“...a report by an unnamed researcher...”
WND contacted Virginia’s mother Clara, 83, who is living in Wahiawa on Oahu.
Clara told WND by telephone she did not have Virginia’s birth certificate and she was not interested in applying to the Hawaii Department of Health to see what birth records might be on file regarding her daughter.
The Obots gotten to the Sunahara family???
If true, it would be purely Satanic of the regime to defraud the public with the dead and mouldering corpse of a baby
Think what you will, but when someone goes to great pains to conceal a fact and then produces proof of that fact only after a long delay, and then under duress, one has to be suspicious.
Oh, you must mean our very own FReeper Ladyforest!!!
Doug Vogt proves forgery/fraud...
If this is to have any credibility at all, it needs to appear in someplace other than World Nut Daily.
That is all.
This seems very logical to me. Bambi’s granny had connections at the vital records dept., and I’m sure she (or somebody else in that corrupt circle radiating out from her husband and Frank Marshall Davis) would have known that the way to get a false identity is to steal one from a recently born and deceased infant.
That said, I don’t think Obama was born in Kenya. I think it’s much more likely that he was born in British Columbia (around but a little earlier than the official birth date), which was why his mother could be reporting for classes at university in Washington State only a couple of weeks later.
He still wouldn’t have been an American citizen if he’d been born in Canada, so the grandparents took steps to remedy this.
The BC/NBC controversy WILL not die, and SHOULD not die.
Too much OBVIOUSLY STINKS about it.
Those determined to hide Obama's secrets had perhaps already decided that they could use a dead girl's number but they didn't wish to commit to it unnecessarily.
There really was no good explanation for blacking out the number. Now we can believe that the good explanation is that the number is out of order and reveals a discrepancy in Obama's story.
What sort of person would ask someone for the birth certificate of their dead baby?
“the Obama administration secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a Yes vote on a referendum on a comprehensive new constitution that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Shariah, or Islamic law, tribunals.”
Jerome, Corsi (2011). Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President (Kindle Locations 1192-1194). WND Books. Kindle Edition.
——end of excerpt
What the heck?! Has this just been one long lifelock commercial and we’re just now getting to the punchline?
the White House BC appears to be copied from a book, curved left edge. But some typed words are not. Sex is curved, male is not, appears to have been inserted.
Gannett woman: Dad delivered Obama
Dr. David Sinclairs signature is on presidents birth certificate
Express Staff Writer
Sinclair-McClatchy last week forwarded to the Idaho Mountain Express copies of a will signed by her father, Dr. David Sinclair, in 1966. Her father’s signature appears to match a signature on Obama’s birth certificate that has been circulated on the Internet. Obama’s birth certificate states that he was born in the Hawaiian city of Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961.
Comment section:
05/18/11 - 09:20
The box for attendant’s signature does not mean that that person delivered the baby. It can simply mean that a live infant was brought in and the person signed that the infant was alive.
...Madelyn Dunham moved from teller to Vice President of the Hawaii National Bank in a record period of time...The Ford Foundation dumped plenty of money through the Hawaii National Bank to support micro-finance.Madelyn was also a probate volunteer so would have had access to any death certificates coming in remember the death certificates have the birth certificate numbers on them.
If the stolen social security number belongs to someone who actually died in Hawaii or California (he may have been vacationing in Hawaii), it would lend more credence to Madelyn Dunhams attempt to secure a social security card for grandson Obamawho apparently started calling himself that without formally changing his name.