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Obama State Dept. Spokesman: Koran Burning Protest Same as 9/11 Attacks
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 | Kristinn

Posted on 09/07/2010 7:40:54 PM PDT by kristinn

Obama State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said on Tuesday that the planned protest by an obscure Florida Christian church in which Korans will be burned as "un-American" and "consistent" with the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks by the Muslim group known as al Qaeda that murdered nearly 3,000 Americans and foreign nationals that day.

Crowley was commenting on plans by the fifty-member Dove World Outreach Center in Gainseville, Florida, to mark the ninth anniversary of 9/11 on Saturday by burning around 200 Korans on the church's property.

According to the State Department transcript of Tuesday's briefing, Crowley equated the protest burning of the Koran to the gruesome, fiery deaths of thousands of innocents at the hands of Muslim terrorists as he sought to bring public pressure on the church to cancel the protest:

"We hope that between now and Saturday, there’ll be a range of voices across America that make clear to this community that this is not the way for us to commemorate 9/11. In fact, it is consistent with the radicals and bigot – with those bigots who attacked us on 9/11."

The press corps at the briefing did not question Crowley about his equating burning the Koran with the 9/11 attacks. However, they did press him on the First Amendment rights of the church.

Crowley acknowledged those rights, but only as a formality before rhetorically bludgeoning the church and its pastor, Terry Jones, for the planned protest. In addition to equating the church with al Qaeda, Crowley called the protest "un-American", even as he acknowledged that he would not call burning the American flag un-American.

The Obama administration had no problems last year letting it be known that it appeased Muslims by burning Christian Bibles brought to Afghanistan by evangelicals. However, when it comes to the Koran being burned, the Obama administration has used its unique position to bring the weight of the government down on the church to defend Islam.

The White House, the Pentagon, the Justice Department and the State Department have all used the most harsh and menacing language in an effort to intimidate the church from going through with the protest.

Spokesmen for the church said Tuesday they still plan to burn the Koran on Saturday. Pastor Jones said he has taken to carrying a firearm after receiving more than one hundred death threats.

TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: doveworld; hillary; hillaryclinton; impeachobama; islam; koran; liberalfascism; marxism; muslims; nohillary; obama; obamaburnedbibles; pjcrowley; whoisjohngalt
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1 posted on 09/07/2010 7:40:59 PM PDT by kristinn
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To: kristinn

comedy club

2 posted on 09/07/2010 7:42:41 PM PDT by yldstrk (My heros have always been cowboys)
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To: kristinn

Same as 9-11 except for the airplanes, right P.J.? Crowley is an idiot.

3 posted on 09/07/2010 7:43:34 PM PDT by FlingWingFlyer (Algore is a politician and a con artist. He is NOT a scientist.)
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To: kristinn

I’d say the same as Ground Zero mosque. Only President reacts differently... Should have said that they have a right to burn, but will not comment on the wisdom of it.

4 posted on 09/07/2010 7:44:45 PM PDT by alecqss
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To: kristinn

So does this mean that the Obama administration is going to declare war on Gainesville, Florida?

5 posted on 09/07/2010 7:44:59 PM PDT by Brilliant
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To: yldstrk

Except islam isn’t funny.

6 posted on 09/07/2010 7:45:06 PM PDT by ilovesarah2012 (Proud Infidel)
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To: kristinn

P.M.S. Crowley is a bigger disgrace.

7 posted on 09/07/2010 7:45:16 PM PDT by Anti-Bubba182
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To: kristinn

>> with those bigots who attacked us on 9/11

Oh, we were attacked by bigots. I had the crazy thought they were terrorists.

8 posted on 09/07/2010 7:46:08 PM PDT by Gene Eric (Your Hope has been redistributed. Here's your Change.)
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To: kristinn; xzins
Spokesmen for the church said Tuesday they still plan to burn the Koran on Saturday. Pastor Jones said he has taken to carrying a firearm after receiving more than one hundred death threats.

Has the Obama Justice Department or the FBI taken to investigating those threats or are they referring the matter to the IRS to strip the church of their Tax Exempt status?

9 posted on 09/07/2010 7:46:08 PM PDT by P-Marlowe (LPFOKETT GAHCOEEP-w/o*)
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To: kristinn

Oh geez.

10 posted on 09/07/2010 7:46:19 PM PDT by dfwgator
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To: kristinn

Tell the feds to get bent. Burn 2000 korans. Burn 10000. Use them to light the fire at a pork barbecue.

11 posted on 09/07/2010 7:46:53 PM PDT by ronnyquest (There's a communist living in the White House! Now, what are you going to do about it?)
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To: kristinn

Dayam! The things you see when you ain’t got yer bullwhip...

