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Obama Official: Netanyahu Waiting for ‘President Palin’
| 6-8-10
| Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Posted on 06/08/2010 7:00:33 AM PDT by Tigen
The Netanyahu governments attitude to the United States shows it is waiting for President [Sarah] Palin, an Obama official reportedly told Peter Beinart, writing for the Atlantic Monthly news site. Palin was the Republican candidate for vice president two years ago and is considered a front-running candidate for the next presidential election in 2012.
As an Obama official once told me about the Netanyahu team, with amazement, these guys are actually waiting for President Palin, wrote Beinart, a senior political writer for The Daily Beast and associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York.
In a critical article noting that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and senior government officials preach to the chorus of right-wing and Christian fundamentalist groups in the United States,
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Israel; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: beinart; bhomiddleeast; bibi; derangedpalinistas; israel; keywordspammers; military; netanyahu; obama; palin; palin2012; palinmessiahsyndrome; presidentpalin; queenesther; ronpauljackals; sarah2012; sarahpalin; teaparty
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To: indylindy
I understand that
because he is pretty much stuck into working with Obama right now.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:50:57 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: Tigen
That’s two year away, if ever. I hope he has a Plan B.
To: stephenjohnbanker
No, I am not saying that.
I have made myself clear.
There is no good reason not to like Sarah Palin personally. The people who make fun of her and attack her personally are the ones that I hate.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:53:15 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: Pan_Yan; All
“Do any of you freaking people actually read the article? Bibi didn’t say this. It’s a reference from an unnamed Obama official talking about Netanyahu’s team to a kook writer named Beinart from City University of New York. It is a hit piece on Netanyahu specifically and Israel in general. “
Some are too busy looking at her tee shirt, or legs.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:54:23 PM PDT
(Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
To: stephenjohnbanker
Thats an insult to good people.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:56:02 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: se_ohio_young_conservative
“Thats an insult to good people.”
It is the gospel truth, and anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows it.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:58:08 PM PDT
(Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
To: stephenjohnbanker
What ?
People who like Palin only like her because of her legs and looks ?
Thats an insult. Thats sexist. and thats diminishing good people.
posted on
06/08/2010 12:59:18 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: April Lexington
They understand the remarkable power of Golda Meir. Sometimes, it takes a woman to do a mans job in the USA... Are you comparing Sarah Palin to Golda Meir?
posted on
06/08/2010 1:02:40 PM PDT
(Karl Marx is not one of our Founding Fathers.)
To: EveningStar
posted on
06/08/2010 1:03:09 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: indylindy
I had read the article, “As an Obama official once told me “. Regardless, it is what Netanyahu should do.
Until Obama and the libs are out of power, Netanyahu shouldn’t trust the USA on anything.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:08:57 PM PDT
To: se_ohio_young_conservative; All
“People who like Palin only like her because of her legs and looks ?”
Are you indeed ILLITERATE? I said no such thing.
I will leave your insipid, vapid, clueless remarks on this thread for others to judge.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:11:20 PM PDT
(Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
To: Tigen
The real problem here is that one of our strongest and most import allies is refusing to work (understandably so) with our current POS, er, POTUS.
That, is the story here, and it’s quite sad...sad for Israel, sad for our country.
Obama’s lack of just about everything import to carry such an important job is severely hurting our country’s and our allies’ security and freedom.
The next 2 years will be very, very long...
posted on
06/08/2010 1:11:40 PM PDT
(I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined. - El Rushbo)
To: EveningStar
posted on
06/08/2010 1:11:55 PM PDT
(Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
To: stephenjohnbanker
You make absolutely no sense
posted on
06/08/2010 1:12:08 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: stephenjohnbanker
Some are too busy looking at her tee shirt, or legs. I saw the thread earlier with photos of Palin and Todd at Belmont. All the thread was about were her boobs and her shirt. Very few were respectful of a woman who may seek to be POTUS.
She is a lovely lady, but they only make her image a sex object. The more this happens, the less seriously people will look at her as a candidate.
Hell, the whole country is falling to ruins and this stuff is no help.
This is probably why she will not get the nomination in 2012.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:13:56 PM PDT
To: stephenjohnbanker
People like you should be angry about what happened to Palin in 2008. Supporting her and standing up for her. Because she took a lot of sharp attacks for us. She deserves our support.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:15:36 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: Gator113
Well, I could not disagree with that. I don’t even trust the USA anymore.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:16:14 PM PDT
To: se_ohio_young_conservative
Palin did not take sharp attacks for me in 2008. She did it because she wished to be VP alongside McCain.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:19:08 PM PDT
To: indylindy
Yes she did.
Heres a little MSM secret
Those attacks were directed at you and I too. Christians and Conservatives in Middle America.
It is personal. It was personal and it will always be personal to the people we are up against.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:21:01 PM PDT
("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
To: rabscuttle385; se_ohio_young_conservative; Bob J; sickoflibs; EveningStar; stephenjohnbanker; ...
We need to clear a path for her. We need to create a new reality.
"Create a new reality"?!? And just what is that supposed to mean? I'll tell you what it means, you want to create a "new" reality because you and your fellow Palin KoolAid drinkers CAN'T DEAL WITH *THIS* REALITY!
Are you going to carry her cross for her too?
I guess so Rabs, she's already been compared to Jesus Christ Himself by a now-departed troll, so the sky is the limit now.
Any Republican, or anyone in Republican establishment who stands in Sarah Palins way better leave a light on when they go to bed at night.
BRING IT THE EFF ON. You now making threats to those who aren't on board your Palin Bandwagon? "leave a light on when they go to bed at night"? Who the Hell do YOU think you are? Get a clue kid, the only thing you're going to do is piss off REAL conservatives (of which you are NOT) because real conservatives don't go around making not-so-subtle threats if someone doesn't see things their way.
Now I say it again punk, you bring it the eff on, I'll have my lights off as I always do, and if you want pay me a visit some night to show how big your balls are, feel free to FReepmail me and we'll make the damn arrangements, got it?
The "why" is obvious Rabs, now the punk from Ohio just has to follow up with "how" they're gonna follow up all that bravado.
I'm beginning to wonder whether they should be scared of Palin herself or of her deranged, Kool-Aid guzzling supporters who are sick with Palin Messiah Syndrome.
Sarah Palin would NEVER approve of, or condone such behavior by her fans and groupies. I'm going to personally send a copy of post #91 to Sarah Palin herself. And check out this other threat made to those who won't get on board:
"Who knows who is digging through their [those not supporting Palin] trash and looking through their closets."
Once again you Ohio punk, you just bring it the eff on. You talk the big talk, now let's see some action.
posted on
06/08/2010 1:21:30 PM PDT
(0bama squats to pee.)
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