No Silky Pony #2!
Donald covers all the National Enquirer type issues about Obama’s past that inquiring minds want to know and a legitimate candidate cannot ask for fear of being branded a nut by the liberal MSM.
Nope. Donald Chump hates the Right. Soros bailed him out in 2008 and he regularly bashed Bush and wants more deficit spending social programs.
Chump’s job is to throw incendiary verbal order to rally the Left to support 0bama.
Chump is the rich white guy attacking the first Black President.
It’s a setup.
If The Donald exposes the Zero for the fraud he is, then good on him.
But as a serious Republican candidate for President......PUH-LEEZ!
There’s still 8 months before the first Primary vote is even cast .... is Trump wants to single-handedly destroy the House of Obama, let him, it helps us in the long run.
we NEED Obama - and the Democrats - weakened, and Trump’s doing it for free. And now he’s fighting “only with one arm”, wait 2 months till he’s free of the TV series and can concentrate full-time on the Usurper ....!
If The Donald exposes the Zero for the fraud he is, then good on him.
But as a serious Republican candidate for President......PUH-LEEZ!
Military on the Mexican border
In favor of repealing ObamaCare
Wants to take the economic fight to the Chinese
Iraqs oil until were paid back
Birth Certificate issue
Lower tax rates
Against gun control
Against raising the debt ceiling
Fill administration positions with competent people not political appointees.
Will undo Obama World Apology Tour
Wants the rest of the world to fear us
Pro-traditional marriage
No 911 Mosque, too insensitive
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Never held elected office
Loves America
Knows better than to introduce a Win The Future (WTF) slogan
And, my favorite in-your-face,
Pi$$es off Karl Rove
I agree that he is doing a service by bringing issues into the debate that too many have been afraid to discuss - especially our rotten deal making with other countries. It was mind boggling when Carter gave up the Panama Canal and it’s just gotten worse. Liberating Iraq and Kuwait at the expense of the American taxpayer - and getting no concessions at all for this - it’s NUTS! Finally it’s being discussed openly.
The idea that Trump would divest himself of his assets in order to do the rigorous and grueling job of POTUS just doesn’t make sense. I think he just wants to be ringing the alarm until these issues are part of the mainstream 2012 campaign platforms.
“The actual answer is irrelevant . but it and Trumps role are incredibly valuable and important to Conservatives.”
Personally, I don’t consider Trump a serious candidate; but, as you point out he can serve an important role by showing most of the GOP candidates how it should be done. The fight has got to be taken to the ‘rats; and, most of the spineless GOP’ers don’t want to/won’t do that. Run, Sarah/Michelle/West/Demint, run.
I think his business instincts sense a con.
to the extent he can be the lightning rod during the primaries, more power to him ... as the nominee? not so much.
Now, where could that support be coming from? It doesn't look like it's the Illegal, since Trump's really pounding him and pressuring the pubbies to do the same. If what he's doing really angers the other Dems in NYC, they don't seem to be saying too much and definitely don't seem to be trying to retaliate against him economically, something they could readily do through building permits, environmental permits, etc.
That leads me to believe there are a lot of Dems, particularly the Clintons, who are out to get the Illegal and are using the Donald as their willing front man. He's perfect because he speaks with a loud voice and, by running as a pubbie, diverts all attention from the Clintons. That's essential for the Witch, who can't have her fingerprints on a takedown of the Illegal lest she lose black support. I also suspect the Trump run is being allowed because many Dems are horrified about the 2010 election’s results, blame the Illegal, and want him gone but see no way to do it other than through Trump's indirect, entirely deniable attack.
The management style of knowing how to pick capable people for a job, and knowing how to delegate responsibilities to those capable people, that management style works everywhere it's tried. Actually, it probably the only style that can work in a job as complex as the US presidency.
Then it's matter patience and having reasonable expectations considering the realities one is dealing with, and having feedback mechanism to assess progress.
This dude has said nothing convincing that supports a notion that Trump could not function in the presidency.
Good post, but I have faith in the gutlessness of the Republican Party.
Trump could hand them a precise map of what he is doing and how to take advantage of it, but our fearless GOP presidential wannabees would find a way to screw it up. Each and every one of them will be finding a way to polish Zero’s butt, they are scared to death of being caught criticizing him.
The premise of the article is flawed. It assumes Trump’s bottom line is always money. It’s not; Trump’s bottom line is ego.
Take Paul Newman—an guy that made a huge amount of money acting. He loaned his name to a salad dressing company “on a lark”, as he put it. He later said the amount of money he made from the salad dressing dwarfed his earnings as an actor.
The real money is made behind the scenes, not in front of a camera.
Do people realize Trump probably lost money by doing the apprentice, relative to the other business activities he could have used that time on.
Trump has already shown he is willing to forgo some amount of profit in the name of self ego.
Now what kind of ego boost is Trump looking for? He’s at the age when he probably wants to make some mark for himself in the history books.
And the fact is, in history books, politicians get most of the copy. Even the great industrialsts of the past are little more than footnotes in modern history books (if even that). Yet everyone knows who Henry Douglas is. And what was Douglas’ claim to fame: a series of debates with Abraham Lincoln.
Often the best conservative is a former Democrat, like Reagan. They know how the Democrats operate. I don’t think Trump will run but he can perform a valuable service by shining the light of day on Obama, blazing a trail for the Republican nominee. People who have told me they like him are for the most part non-political independent types. If he can get them to listen-—that’s a plus.