12 posted on 09/07/2010 7:47:18 PM PDT by bigheadfred (We built a tower of stone. With our flesh and bone. Just to see him fly .)
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To: kristinn
Obama State Department Spokesman: Koran Burning Protest As 9/11 Attacks

Then this:

must be the same as the beheading of Daniel Pearl, right?

13 posted on 09/07/2010 7:47:58 PM PDT by Steely Tom (Obama goes on long after the thrill of Obama is gone)
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To: kristinn

P.J. Crowley appears to have come to the State Department as a man on a mission. Before joining the Obama Administration, Mr. Crowley was “Senior Fellow and Director of Homeland Security” at the Center for American Progress, the leftist public policy think-tank. The Center receives funding from such liberal advocates as financier George Soros and mortgage billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler.

In February 2008, Mr. Crowley outlined his vision for a transformed approach to national security issues, in a position paper titled “Safe at Home: A National Security Strategy to Protect the American Homeland, the Real Central Front.” Examining the report, it’s not difficult to conclude that Mr. Crowley is a prime ideological architect of the Obama Administration’s national security strategy.

Mr. Crowley seems to have entered the State Department as an “agent of change,” and, so far, he appears to have been quite successful in helping to implement the ideas that he advocated in his position paper.

“Safe at Home” carries the sub-heading “Progressive Ideas for a Strong, Just, and Free America.” So even before the first page, Mr. Crowley makes clear the ideological bent of his report. The following are some of the more significant of Mr. Crowley’s “progressive ideas:”

14 posted on 09/07/2010 7:48:19 PM PDT by ilovesarah2012 (Proud Infidel)
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To: kristinn

So burning 200 books is equivalent to burning alive 3,000 people? Clearly, these people can no longer be taken seriously.

15 posted on 09/07/2010 7:48:39 PM PDT by Pete
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To: kristinn

Islam is a violent subjugating political cult. No wonder the left loves it.

16 posted on 09/07/2010 7:49:02 PM PDT by ResponseAbility (Prepare for battle and never forsake the Lord...unknown)
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To: yldstrk

when the hell is the GOP going to go after this radical justice, state homeland dept’s?

Always protect muslims , illegals put down America etc.

The far left called for Bush to be impeached which was stupid but when we have a admin totally not protecting this country and her interests then this is an impeachment case.

Now will you GOP get some balls and go after this crap for crying our loud?
You have the support of most Americans and yet you sit there being scared of PC and Soros

makes me sick to see a great country being overtaken like this while islam takes over our way of life and laws.

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To: kristinn

Nothing these twerps do surprise me anymore.

18 posted on 09/07/2010 7:49:36 PM PDT by Tzimisce (No thanks. We have enough government already. - The Tick)
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To: kristinn


This is inspiring me so-o-o-o much, I want to rush out, buy a box of Korans and burn them in my driveway. Come to think of it, that is a great opportunity to roast some bratwurst!

19 posted on 09/07/2010 7:50:00 PM PDT by SatinDoll (NO FOREIGN NATIONALS AS OUR PRESIDENT!)
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To: kristinn

Even before the Democratic nominee was chosen, Mr. Crowley was already calling upon President Bush’s successor to drop any use of the phrase “war on terror,” or any mention of the Islamic identity of the terrorists: “The next administration should discard the overly broad frame ‘global war on terror’ and ignore misleading slogans such as ‘Islamo-fascism.’”

He also appeared to be one of the first to not only call for the prosecution of suspected terrorists in civilian courts, but to advocate treating terrorism as a “criminal matter:” “U.S. courts have consistently demonstrated their ability to deal with complex terrorism cases, even those involving secret and sensitive information. Rather than being a constraint, treating terrorism as primarily a criminal matter in fair and transparent legal proceedings adds to our political legitimacy at the terrorists’ expense.”

Throughout his report, Mr. Crowley again and again blames America for the actions of our enemies: “Contrary to what President Bush has said, terrorism is directed in large part at what we do, not who we are.” In other words, we’re at fault for the actions of those who try to murder us. Mr. Crowley also stated this belief in a 2005 Center for American Progress lecture, in which he declared that our foes in the Muslim world “hate what we do, the influence we wield in the Middle East, the perception that we prop up autocratic governments that deny human rights, political expression and genuine opportunity for their people, all in pursuit of oil.”

So al-Qaeda is actually a “human rights” organization fighting for “political expression and genuine opportunity for their people.”

20 posted on 09/07/2010 7:50:13 PM PDT by ilovesarah2012 (Proud Infidel)
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