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Georgia scientist pleads guilty to punching girl on ski slopes (41yr old man punches 14yr girl) ^
| 3-9-11
Posted on 03/09/2011 10:48:36 AM PST by rawhide
A Decatur man accused of punching a 14-year-old girl in the face for running into his son on the slopes in Colorado has pleaded guilty to third-degree assault.
The Vail Daily reported Tuesday that the plea from 41-year-old Scott Filler, a renowned malaria expert, was for a misdemeanor stemming from the December incident at Beaver Creek Ski Resort.
Police reports say Filler thought the teen was skiing carelessly when she bumped into his 4-year-old son. Eagle County sheriff's deputies say that's when he jumped on the girl and hit her with his fist. The girl said she was swerving to avoid another skier.
District Attorney Mark Hurlbert says Filler was sentenced to anger management classes and restitution, the amount of which would be determined by the girl.
Prosecutors also sought community service, but Hurlbert says the judge fined Filler $500 instead.
Three witnesses told deputies they observed Filler punch girl between two and four times.
The ski instructor who pulled the Decatur man off the girl told deputies Filler punched her "at least four times, using a closed fist," sheriff's Lt. Mike McWilliam told the AJC. Two other witnesses said they observed Filler yell at the girl before landing two or three punches, the sheriff's office spokesman said.
Filler, charged with misdemeanor child abuse, told deputies he thought the girl was skiing carelessly and had seriously injured his son. The boy was not hurt, however, and Filler apologized. The girl was treated for minor injuries at a local medical center.
Her father requested charges be filed against Filler, who was banned for life from Vail's six ski resorts.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: filler; girl; punch; ski
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To: metmom
"I like that. Can I steal it?"
Go ahead ... I took the picture off the net as well ...
posted on
03/10/2011 5:13:03 AM PST
(Nuke Austin from orbit .... it's the only way to be sure.)
To: Hot Tabasco; metmom
"I've had people run into me in ski lift lines..."
I have been skiing once in my life, at Garmisch while stationed at Wildflecken, Germany. The guy from my unit who took me was a very experienced skier and was very patient with me trying to control myself on the beginner slope.
He broke his leg after the first hour, running into a tree while avoiding me when I lost control. He went to the hospital and I finished out the day on the intermediate slope (with little more control than I had when I started).
The most exciting thing to happen to me that day was trying to catch the ^&#^@^% T-bar to go up the slope. It was supposed to be across the small of my back/upper buttocks ... well, it dropped down to my knees and the (*#&$& thing dragged me halfway up the hill before I got loose ... it filled the entire back of my coat with snow as well.
posted on
03/10/2011 5:31:13 AM PST
(Nuke Austin from orbit .... it's the only way to be sure.)
To: Politicalmom
Something about this thread has had me thinking of Golda Meir and something she said. Something like "
Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us." Now why would that come to mind?
Anyway, interesting parenting skills we see discussed here.
posted on
03/10/2011 5:31:27 AM PST
(Somewhere, my flower is there. ~ Þ)
To: BlueLancer
well, it dropped down to my knees and the (*#&$& thing dragged me halfway up the hill before I got loose ..
I think I've seen you at every resort I've ever skied......You sure do get around. LOL!
posted on
03/10/2011 5:42:11 AM PST
Hot Tabasco
(Oh Magoo, you've done it again.....)
To: metmom
From the link.... The girl was on a beginner run in a ski-school class, and apparently fell alongside Fillers son, writes the Vail Daily.
Imagine that. They tumbled into each other.
She sure deserved getting beat up for that. /s
Yes. It's unbelievable. Our society is becoming more and more uncivilized.
posted on
03/10/2011 6:56:49 AM PST
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: DoughtyOne
“Look, you suggested it would be wise to study this guy. For the life of me, I cant see a reason for it unless it was to gain a way to prevent further crimes like this.”
“Some crimes you cant prevent. You are left with conviction and sentencing.”
