In Ron Paul and Rand Paul we see a revival of the Old Right - anti-Semitic (to some people, anti-Zionist Entity), isolationist, sympathetic to fascist regimes, state’s rights even when the state violates the civil rights of some citizens, and anti-Federalist with longings for a kinder, gentler version of the old Confederacy.
A good litmus test is to ask one of these super-patriots what he thinks of Abraham Lincoln, whether we should have fought the Nazis, and whether there was a need for civil rights legislation. If you ask about Israel, you may be treated to a diatribe about how we can’t hear the “truth” about Zionism because “those people” control everything. There are some people who are at least partly fascist but they try to hide it with libertarian slogans. There are good people who are libertarians, there are others who might have some libertarian ideas in economics but who have a toxic brew of really bad ideas in other areas.
>>>...sympathetic to fascist regimes...<<<
Do you RINO’s ever get tired of name-calling?
Fascists are big-government socialists. Ron Paul is the antithesis of a fascist. If you read a little history, you will find that the fascists take control of the economy and industry. In other words, you end up with a nationalized auto industry (e.g, like GM and Chrysler, or “Government Motors”), nationalized finance (like Dodd-Frank and the bailouts), etc.. In other words, you will have a leader like Barrack Obama.
Abe Lincoln was a true tyrant, and his much-heralded Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave. He banned slavery in the Southern states (where he had no control), but allowed slavery in the Northern states. So, slaves under his control remained slaves until after the war. His own general, Ulysses Grant, kept his slaves until after the war. Lincoln was slicker than Bill Clinton.
But I am not as eloquent as some, so I quote the unapologetic historical scholar, Thomas J. DiLorenzo:
“It was Lincoln who, immediately upon taking office, declared himself dictator, ignored the Constitution, abolished civil liberty in the Northern states, and waged total war on fellow citizens, killing 300,000 of them because they no longer consented to being governed by Washington, D.C. and politicians like himself. He did all of this on behalf of an abstraction he labeled “the mystic chords of union.” This was not unlike how future tyrants would kill hundreds of thousands, or millions, of their own people for the sake of “creating socialist man,” “the master race,” and other collectivist abstractions.”
In other words, Lincoln was a fascist tyrant.
I noticed in your personal profile that you are a fan of Friedrich Hayek. The following links are Ron and Rand Paul on Hayek:
“Paleoconservatism” (AKA the “Old Right”) never existed as a viable political theory, like Conservatism. It’s basically neo-confederatism-— the belief that the states can secede and that the Articles of Confederation are superior to the Constitution.
To be fair to RuPaul, he’s not a neo-confederate (or at very least open about it) but many of his stormtroopers are.
Rand Paul’s platform is very different from Ru’s. Rand is a Republican with a libertarian streak, Rupaul....well, is a whack job.