Posted on 08/19/2009 12:11:11 PM PDT by Blood of Tyrants
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Trial is under way in Knoxville for the first of four people charged in the kidnapping, rape and killing of a young couple more than two years ago.
As court convened Monday, the judge read each of the 38 counts against 26-year-old Letalvis Cobbins. His attorney, Scott Green, responded by entering pleas.
Green said his client pleaded guilty to five counts of facilitating robbery or theft in the carjacking that set the crimes into motion in 2007. He also pleaded guilty to one count of rape. To the remaining counts, Green responded "not guilty."
Cobbins of Lebanon, Ky. is also charged with murder and kidnapping in the killings of 23-year-old Christopher Newsom and his 21-year-old girlfriend Channon Christian.
When Christopher Newsom's bound, shot and burned body was identified the day after he was killed in 2007, authorities warned his mother the sight would be too gruesome for her to see.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
"...a carjacking that went terribly awry."
Newsom and Christian were “in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Gill said......
WTF?....So how much P.C. do people have to pay for with their lives for wrong places at the wrong time situations? F.U.!
Can a family be so stupid? “car jacking gone terribly awry”? For real?
I happen to think ALL crimes like this are hate crimes & in a weird way, for anyone to try to peg this as a racial 'hate crime' actually trivializes the unvarnished evil this perp committed against those 2 innocent people.
I think the latter is true for sure. But in doing so, they risk race war. They will ride that train until it comes to race war and then some will jump off and the rest will keep on chuggin'.
This is perhaps the hate crime of all hate crimes. But the government controlled media won’t touch it.
Reverse the races of the perpetrators and victims and CNN, PMS-NBC, etc. etc. would be nonstop on this day after day.
The details of the brutality involved are horrible.
P.S.: And no, the “Rev.” Al Sharpton did not come to Knoxville to insist that the animals who did this be held to account.
Then the victims' families will probably never know justice.
I would never be so callous as to ascribe stupidity to or question the motives of people who have been victimized so cruelly and yet have simply expressed their beliefs about the matter.
Good grief. Everybody here seems to want to blame me merely for being the messenger of the parents' own opinion as was reiterated in the OP article.
If you wish to denigrate the intelligence of these kids' parents because they refuse to leap to the same conclusions which you might choose to without any evidence available to support it, you're welcome to do so, but I won't particpate.
Knoxville is a liberal cesspool in the otherwise conservative East Tennessee. It is probably due to the UT campus, but I find the place so disgusting that I never stop when driving through on the Interstates.
Well, it’s not the first time the Federal government legalized discrimination.
Our newly appointed U.S. Attorney General says that black on white crime no matter how heinous and evil cannot be hate crime. Such is the mindset of racist who are black.
“rather victims of a carjacking that went terribly awry.”
Who the heck wrote that? They were victims of intentional, pre-meditated acts of cruelty. What is wrong with this society? A crime is a crime. I suppose terming it “a carjacking that went terribly awry” makes it all better? Gee, they really didn’t mean it.
“the defendants are poor and black, the victims, middle-class and white.
The victims are also tortured and dead.
Unfortunately, we’re not like Texas here. Even if one or more of these subhumans gets a death sentence the chances are rather small that it will be executed.
I would love to watch these savage TCBE’s get tied to steel poles and slowly, very S.L.O.W.L.Y, blow torched to death. I want these bastards to die in the most horrific painful way imaginable.
And if they do get the death penalty, it will be 25-30 years before justice is served.
I remember reading this on Fred Reed. He subtitled it “A Case For Expatriation.”
” Not a crime cause the victims were white. “
Whites are the new Jews. Legitimate targets of crime and frequently portrayed as badly as the Jews were in film/art.
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