Before you can convict, you must catch. Profiling helps catch criminals. It is not of interest to you, I get that.
“Look, if were going to talk about what seems silly and pointless, lets just accept that so far you have understood nothing that pertains to this case.
I find that less than fantastic.”
Silly and pointless to you because you don’t get it.
It is quite normal for ego-centric humans to have difficulty admitting that they don’t understand something.
It appears that the mental giants on this thread have been unable to grasp the distinction between understanding something and defending something.
One can be done without the other.
posted on
03/10/2011 7:04:26 AM PST
(Live long and prosper)
To: BykrBayb
Your cards are showing.
That which we speak exposes us.
A profiler would have a field day with your brief comment.
posted on
03/10/2011 7:11:49 AM PST
(Live long and prosper)
To: BykrBayb
Dude. You are one obsessed dude. Get a life.
posted on
03/10/2011 7:27:52 AM PST
To: org.whodat
Punching a kid in this case is the only thing I see as reckless.
I’ve been a skier for almost 40 years. How about you?
posted on
03/10/2011 7:27:52 AM PST
Jack of all Trades
(Hold your face to the light, even though for the moment you do not see.)
To: DoughtyOne
Like I said, it’s really a shame the rest of the world is not as perfect as some FReepers.
One mistake or accident that they are ready to damn her to hell as a murderer.
I feel sorry for their kids when they aren’t perfect. What tyranny.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:07:10 AM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: sport
You're probably right - my take was that the person involved was condemned MORE than the 28 black men who raped the 11 year old Hispanic child. When that happens it's usually hatred for the politics of the person more than the 'crime'.
Another example is the number of times the MSM will report that an SUV ran down a person - or caused a crash etc... BUT they'll never report it that way if the accident was caused by a Prius. Same with crime - when a white person does a violent a crime, race leads the story. When a black person commits a violent crime, race is hidden.
I was pointing out the potential for bias in reporting more than 'knowing' the politics of the person. I assumed he was conservative BECAUSE of the way it was covered.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:08:22 AM PST
( - It's only uncivil when someone on the right does it.- Laz)
To: Mila
The girl bumped into a 4-year-old boy who had been skiing with his father on the same run, McWilliam said. The boy and girl fell, the statement said. She BUMPED into him and they fell.
The father of the 4-year-old boy said he thought his son had been seriously hurt and that the girl had been skiing carelessly, McWilliam said.
And the father lied to try to save his butt and excuse his reprehensible behavior. And of course, his son was not the one skiing carelessly, now was he?
It's all her fault.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:12:24 AM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: wintertime
I hope she doesn't come to Deer Valley this week, while I'm there. Why? What do you plan on doing to her?
posted on
03/10/2011 9:17:41 AM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: Cvengr
Maybe the parent was in the wrong. Maybe? Is assault legal where you come from? Because that's exactly what he did.
And as far as I know, assault is illegal in every state.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:19:59 AM PST
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: Politicalmom
Even the guy admits to punching the girl in the face. And yes, testifying would be a new hardship. We can’t complain about crime though, and then when we have the opportunity to have a criminal put behind bars, wimp out and let them walk the streets.
I’m not upset with your take on it. I can understand your point of view. This is just how I see it.
Take care.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:23:06 AM PST
(Here's the proof of Obama's U. S. citizenship: " " Good enough for our 3 branches...)
To: SeeSac
Not obsessed. Just honest. I guess when someone changes their story every five minutes, they think anyone who doesn’t is obsessive. You could stand by what you’ve already said without being considered obsessive. If you wanted to.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:41:38 AM PST
(Somewhere, my flower is there. ~ Þ)
To: Paytriot
I don’t mind showing my cards. I have nothing to hide. I can see why you might be concerned though.
posted on
03/10/2011 9:42:50 AM PST
(Somewhere, my flower is there. ~ Þ)
To: Paytriot
Look, you suggested it would be wise to study this guy. For the life of me, I cant see a reason for it unless it was to gain a way to prevent further crimes like this.
