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Asian Darwinist Profs Call Creationists Barbarians
CEH ^ | October 22, 2009

Posted on 10/24/2009 4:02:17 PM PDT by GodGunsGuts

Oct 22, 2009 — “We have kept the creationist barbarians from the gate,” announced a professor at Hong Kong University triumphantly. A news article in Science this week described tensions in the city over the teaching of evolution. The Darwinists won a vote over a change in wording in the science curriculum that would have “opened the door to teaching creationism and intelligent design in secondary schools.” The door must be shut tight, apparently. Even the possibility of this happening created a furore.

Reporter Richard Stone said, “As a year of honoring Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution draws to a close, scientists in Hong Kong are celebrating a partial victory in what is likely to be an ongoing war against proponents of teaching creationism and intelligent design in secondary schools.” He called the partial victory “bittersweet” because it did not revise the guidelines, nor did it rein in “the few dozen schools in Hong Kong that openly espouse creationism.”

Stone said that most schools in Hong Kong, though publicly funded, are run independently – and many are affiliated with churches. The author of the “barbarians” comment, David Dudgeon (faculty board chair at U of HK) complained...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: abiogenesisrocks; antiscienceevos; asia; belongsinreligion; catholic; china; christian; corruption; creation; darwindrones; dodo; education; evangelical; evolution; evoreligionexposed; homosexualagenda; hongkong; intelligentdesign; judaism; moralabsolutes; notasciencetopic; propellerbeanie; protestant; science; templeofdarwin
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To: metmom

Metmom is an evo?

181 posted on 10/27/2009 7:24:08 PM PDT by ColdWater ("The theory of evolution really has no bearing on what I'm trying to accomplish with FR anyway. ")
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To: metmom
If an evo has a science degree and speaks on science, he speaks authoritatively about science because he's a *real* scientist.

It sort of weakens your credibility when you have to revise accepted laws of physics and confirmed observations of astronomers and geologests in order to finally conclude your artice that evolution is wrong because God made man because the Bible says so.

182 posted on 10/27/2009 7:26:26 PM PDT by ColdWater ("The theory of evolution really has no bearing on what I'm trying to accomplish with FR anyway. ")
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To: ColdWater; tpanther

And your degrees in science are in what field again?

183 posted on 10/27/2009 8:13:08 PM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: metmom
And your degrees in science are in what field again?

Is God the Intelligent Designer?

184 posted on 10/27/2009 8:21:17 PM PDT by ColdWater ("The theory of evolution really has no bearing on what I'm trying to accomplish with FR anyway. ")
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To: metmom

Thanks for the ping!

185 posted on 10/27/2009 9:16:40 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: betty boop
LOLOL!!! Thank you so much for your insights, dearest sister in Christ!
186 posted on 10/27/2009 9:25:26 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: tpanther

“Your credibility got trashed when you came running to defend the biggest liberal troll on FR.”

To start off, your opinion of my credibility means nothing to me.

“BTW...can YOU post any post you’ve provided that’s “added” to these threads?”

Ah, I generally do not post to these threads but decided to when I see someone who does nothing but hurl insults try and bring someone else down by saying “you do nothing but insult”. It’s hypocrisy and it must be called out.

“Are you seriously going to pick out a handful of posts from threads ongoing for months, years and single out mine while ignoring posts like “Christian taliban” from the left?”

Ah, yes because this thread was the one where you were hurling insults at others.

“I bet you’ll even think your post about being a Christian and on the fence about creation and evolution will seem credible too.”

Again, your opinion about my credibility is not an issue with me. I know who I am and what I am and opinions about that do not phase me in the least. Only those with low self esteem depend on the opinion of others to make themselves credible. I’m credible to me and if that is the only person I’m credible with, I’m fine with that because only my opinion of myself counts. I’m sorry if you get your self esteem from the opinion of others.

187 posted on 10/27/2009 9:31:09 PM PDT by MissouriConservative (Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!)
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To: tpanther

Thanks tp. :^)

188 posted on 10/27/2009 9:50:49 PM PDT by betty boop (Without God man neither knows which way to go, nor even understands who he is. —Pope Benedict XVI)
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To: MissouriConservative
To start off, your opinion of my credibility means nothing to me.

Yeah, so what? Your's certainly never meant a thing to me either.

Ah, I generally do not post to these threads but decided to when I see someone who does nothing but hurl insults try and bring someone else down by saying “you do nothing but insult”. It’s hypocrisy and it must be called out.

Ummm, noooo, because you missed several hundreds before mine. Besides, that's generally what I've been doing in these particular types of posts. You also missed those few occasions where people aren't hurling insults and I've discussed items at hand.

Ah, yes because this thread was the one where you were hurling insults at others.

Which just made YOU the hypocrite. Not only were several others hurling insults, and mind you before me; but there are hundreds of other threads just like this one.

Again, your opinion about my credibility is not an issue with me. I know who I am and what I am and opinions about that do not phase me in the least. Only those with low self esteem depend on the opinion of others to make themselves credible. I’m credible to me and if that is the only person I’m credible with, I’m fine with that because only my opinion of myself counts. I’m sorry if you get your self esteem from the opinion of others.

Your last comment was mere projection, and just further proof of your lack of credibility.

But hey, at least you didn't try to come back and re-defend the worst liberal troll on FR!

