Not only that...see my profile page!
ROFLOL! Do it, Officials!
Circumcision has been known for many, many years now to reduce the chance of AIDS...
The hard, desensitised callus skin formed on the glans because of the protective foreskin being removed might have an influence in preventing minor cuts during intercourse that might lower chances of picking up HIV and other STDs, but consider the fact that Sweden, where circumcision rates are practically nil, has a lower HIV prevalence rate than Pakistan, where practically all males are circumcised. Malaysia, another Islamic country with near-total male circumcision rates, has five times the HIV prevalence rate as Sweden.
hmm. I thought this thread would be laden with hilarious jokes. Instead, it’s rather solemn. I don’t get it, and I don’t think I want to...
I would agree this is no place for a government to decide such things. But aside from HIV, there are a lot of benefits to circumcision aside from that. There is only upside to circumcision with regard to health.
Let’s see, 70% of the AIDs cases in America are homosexual males. I wonder if they might consider promoting the idea that men should not engage in anal sex.
KRAMER: I would advise against that.
Elaine: Kramer, It's a tradition.
KRAMER: Well, so was sacrificing virgins to appease the gods, but we don't do that anymore.
Jerry: Well, maybe we should.
Just cut the entire thing off of all queers and cure the HIV problem!
I don’t think the ‘strongly approve of Obama’ left will continue to strongly approve him after this. :)
How pathetic, mutilate babies because they might become gay one day. To be specific, it’s not whether there’s a foreskin on the penis that matters, it’s where you stick the penis that counts.
You mean that God may actually have had an additional reason (or perhaps He added the reason) for requiring circumcision? Whoda thunk it?
Circumcision also makes a transference of germs less resulting in fewer infections for the women of circumcised men.
Disclaimer: that last is something I was told by a doc a few years ago and I do not have any documentation for it.
Why the hell pussy-foot around with circumcision?
Go for full-bore castration!
If they can circumcise you by force, they can just as easily castrate you!
Damn! Am I the only one who gets it??
I would hate for them to actually address the real cause of AIDS! Let’s just pretend this will help and ignore the other FACTS!
Its no skin off my nose.
For those hyping this as a “gay” thing, note that the article actually says this won’t affect the rate of AIDS in the US much since circumcision doesn’t afford much protection in anal intercourse. This will protect a group that experiences a tiny fraction of the so-called “AIDS epidemic”; IOW, it will do practically nothing to fight AIDS, but give the government yet one more in-road into your health.
Maybe he was preparing us for the next stage of his plan.
“Fighting AIDS”? How about fighting to to keep their zippers up? It works! No harmful side effects! No cost!
Circumcision is cleaner thats for sure.