If this is to have any credibility at all, it needs to appear in someplace other than World Nut Daily.
That is all.
Well, we already know that our MSM is full of treasonous bastards. Perhaps the Brits would be so kind as to help us out a little. As we all know, history is written by the victors. If we are unable to save ourselves, no one in the world will know how we went down unless someone in the foreign press manages to keep a record for future generations.
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace Thomas Paine
If 0’bs father was a British subject, it doesn’t matter which whore house he was born in or in what country. It’s time for the SCOTUS, CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. to stop aiding and abeting treason and do their job.
No one else will touch it. That doesn’t mean the story should die. WND has been steadfast on this despite attacks on its credibility. There is something he’s hiding and it will be uncovered in due time.
Right - Dan Rather has to present it on CBS, then it will be credible.