Works in China, after all.
Am I the only one who does not believe ANYTHING obammy or his regime says?
However, this sort of talk is making a lot of people madder—and hopefully, they will replace a lot of congresscritters in the upcoming election, thereby neutering a lot of their power.
As if Obama cares about limits on power defined in the law or in the US Constitution.
He has already shown that he will ignore the Constitutional limits on Presidential powers, break any law and do what he wants, when he wants.
And the rumpswabbers in congress are only too happy to follow their tyrannical half-black messiah down the road to despotism, and Soviet style socialism.
Elections have consequences.
somebody ping the ham radio guys.
Imagine if this had been tried while Bush and Cheney were in office. Every wacko leftist from 12 years old to 104 would be screaming their collective heads off.
It’s a great day for fascism!
Thank you RINOs! :) Selling us out one freedom at a time. :)
Misleading headline: not the full Senate, just a committee.
That is a very misleading headline by TechWorld.
The very first sentence explains that this has NOT been approved by the Senate but by a Senate committee.
Hopefully the pubbies will grow some cojones and stop this Marxist takeover.
“Changes are needed to ensure that cybersecurity measures do not unnecessarily infringe on free speech, privacy, and other civil liberties interests,” the letter added”
BUT, if it’s NECESSARY to infringe on free speech, privacy, and other civil liberties interests, ANYTHING GOES.
I dream for the days when public hangings for treason becomes common place, with fairness and legal authority of course.
As a U.S. citizen I do not live in the U.S., but was out in the streets against Noriega. Now it is your turn. But it will never happen because you are a bunch of chickens.
Where have you been against Obama but hiding under you beds. You have done nothing, nothing but complain and whine doing nothing.
Do you think the blue helmets are going to save your asses?
Thank you for giving my country away because of your lack of spine but are talented in whining.
I would really like to say “go to hell” to all of you spineless creeps, but Obama is doing it for me.
( Conservatives Organizing to Defeat Obama in the next election cycle.Fascism on the rise.)
If we had any real journalists in this country the quesioned would be asked: “Why would you need to shut down communication during an attack? Wouldn’t just the opposite be better?”
An independent, descriptive standards body - staffed with real-world professional experts - would do a much better job at strengthening our systems then a guberment operated bureaucracy that mandates prescriptive measures and technologies that is then communicated outward to private organizations. Where's the secrecy or mystery in that approach? If gubermint defines it (who, what, how, when, where), mandates its use (everyone does it the same way with the same technologies), and publishes it in laws or operating procedures that can be reviewed by enemies? How is that better than being descriptive and letting each company choose the best way to accomplish the goals?
Why not let the industries work to define what things need to be secured and how far the organizations must go to secure their systems based on their role in the nation's infrastructure (e.g. Tier 1 ISP Network Admins who manage firewalls must have background checks every year and be certified to a certain security level) - then let each company implement the best solution for them that meets or exceeds the goals? The over arching standards and goals could be reviewed and approved by the proper agency experts within Homeland Security, but the actual detailed implementations would be left to each company.
Read Glenn Beck's The Overton Window for a clear explanation of how this works.
Once the Ocommie purges begin, the government doesn’t want details of this reported through that pesky internet. They know they can get newspapers and television to censor such reports but that danged internet is so unregulated.
Why put limits on this presidents power he will just ignore it anyway?