Conservatives are more charitable.
On a particular issue a conservative will ask, “What do you think about that?”
A liberal will ask concerning the same issue, “How does that make you feel?”
Liberals believe that both guns and gun rights advocates are evil.
Conservatives believe a gun is an inaminate tool, and its use or misuse is up to the individual.
Just a start... somebody take it from here?
The thing I’ve noticed the most is that libs or Dems simply don’t pay attention as much as conservatives. My three lib sisters are uniformly ignorant about practically every issue you can think of. They represent the thinking or non-thinking of most libs.
Conservatives have bigger families.
Conservatives are better Christians than liberals
This is like saying “males make better men than females do”.
Biblical Christianity and liberal beliefs are in total opposition to each other. Liberalism is inherently based on humanism and/or atheism.
Liberals display racism more than Conservatives
Well, that was a start. It particularly struck me when the author talked about how liberals can only accept Christianity if it’s watered down to the point where they are pro-abortion and pro other liberal ideas.
So true.
I have noticed that liberals, despite their repeated calls to the contrary, want to impose their beliefs on others while conservatives do not.
Disagree with #2 - I think liberals are evil - those that aren’t shockingly naive are evil.
Conservative women are far better looking than liberal women
Liberals are “one issue” oriented.
If they are pro-abortion they would support ANY candidate who will allow them to have abortions. Same with ‘gay’ rights.
You could be a DECLARED nazi socialist muslim terrorist and they would still support you if you were pro-gay.
And they think the government can solve any problem with their pet isssue.
In a sense, everything is political. By that, I mean that any given individual's entire weltanschauung is reflected in their politics, their religious beliefs, and in fact, virtually every interaction they have with their fellow human beings.
The primary differences between contemporary American conservatives and liberals can largely be found in the Declaration of Independence. Conservatives call upon "the laws of nature and nature's God," and "unalienable rights." Conservatives identify absolute baselines in truth and morality and assess the world around them in how closely things approach, or deviate from those ideals. Liberals live in a realm of moral relativism and situational ethics. Liberals live in a paradoxical cloud in which they accept as their only absolute rule the premise that "there are no absolutes." Both views apply not only to their respective view of politics but virtually every other aspect of their lives as well...economics, diversions and hobbies, sexual relationships, work, charity, etc.
When it comes to the individual's relationship to the state, a conservative who believes in the immortality of the soul, views one's citizenship and membership of the state as a transient identity, albeit it one with duties and responsibilities. The soul will outlast the state, and indeed, many governments do not outlive the average human lifetime. A conservative views the state (consistent with the Declaration of Independence) as something instituted to serve the individual and protect his unalienable rights.
A hard left, liberal secularist sees the individual as subordinate to the state, and views the state as an entity to be servedby the individual.
Virtually every difference between "conservatives" and "liberals" derives from these dichotomies.
Take violence, for example. I think the template for violence was establish a long time ago with Hollywood. The movie Easy Rider (1968) shows the hippies are peaceful and the rednecks are violent. From that its easy to make the connections that hippies = peaceful = Democrats and rednecks = violent = Republicans. That is what Hollywood has given us ever since the 60s: the conceptual building blocks that form our views. We grew up with this in the air since kids.
In the movie Pleasantville (90s) people go back in time to remake the 50s into the morally lax, peaceful, colorful 60s. The mayor is a holdout and is violent Republican. And this brings up another point: if the Republicans arent rednecks they are a cabal of evil business men who use violence for profit (Sum of all Fears, Shooter, etc.). Again, to reiterate the template: hippie = peaceful, non materialistic, cool = Democrats; Rednecks and businessmen = violent, materialistic, uncool (look at Mr. Lebowsky from the Big Lebowsky) = Republicans. As well, Democrats are young and say yes, Republicans are old and say no. This is what Hollywood wants you to think and, more importantly, wants you to feel is true.
Liberals smell worse than Conservatives, and they are uglier too. :)
The difference between liberals and conservatives mirrors the difference between urban dwellers and rural folks.
Urban dwellers are dependent on services brought to them. Rural folks take care of themselves.
Urban dwellers are far less in touch with the natural cycles of life/death, and nature in general. Rural folks know it all too well.
Urban dwellers have too much time on their hands. Rural folks are busy using their hands.
Urban dwellers look down on rural folks. Rural folks pity urban dwellers.
Urban dwellers don’t bother looking up at the stars because they have all the light they need. Rural dwellers look up and see the hand of God.
Urban dwellers preach about saving the environment. Rural folks know that to be a true environmentalist, live where the environment will kill you. You’ll learn to be a true environmentalist real fast.
There are those urban dwellers who have the rural soul, but many have forgotten that it is the individual, not the state that created that urban environment they live in.
I don't know whether it's because Liberals are less empathetic than Conservatives, merely less tactful, or actively antagonistic - or maybe (((shudder))) I happen to give off a strong Liberal vibe to strangers, but I've never had anyone (i.e., someone who didn't already know my political leanings) blithely complain to me about the "current administration" except when Republicans were in office.
In other words: Liberals are much more daring in simply assuming that they already know your political persuasion and/or that you'll be in agreement with them when they bad-mouth Republican politicians and/or administrations, while Conservatives will not be so arrogant as to assume in advance that they know your stance.
Anyone else ever encounter this phenomenon?
As Ann Coulter opined, liberals not only think that it's okay to lie, but that lying (about everything) is a sort of sporting event with them.
I think that (as a group) the tacit acceptance and approval of lies as a cornerstone one's political belief system is a form of hysteria... leftists lie, then believe their own falsehoods as a way of feeling like a member of the gang.