Posted on 08/31/2010 1:00:46 PM PDT by Sub-Driver
Five of Six Networks Press Unyielding Gibbs on Crediting Bush; White House Press Secretary Unleashes on Fox & Friends By Rich Noyes Created 08/31/2010 - 15:00 White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made the rounds of the six broadcast and cable morning news shows on Tuesday morning to help set the table for the Presidents speech marking the end of major combat operations in Iraq. Of the six network anchors Gibbs spoke with, only CBSs Harry Smith failed to ask whether President Obama would extend credit to President Bush for the successful surge strategy (a strategy then-Senator Obama denigrated as futile).
ABCs George Stephanopoulos recited House GOP Leader John Boehners dig at politicians who fought tooth-and-nail to stop the surge strategy, and then rejected Gibbs claim that Boehners was made up history. NBCs Matt Lauer recited Obamas own words to Gibbs: "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq are gonna solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse."
At each stop, Gibbs insisted that no one doubted the surge would improve security, but insisted that the real accomplishment was an improved political situation. CNNs John Roberts followed up, asking whether security improvements credited to the surge were essential to those political improvements, but Gibbs dodged: John, you asked me the same question I'm likely to give you the same answer.
When Gibbs reached Fox & Friends, co-host Gretchen Carlson was met with condescension and mockery when she asked the same question as the other hosts. I think you've asked me this question twice and Ive given you an answer, Gibbs chided, dodging the question.
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What climbed up the press’s butt? Shoosh, its almost like they are trying to report or something. What in hell got into their heads?
“OK”, said Gibbs, “it’s all Bush’s fault”.
My memory is not too sharp these days. So I looked at this list.
And I’m convinced that there has never been a press secretary as stupid and incompetent as Gibbs.
I hope he stays as long as Obama does.
So the success of the surge in Iraq is the one thing that Obama inherited from Bush that he hasn’t managed to make worse? yet?
I have to give a”Nod”to Matt Lauer though I can’t imagine why he(and The MSM)seem to be trying to”get it right”.They must be reading the polls??
I was watching Fox. I spilled the OJ and the dog dived under the table when I yelled at Gibbs on the TV.
If the MSM wants to get access to the politicians in power after 11/2 they better start singing off a new music sheet.
Gibbs is a petulant child. Clinton had some real smart-asses as press secretaries, but nobody as stupid as Gibbs.
As big an idiot as I think Obama is, I think Gibbs makes him look like a genius.
This morning someone on another thread called him “smugly arrogant”. Perfect.
Hey GOP, I have a great idea for a commercial:
Clip 1: Obama speech claiming victory in Iraq.
Clip 2: Harry Reid, “We have lost this war.”
Clip 3: Obama, “I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war.”
Clip 4: Joe Wilson, “You Lie!”
This troop withdrawal is actually an agreement between the Iraqi government and the Bush Administration two years ago, while Bush was still in office.
He is a detestable wretched excuse for a man.
What I notice is that they were asking Gibbs about stuff the media has all but stopped reporting on since zero took office. I notice that when they’re asking Gibbs about Iraq and the surge, they’re not asking about the disastrous unemployment numbers and the dismal state of the economy.
My opinion of him will go up if he actually admits, without weasel words, that Senator Obama was wrong, and President Bush was right.
I hope Gibbs NEVER gets fired. He’s priceless, and he’s also a huge asset to conservatives. Gibbs is THE most ‘transparent’ aspect of the zero administration. :)
I almost feel sorry for that piss ant Gibbs, almost
His job was to get the meme out that it was NOT the sruge but the political accomodation ( who makes up this crap?) of the Suunis and Shias.
Can you imagine how shocked Gibbsy was the first time one of the networks asked him about the BUSH surge?
Love me some Gretchen
He might say it, but he won’t mean it.
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