189 posted on 10/28/2009 6:57:13 AM PDT by tpanther (Science was, is and will forever be a small subset of God's creation.)
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To: metmom
And your degrees in science are in what field again?


Emergency medical technology and two in nursing.

190 posted on 10/28/2009 7:00:47 AM PDT by tpanther (Science was, is and will forever be a small subset of God's creation.)
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To: tpanther; GodGunsGuts; Fichori; count-your-change; Mr. Silverback; betty boop; Agamemnon; ...

Ever notice how evasive so many evos are about their qualifications in the fields of science.

You can hardly get a one of them to fess up to their (lack of) degree or experience in fields of science, especially the more vocal ones who criticize creationists about THEIR lack of science qualifications.

It really comes across that they are just evohobbyists; ones who like to put on a front of being some sort of expert because they tow the evo party line and someone, somewhere told them that they were right.

It’s mostly just a platform under the guise of science to attack religion. Almost to a man (and woman) they have some major God issues that come across so clearly in their posting, since that is what they attack first and ignore the topic of the thread, which most of them never bother to comment on except to criticize the source.

191 posted on 10/28/2009 7:48:09 AM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: metmom
It really comes across that they are just evohobbyists

They are atheists clinging to evolution as a justification for their religion. Need it be any more complex than that?

Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented.
~ William Provine.

192 posted on 10/28/2009 7:50:27 AM PDT by MrB (The difference between a humanist and a Satanist is that the latter knows who he's working for.)
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To: MrB

No. It doesn’t.

193 posted on 10/28/2009 8:05:59 AM PDT by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: metmom
Yes, Which is why I find it best not to make claims about myself that I'd be unwilling to elaborate on.

Indeed, claims of superior training and knowledge are always suspect when used as a basis of criticism.

194 posted on 10/28/2009 8:24:12 AM PDT by count-your-change (You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
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To: count-your-change; tpanther
Indeed, claims of superior training and knowledge are always suspect when used as a basis of criticism.

Agreed. The presence or absence of "science" degrees says nothing.

tpanther listed his/her degrees as emergency medical technology and nursing. Unless tpanther attended a religious school for these degrees, I'm guessing there was little to no creation science involved in learning about emergency medicine or nursing. So even here, the presence of these degrees isn't a plus or a minus in this debate.
195 posted on 10/28/2009 8:54:01 AM PDT by TexasAg
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To: TexasAg; count-your-change; metmom

Agreed. The presence or absence of “science” degrees says nothing.

tpanther listed his/her degrees as emergency medical technology and nursing. Unless tpanther attended a religious school for these degrees, I’m guessing there was little to no creation science involved in learning about emergency medicine or nursing. So even here, the presence of these degrees isn’t a plus or a minus in this debate.

If you had paid closer attention, this was the argument our side has been making for years.

That you completely dropped the ball and missd not only that but the very reason for my listing them, is hardly surprising.

Which brings me to an interesting question, would you like a ping each and every time your side makes this contention?

I’m not sure you have the bandwidth.

196 posted on 10/28/2009 9:31:40 AM PDT by tpanther (Science was, is and will forever be a small subset of God's creation.)
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To: metmom

What you said.

197 posted on 10/28/2009 9:39:37 AM PDT by valkyry1
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To: metmom

“It’s mostly just a platform under the guise of science to attack religion. Almost to a man (and woman) they have some major God issues that come across so clearly in their posting, since that is what they attack first and ignore the topic of the thread, which most of them never bother to comment on except to criticize the source”.

Sure, and occasionally honesty will actually slip through and they’ll admit they don’t bother reading the articles but attack just the same.

Then another one will, on cue, come on here and demand something about discussing the articles.

I guess they’re oblivious to the fact normal people understand they operate like this purposefully.

One trip to DC would illustate it.

Some liberals stick out like sore thumbs, some like amputated ones.

198 posted on 10/28/2009 9:39:44 AM PDT by tpanther (Science was, is and will forever be a small subset of God's creation.)
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To: tpanther
If you had paid closer attention, this was the argument our side has been making for years. sThat you completely dropped the ball and missd not only that but the very reason for my listing them, is hardly surprising.

You've been mischaracterizing my posts for days. I was using your degrees as an example of why I agreed with someone else that "science" degrees don't matter.

Which brings me to an interesting question, would you like a ping each and every time your side makes this contention? I’m not sure you have the bandwidth.

"My side" is composed of people who aren't sure or who don't care whether evolution is true. You still classify anyone who disagrees with you as being collectively grouped into one category. It's the typical "us versus them" attitude of a sect - everyone who doesn't hold onto your beliefs is against you. On an issue as complex as evolution, there are a wide range of opinions and beliefs, not just "your side" and "my side."
199 posted on 10/28/2009 9:52:23 AM PDT by TexasAg
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To: tpanther

Sorry, but you just don’t get it and guess you never will. But it’s ok. You just keep right on throwing insults. It may make you feel better deep down inside, it may get you the approval of others on the thread that do it along with you, but guaranteed that it will shed a bad light not only on you, but any message you try and spread as well as your identity as a Christian.

Thanks for showing your true colors. Have a great day.

200 posted on 10/28/2009 11:16:12 AM PDT by MissouriConservative (Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!)
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