...clinton heard they were starting to talk
Aren’t things like this also a sign that a massive earthquake may be coming?
Arkansas bebers going wild?
.......I smell Hillary.........
bad Omen
Where was Rahmbo?
Possible Signs of Chemical Threat
* Many people suffering from watery eyes, twitching, choking, having trouble breathing or losing coordination.
* Many sick or dead birds, fish or small animals are also cause for suspicion.
Some other news source said the birds had undergone “trauma.”. I guess they meant “pre-impact.”
There are some strong indicators that the Arkansas River Valley, from Hot Springs West, to about Norman, Oklahoma, may be smack dab over an unmapped caldera.
Importantly, drum fish are bottom feeders, so would be particularly sensitive to toxic gases percolating up from fumeroles through the river bottom, that would be dispersed higher up by the running water. The most toxic of these gases include Hydrogen Fluoride, Hydrogen Sulfide, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid.
What is happening in Arkansas?
maybe they all joined a cult and then....never mind...where would they get all that Coolaid.
This sounds like something from the show “Flash Forward” that was on last year. Liked the premise, but they took so long to get to “The Event” that I got bored at the end.
Likely natural, nature does this often.
Hail storms or a tornado that picks up gravel or even hypothermia can explain the birds.
As for the fish there have been Drum kills due to a viral infection all around the country first notced in 2003, but they have happened before, and will happen again.
If you’re looking for doom and gloom, it can be found in nature without looking very hard, and most of it isn’t due to Us at all.
top down ... bottom up ... inside out
Ichthyologists and ornithologists unite....
Dead fish?
Rahm Emmanuel must be in the neighborhood.
A pattern is emerging here, where the quantity increases exponentially while the species changes with each passing story. Thousands of birds, then hundreds of thousands of fish. My prediction next: Billions of Ants.
Damn the bottom feeders died off. Gee is that what is going to happen tto the lawyers in America too they are the bottom feeders. I can remember as a youngster 7-9 years of age when we visited relatives in Missouri and we went fishing with bottles of bleach. Putting bleach in the creek and suddenly the fish were coming to the top to breath pulling fish out by the net fulls. a couple days later the Missouri DNR showed trying to figure the massive fish kill. (shh do not say anything, but I think someone went fishing and caught lots of fish and the not so good fish died.) cannot figure out what happened to the birds. blackbirds dying by the thousands with no visible sign.
Looking at a map (via mapquest), the incidents really weren’t that far apart if looking over the whole state, nor are they that far from the original epicenter of the New Madrid. Yeah, I probably have my Guessing Hat on too tight.
There was an earthquake in and around Damascus, Guy, and North Little Rock yesterday.