Posted on 03/23/2010 10:14:19 AM PDT by MrChips
Edited on 03/23/2010 10:22:28 AM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Attorneys general from 13 states sued the federal government Tuesday, claiming the landmark health care overhaul bill is unconstitutional just seven minutes after President Barack Obama signed it into law.
The lawsuit was filed in Pensacola after the Democratic president signed the bill the House passed Sunday night.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Amen, LJ!
One of the great signs Saturday on the Capitol lawn said,
"3000% less government in all 57 states".
What's THAT got to do with the price of tea in China?
The whole outrageous bill is blatantly unconstitutional and it will probably be struck down by the conservative 5 in the SCOTUS. The federal government has no constitutional right to dictate to individuals that they must buy health insurance and that they must buy a certain kind of expensive “comprehensive” low-deductable plan that redistributes individual income to other people who get the same plan at a much lower cost. The whole thing is an unconstitutional, un-American outrage and assault on individual liberty and I will fight it for as long as it takes to repeal this monstrosity. The democrat trash in congress who voted for this monstrosity will pay a big price in November for their arrogance and lack of respect for free Americans.
We live in Illinois. We are considering moving to a conservative state as well. Have you heard Gov. Quinn lately? A piece of crap leftist in lock step with the rest of the socialist democrats...I knew just what he was when he stated in his election speech that like Che Guevara, we citizens of Illinois should join forces and prepare to sacrifice for the common good.
First and foremost we will fight for the return of this country as the United States of America, in any way possible...we will have to prepare to get out of our comfort zone, dig in and join forces with others who will do the same. Bless the states that are filing lawsuits...we will be watching and deciding.
What an idiot.
Here’s a template letter for anyone too exhausted after the recent weeks’ events to write your own:
Dear Governor/Attorney General,
We are in complete support of the (your state here) Attorney General taking legal action challenging the constitutionality of the recently enacted federal health care law.
The new law:
Infringes upon Americans’ constitutionally protected individual liberties
Encroaches upon the states’ constitutionally guaranteed sovereignty
Forces states to spend billions of additional dollars on entitlement programs
Imposes an unconstitutional tax
Violates the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Thank you for protecting our rights and freedoms.
On March 23, 1919, Benito Mussolini and several other veterans formed the National Fascist Party in Milan, Italy.
You might be right.
Its also the number of G_d
The political machnines of both parties eminating from Chicago have spoiled Illinois. Although I don’t agree with Quinn on much, I think he is a decent guy. Of course, that’s not a qualification to be the governor, and he’s way in over his head in the mess Blago left him, without any workable answers on how to get out of it. I hope Brady wins and I hope he is also a big enough man for the job.
Sometimes I think about leaving Illinois, but for various reasons it is impractical. Besides, I have a strong attachment to the place. My ancestors were among the earliest settlers in Illinois. So Illinois is home to me in more than just the sense that it’s the place I live. America is definitely worth fighting for, and so is Illinois. It wasn’t that long ago that we were producing (some) elected officials that we could be proud of.
All sounds good. I will pray for him.
What’s Ron Wood doing behind Nancy Pelosi in that bottom photo?
(OK, that was mean...)
Ugh. Maybe he remembers Regan, maybe not.
Good ol’ Missouri just joined the law suits!
I voluntarily give up my Ghirardelli candies if that helps sink San Fran Nan.
A couple of ironies today. Patrick Henry’s famous speech March 23, 1775 235 years ago today.
Connecticut FReepers: If THIS photo from today's "historic" HC reform bill signing ceremony doesn't piss you off, nothing will:
HOW do we get rid of Larson, DeLauro, Murphy, Courtney and Himes??? Oh, and Blumenthal?
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