Military on the Mexican border
In favor of repealing ObamaCare
Wants to take the economic fight to the Chinese
Iraqs oil until were paid back
Birth Certificate issue
Lower tax rates
Against gun control
Against raising the debt ceiling
Fill administration positions with competent people not political appointees.
Will undo Obama World Apology Tour
Wants the rest of the world to fear us
Pro-traditional marriage
No 911 Mosque, too insensitive
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Never held elected office
Loves America
Knows better than to introduce a Win The Future (WTF) slogan
And, my favorite in-your-face,
Pi$$es off Karl Rove
Exactly. Trump could never be elected, NOR WOULD HE WANT TO BE.... but he can cram those issues down Obama’s throat.... and help elect a candidate who agrees with him!
Your list is getting longer! Cool!