Posted on 12/08/2009 3:32:47 AM PST by Man50D
Look, its blackmail, a way of saying to Congress: either you do cap-and-trade or were gonna do cap, no trade. Were gonna regulate every aspect of American life. This is if the EPA now has in its power perhaps it will when acted over time to intrude into every aspect of American life."
Agreed. Lots of words, little action - exactly what the Left is counting on. Kvetching can be ignored. Talk is cheap. Rah rah rah won’t take it any more tar & feathers throw the bums out don’t underestimate remember the Alamo FMCDH ... meh.
LOL! Excellent! Are you Ben Franklin?
Yeah, in mass they are talking about raising the gas tax fifty cents a gallon. For some reason I don’t think we are leading the way this time.
There is very little in common between the average person in MA and VA except the English language and the crooks they send to Washington.
I agree with what you say, but I would bet that 90% of the people couldn’t tell you what the tenth amendment says.
I talk up the tenth amendment every chance I get and usually get blank stares back.
I was looking at the number of posts on the several threads on the EPA action that were published this morning. They ranged from 6 posts to about 40, with most of them being under 15. Meanwhile, the multiple Tiger Woods ambulance call threads were jammed.
And that’s on FR. It’s even worse outside of this forum. People just don’t care.
Industries Most At Risk from Zeros EPA Power Grab:
1. Coal Industry (and any mining, in general)
0.6 million jobs
ease of moving outside US ... poor to average; lots of competition for raw materials; why compete with China for coal when we have so much?
imports of coal as alternative ... perhaps; but very stupid
forecast job loss - 25%
2. Steel Industry
0.2 million jobs
ease of moving outside US ... quite easy
imports of steel as alternative ... definitely
forecast job loss - 50%
3. Electric Power Industry
unsure on jobs - guess 0.5 million
ease of generating power outside US ... tough
imports of electricity ... from Canada & Mexico ? Oh brother ...
forecast job loss - 10%
4. PetroChemical Industry
unsure on jobs - guess 0.7 million
ease of refining outside of US - very easy
imports of refined products as alternative - easy
forecast job loss - 35%
5. Oil & Gas Drilling, Production, Transportation, Storage
1.5 million jobs
ease of drilling outside the US - oil/easy, gas/easy
imports of oil & gas as alternative - already the top trade deficit contributor
forecast job loss - 40%
6. Any sizeable manufacturing which uses Petroleum Products (plastics)
Q. how many items do you own or use that contain plastics?
unsure of employment numbers in this broad span; guess 5 million
ease of manufacturing outside of US - very easy
imports of manufactured items as alternative - yep, think China
forecast job loss - 25%
7. Construction & Repair (especially cement-related)
12 million jobs
ease of construction outside US - yeah, right, youre thinking what Im thinking ...
ease of imports - what, structural concrete components?
forecast job loss - 20%
8. Farming - tilling the soil releases CO2, cows, etc ...
4.2 million jobs
ease of farming outside the US - moderately easy
ease of importing food instead - already a big business
forecast job loss - 15%
9. Transportation industry
9.5 million jobs
ease of not shipping inside US - very tough, especially as manufacturing and agriculture move outside US
alternatives - poor; trains? ... you gonna pay, believe me
forecast job loss - 30%
10. Middle Management
6.1 million jobs
ease of outsourcing or cutting - easy
forecast job loss - 20%
Total forecast job loss - 9.5 million
(jobs data from
Yeah...I'll make sure my pitchfork is made of high carbon steel! Not much I can do about the torches though!
The pigs are starting to look hungry. Perhaps it's near time to start feeding them...
If you want to see a politician’s spine, threaten to take away their power by bureaucratic fiat.
I talk up the tenth amendment every chance I get and usually get blank stares back.
Absolutely. I also bet your 90% is too optimistic...
And thats on FR. Its even worse outside of this forum. People just dont care.
Bread and circuses...
Will they? I doubt it.
It's becoming more and more apparent that the only solution to this communist takeover of our country is an armed uprising.
I think “Tar and feathers with a ride out of town on a rail” is an excellent American Tradition that must be respected and USED FAITHFULLY.
I am on Free Republic simply because I like to stay informed—it is really my only news source. Frankly, however, I am not inclined to political activism. Is that a failing of mine? Perhaps, and its not the only one. However, the truth is that I work full time and have a research business on the side. The rest of my time is devoted to my I don’t have much energy for much else.
My primary political activity is simply:
— I vote (always)
— I write or call my Congressman on issues of import
— I (occasionally) make small contributions to political parties
That is the extent of it. My frustration comes from the fact that our politicians do not seem to use common sense. I vote for the best person, but it just doesn’t seem to do any good.
They may not get a chance to be “perp walked” if we the people get riled up to do what is going to have to be done.
We’ve tried presenting evidence of fraud in the “science” - it doesn’t matter to them, they have an agenda.
You’re right - it has to happen at the state level, with states refusing to comply, refusing to turn over income taxes revenues, and declaring their sovereignty.
THEN we may have to “pick up guns and go fight” when the feds attempt to use force to make the states comply.
There’s also the “decoration of lampposts” for the most egregious offenders.
550 paracord, IIRC, has a 550# tensile strength and is very light weight. Folks should carry a couple of hundred feet of it for rappelling & such.
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