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To: rabscuttle385; se_ohio_young_conservative; Bob J; sickoflibs; EveningStar; stephenjohnbanker; ...
We need to clear a path for her. We need to create a new reality.

"Create a new reality"?!? And just what is that supposed to mean? I'll tell you what it means, you want to create a "new" reality because you and your fellow Palin KoolAid drinkers CAN'T DEAL WITH *THIS* REALITY!

Are you going to carry her cross for her too?

I guess so Rabs, she's already been compared to Jesus Christ Himself by a now-departed troll, so the sky is the limit now.

Any Republican, or anyone in Republican establishment who stands in Sarah Palin’s way better leave a light on when they go to bed at night.


BRING IT THE EFF ON. You now making threats to those who aren't on board your Palin Bandwagon? "leave a light on when they go to bed at night"? Who the Hell do YOU think you are? Get a clue kid, the only thing you're going to do is piss off REAL conservatives (of which you are NOT) because real conservatives don't go around making not-so-subtle threats if someone doesn't see things their way.

Now I say it again punk, you bring it the eff on, I'll have my lights off as I always do, and if you want pay me a visit some night to show how big your balls are, feel free to FReepmail me and we'll make the damn arrangements, got it?


The "why" is obvious Rabs, now the punk from Ohio just has to follow up with "how" they're gonna follow up all that bravado.

I'm beginning to wonder whether they should be scared of Palin herself or of her deranged, Kool-Aid guzzling supporters who are sick with Palin Messiah Syndrome.

Sarah Palin would NEVER approve of, or condone such behavior by her fans and groupies. I'm going to personally send a copy of post #91 to Sarah Palin herself. And check out this other threat made to those who won't get on board:

"Who knows who is digging through their [those not supporting Palin] trash and looking through their closets."

Once again you Ohio punk, you just bring it the eff on. You talk the big talk, now let's see some action.

160 posted on 06/08/2010 1:21:30 PM PDT by mkjessup (0bama squats to pee.)
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To: mkjessup

KARMA will take care of things. I don’t have to do anything.

162 posted on 06/08/2010 1:23:41 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: mkjessup

“We need to clear a path for her. We need to create a new reality.

“Create a new reality”?!? And just what is that supposed to mean? I’ll tell you what it means, you want to create a “new” reality because you and your fellow Palin KoolAid drinkers CAN’T DEAL WITH *THIS* REALITY!”

Good answer to a stunning statement.

291 posted on 06/08/2010 3:39:42 PM PDT by AuntB (Illegal immigration is simply more "share the wealth" socialism and a CRIME not a race!)
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