Yes, bingo. Except that you can't prevent this sort of crime. In practical terms you would have to have profiles of every person who wanted to go to these slopes. Then you would have to set up a review process before people could go to the slopes. And then you would have to deny some of them access based on your profiles that at best can't actually depict what WILL happen, only what could possibly happen. In practical terms you would have to have some policing agency involved, to deny access and enforce. Talk about your police state level situation...
And then what do you do with foreigners who travel to Vail as well? They would have to be screened too.
And yet, you don't seem to want to acknowledge this reality.
Some crimes you cant prevent. You are left with conviction and sentencing.
Before you can convict, you must catch. Profiling helps catch criminals. It is not of interest to you, I get that.
Look, we're talking about a guy on the slopes who was caught within moments. No, it is not of interest to me that you profile this guy. It's pointless.
As far as we know, this guy didn't have a record. So your profiling would have to include 100% of the populace, not just people who had a criminal history.
Look, if were going to talk about what seems silly and pointless, lets just accept that so far you have understood nothing that pertains to this case.
I find that less than fantastic.
Silly and pointless to you because you dont get it.
What's to get? There is no rational basis for desiring this person be profiled. He's 41 years old. He evidently has had a clean record. How would a profile of him have prevented this crime?
You've already tried to trash me for saying you'd have to involve the police to make sure this guy couldn't participate on the slopes. And then there's the other people. You'd have to do the same thing with every one of them. Your premise gives new meaning to silly and pointless, and yet here you are trying to put me down for pointing out what an exercise in futility this would be.
It is quite normal for ego-centric humans to have difficulty admitting that they dont understand something.
So far, you have been unable to understand my point of view here. Let me break it down for you.
To have prevented this crime, you would have had to...
1. either have a profile on record for every citizen and non-citizen who wanted to vacation at Vail, or develop one for the people you didn't
2. you would have had to have a reporting process in place so that you would know who wanted to attend
3. you would have to have a massive staff in place to review and develop profiles
4. this massive staff would have to be reviewing the profiles of every person wanting to attend all other public places (If it makes sense for Vail, it would make sense for every public venue)
5. some law enforcement agency would have to enforce the pass/fail determinations
6. one simple mistake in someone's life (meaning just about every human on the planet), would be barred from visiting Vail
7. any person with a young child would have to be barred from the mountain, since this person might over-react as this father did
8. Vail would fail as an enterprise, because nobody would be able to go there, because they 'might' be a threat
It appears that the mental giants on this thread have been unable to grasp the distinction between understanding something and defending something.
Can't tell you how much I appreciate the inferrence you might think I was a mental giant. I don't actually, but what the hey...
One can be done without the other.
Yes it can, if it is logical to do so. Here it clearly isn't.
posted on
03/10/2011 10:04:53 AM PST
(Here's the proof of Obama's U. S. citizenship: " " Good enough for our 3 branches...)
To: metmom
I saw one person, a woman who shocked me with the tone of her post seeking to destroy the girl who was beaten.
Wow. It was so far over the top, it wasn’t even worth responding to.
Sheesh indeed...
posted on
03/10/2011 10:11:38 AM PST
(Here's the proof of Obama's U. S. citizenship: " " Good enough for our 3 branches...)
To: metmom
Why? What do you plan on doing to her?
I am more afraid of what she will do to **me**!
I had a close call last week, while using my telemark skis on a green slope. An out of control skier missed me by a few inches.
However...I did read from another poster that the girl was in a ski class. I suspect that the ski instructor had his student skiing too closely together, or that the girl had been put in a class beyond her ability. The incident may partly be the fault of the ski school.( Just a guess.)
The girl is probably a very nice young lady.
By the way, did you note that I did post that the father's behavior was completely inappropriate. In fact it was outrageous.
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