To: EternalVigilance
Elections have consequences.
8 posted on
06/26/2010 10:18:44 AM PDT by
To: BenLurkin
Elections have consequences. Yep. Elect leftists and their useful idiots and this is what you get.
13 posted on
06/26/2010 10:24:44 AM PDT by
("Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty.")
To: BenLurkin
Just imagine the media if this were G.W. Bush and Karl Rove doing this stuff!
To: BenLurkin
Elections have consequences.So do primaries.
93 posted on
06/27/2010 12:09:34 PM PDT by
(Big government is the enemy of freedom.)
To: BenLurkin
“Elections have consequences.”
I wonder about all those centrists who voted for Hussein ‘cause they thought it would be “cool” to vote for a black man. I wonder how that’s workin’ out for them now.
98 posted on
06/29/2010 4:14:37 AM PDT by
(Every time a liberal whines, an angel gets his wings.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson