worse than we were 50 years ago? Look at us...we have destroyed our country (both democrats and republicans). 16 Trillon in debt (now), a decadent society, half of the population getting some kind of handout from the govt.

We are a joke. Say what you want. I am not proud of our country anymore. I am proud of what we once were and I am proud of our founding fathers. And most of all I am proud of the the Constitution. Our country is trashed. Be honest with’s republicans are like the democrats of old. This country will collapse in the next two years due to the dollar losing it’s reserve currency status.

And for the record....the true fools are the liberals. But as a former staunch republican...I can no longer support the status quo. Go ahead and go with Perry or whoever..things will never change.

Most of you criticizing on Ron Paul have never listened to him. Keep voting the same way....endless wars, endless debt, endless decadence....the end of America. I hope you are ready for what is coming. It’s not going to be pretty. See my tag line below. And by the all you FREEpers out there. Love the intelligent debate.....Oh and one last thing Ron Paul 2012!!!!

30 posted on 08/27/2011 1:33:17 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: Wilhelm Tell

I noticed in your personal profile that you are a fan of Friedrich Hayek. The following links are Ron and Rand Paul on Hayek:



31 posted on 08/27/2011 1:33:23 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau
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To: PhilipFreneau
Ron Paul is a strict constructionist

It is my understanding that Ron Paul opposes foreign aid on constitutional grounds. In 1791, the President, George Washington; the Vice President, John Adams; and the Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, all approved an act of appropriations by Congress to pay tribute to Morocco.

From the perspective of the Constitution, there is no substantive difference between tribute and aid since neither is addressed.

If Ron Paul is a strict constructionist, then how does he explain Congress' action here, and his own interpretation of the Constitution regarding foreign aid.

32 posted on 08/27/2011 1:45:09 AM PDT by csense
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To: csense

We shouldn’t give OUR money to anyone. Look at our country now. F that.

33 posted on 08/27/2011 1:50:32 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: pacman50
We shouldn’t give OUR money to anyone. Look at our country now. F that.

I'm arguing a principle, not making a personal statement and considering I've asked this question twice before with no response, I'd like someone to comment on it.

34 posted on 08/27/2011 1:59:01 AM PDT by csense
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To: csense

In fact...I want MY money back. It is being stolen from me at threat of imprisonment and given to crack addicts and banks. I want to keep what I earn. If you like giving to people who don’t work or to the ultra rich.... go ahead, I am an average joe...and I WANT MY money. Too much to ask?

35 posted on 08/27/2011 1:59:49 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: csense

I am answering you. Things have changed now. 16 trillion in debt enough for you?

36 posted on 08/27/2011 2:01:06 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: pacman50

“If China invaded the USA and was spreading “Communisim” with the barrel of gun.”

Democratic republicanism is morally superior to Communism. All of those men and women with purple fingers did not fear American guns.

37 posted on 08/27/2011 2:06:44 AM PDT by hocndoc ('ve got a mustard seed and I'm not afraid to use it.)(RIAing))
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To: csense

Oh...and I see you were a Marine. Thank you for serving sir. I have a lot of friends that are former Marines and my son will be joining in a few years.

38 posted on 08/27/2011 2:07:29 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: hocndoc

I take it you mean the Iraqis? The country is a joke. Do you think we are really helping? Sure small pockets here and there. Do you really think that Judeo Christian values will take ahold in Iraq? C’mon....ask anyone that has served....once we leave it is going back. We are ruling with a gun.

39 posted on 08/27/2011 2:10:38 AM PDT by pacman50 (2nd Amendment=Freedom)
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To: pacman50
I am answering you.

Yes, I know you're answering me, but you're not addressing the argument. Thank you for your responses anyway....

40 posted on 08/27/2011 2:12:14 AM PDT by csense
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