Lets say this once and for all....If you are a Catholic that supports Obama, then you are no Catholic. I dont know what you are, maybe you are a Pagan or a Satanist, but you are not a Catholic.
Anyone who supports a President that supports abortion and says they are a good Catholic is a dirty rotten low down sleazy floor flushing dirtbag.
Quinn is evil - or if not evil, so dysfunctional he’s the closest thing to it. He was actually removed because of his problems in SF, and under JPII, this means that he was truly, truly horrible. So I’m puzzled as to why they would use him as a spokesman.
Well, not really. This is the last gasp of the Jadot bishops, the old line “Spirit of Vatican II Uber Alles” guys who destroyed the Church in the US and therefore are the darlings of the journalistic world. They’re dying off, but not fast enough. Unfortunately, there are still enough of them - bishops of dwindling, bankrupt dioceses, but USCCB bishops nonetheless - to outnumber the new crop of good bishops, appointed by BXVI or at the very end of JPII’s reign when the US was given a new nuncio.
I bet that many do! Apparently social justice — whatever the hell that Marxist crap means — has an equal amount of appeal on Catholics as do pro-life issues. I would have to say that many more Catholics than not embrace most socialist ideas and disdain economic liberty and its outcomes. I could be wrong, but as a Catholic who enjoys discussing issues with others, this anti-market, pro egalitarian sentiment is what I’ve gleaned from fellow Catholics who I’ve talked to.
Don’t these clergy know what the Bible says about life? With Bishops supporting 0bama and his positions, of course their flock will, in most cases, agree with the conclusions their “leaders” have come to.
This is pretty much why I left the Catholic faith - it is built too much upon church hierarchy and its edicts, as opposed to letting people read and see God’s Word for themselves.
Now the US News & World Report speak for roughly 275 Catholic Bishops. I don;t believe one word from the MSM>
It certainly appears the liberal clergy, namely the American Bishops, will continue to ignore the politically incorrect beliefs of Roman Catholicism.
We Catholics should take comfort because Christ said the "Gates of Hell" will not prevail against His Church.
Obama speaking at Notre Dame was, without doubt, an abomination of desolation as described in the Bible.
The National Catholic Reporter is a dissident publication. It is not considered Catholic by real Catholics.
Clergymen of all denominations tend to keep quiet on the theory that it would mean less disruption in the collection plates. Alas, the church as business
“Truth” is NOT determined by popular vote!
Is there a higher truth than the sanctity of INOCENT human life?
These are just a few of the Collins Report’s essays on Obama at Notre Dame.
"The shrill reaction of many bishops to President Obama's election and visit to Notre Dame reflected a grim image of an embattled church hunkered down against hostile enemies...."
Actually, it wasn't that shrill and many of the protests and criticisms were very moderate. As for those who remained silent, they will have to answer to God and explain themselves. It's possible that most are heretics, fruitcakes, and liberals who adore Obama and approve of his policies. Others may just have been timid. Others may have concluded they should not get involved in politics or the internal affairs of a university. These are wrong conclusions but much of the institutional Church effectively is in schism.
This is another example of people pointing to liberal modernism and claiming this is the mainstream of Catholicism. Heresy gives rise to scandal.
In point of fact it is very clear that giving Obama an honorary doctoral degree and a podium to advance his anti-life views is contrary to the official policy of the church and even spelled out by the USCCB. Pro-abortionists are not to be given awards, honors, or a forum to advance abortion or embryonic stem cell research. If most bishops thought it was OK this hardly supports Notre Dame or Obama. It just shows how corrupt the modernist church hierarchy in the U.S. has become.