WND contacted Virginia’s mother Clara, 83, who is living in Wahiawa on Oahu.
Clara told WND by telephone she did not have Virginia’s birth certificate and she was not interested in applying to the Hawaii Department of Health to see what birth records might be on file regarding her daughter.
The Obots gotten to the Sunahara family???
Or she is an 83 year old woman who doesn't want to re-live the loss of a child and wants people to leave her alone.
I find it strange that so called 'birthers' are painted as some 'fringe group'.
I would submit that Obama's concern for 'The World' at the expense of America's interests clearly demonstrates why the framers of the Constitution included the 'birther' clause.
By the way, the Allman Brothers rock.
The Obots gotten to the Sunahara family???
I wish that World Net Daily would have asked the dead girl's 83 year old mother the following questions that bother me. Of course, I would hope that World Net daily would be very gentle with the 83 year old mother when it asked the following questions:
1. What was the name of the hospital where you had your baby? If not Kapiolani, was your daughter ever a patient at Kapiolani in Aug. 1961?
2. Dr. Sinclair: What was the name of the doctor who delivered your baby? Was he the doctor who you visited regularly during your pregnancy, that is, was he your family doctor? Was his name Dr. Sinclair? If not Dr. Sinclair, then what was your family doctor's name?
3. What time was your baby born on Aug. 4, 1961? ( I would like to compare that time to the time that Obama was born, if Dr. Sinclair delivered both babies.)
4. OBAMA'S MOTHER'S SIGNATURE on Obama's long form birth certificate makes me feel very uncomfortable for these reasons:
a. I believe that most us---when we see a space on a document where we are to write our names--- try to make sure that we write small enough to fit our name into the space available.
b. But on Obama's long form birth certificate, it looks like the person who wrote "Ann Dunham Obama" wrote the name too big for the space and, as an afterthought, wrote "Stanley" in parenthesis in the left hand corner of the space. To me, it was bizarre to see "Stanley" written above the main body of the signature, but it was even more bizarre to see "Stanley" in parenthesis.
c. "Stanley" not only looks like an afterthought to me, it looks like it was very clumsily written. And why in the world would Obama's mother put "Stanley" in parentheses? It makes "Stanley" appear as if it is not really part of the name written in the main part of the space.
d. To me, when I see a statement or a word in parenthesis on a piece of paper, I feel that the writer is telling me that what is in parenthesis is not as important as what is written OUTSIDE the parenthesis. (For instance, this sentence is in parenthesis, and even if said that I have concrete evidence that Obama was born in Chicago, the parenthesis around this statement makes it appear as if it is not as important as what is outside the parenthesis.)
5. Some posters suggested that Obama's mother may have gone by her middle name of "Ann" most of her life instead of her first name "Stanley", and that is why she wrote "Stanley" in parenthesis AFTER she had already written "Ann Dunham Obama". and after she realized that she did not leave enough space to write "Stanley".
6. But I saw a picture of Obams'a mother on the internet that she signed for a friend. Obama's mother signed "Stanley."
7. My point is this: It looks to me that Obama's mother often, and maybe all the time, signed her name "Stanley" and not just "Ann."
8. If we could find examples of Obama's signature before and around 1961, we might be able to find out if she always used "Ann" instead of using "Stanley" when she signed papers like high school papers or legal papers like a Social Security application. (Yes, I have seen Obama's mother's Social Security application on the internet, and the signature looks similar to the signature on Obama's long form birth certificate except for the obvious way "Stanley" is given prominence on the Social Security application and it is NOT written in parenthesis.)
9. Again, I wish World Net Daily could ask the little girl's mother if Dr. Sinclair delivered her baby on Aug. 4, 1961; if the little girl or the mother was a patient at Kapiolani Hospital around Aug. 4, 1961, and if the mother remembers the name of her family doctor at the time.
Are not deceased’s records in the public domain?