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How to tell if you've been FReeping too long
Me ^
| June 10, 2009
Posted on 06/10/2009 11:30:35 AM PDT by AAABEST
How to tell if you've been FReeping too long
If some, many or all of the following apply to you, you probably have been FReeping too long.
- You remember when you had to know basic HTML in order to form a decent post.
- You remember when the entire thread had to be 86d in order to remove a single post.
- You remember when if someone forgot to close their italics, bold tags, the entire thread after that point was in bold or italics.
- You remember when if a disruptor made a mess of things during the wee hours of the night, wed all have to wait until morning (Pacific Standard Time) for Jimrob to arise to take care of the problem.
- You remember when at times it got so bad during the wee hours of the night, some would implore those who had JimRobs number to wake him up take care of the problem.
- You remember JimRob waking up in the wee hours of the night to take care of the problem.
- You remember (and in a strange way kind of miss) Michael Rivero.
- You remember (but dont miss) Toilet Man.
- You cant count how many FReepers you knew and/or interacted with that have passed away.
- Youre affectionately considered an old timer by others, though youre not sure how much you enjoy that designation.
- You consider anyone who joined after the last millennium a N00b.
- You remember when Lazamataz was a N00b.
- You still consider Laz a N00b.
- Youve long ago realized that others dont read your posts and if they do, they probably dont care what you think.
- You find it quaint when newer posters think others read their posts or care what they think.
- You wonder how youve gotten on all of these ping lists.
- You no longer bother asking others to take you off their ping lists and just let them go ahead and have their way with your inbox.
- You're wondering how you got on the ping list to this thread.
- Lots of FReepers have become personal friends and acquaintances.
- Lots of personal friends and acquaintances have become FReepers.
- Lots of personal friends and acquaintances have become ex-FReepers.
- Having so many personal friends and acquaintances on FR cramps your style.
- Despite having an anonymous screenname, because of you're friends and acquaintances, youve long ago given up any fanciful notion of anonymity.
- You cant count how many times youve been furious with, then have subsequently forgiven JimRob.
- JimRob cant count how many times hes been furious with, then has subsequently has forgiven you.
- The aggregate time of the various vacations youve taken from FR (self-imposed or otherwise), total a longer period of time most posters time as members.
- You imagine all the kool stuff you could buy if you had all the money you've donated to FR in one lump sum.
- You imagine all the kool stuff you could buy if you had all the money you've spent on lodging and travel attending FR events (cruises, FReeps, gatherings etc.).
- Youve actually bought a lot of kool stuff with the money you made (directly or indirectly) due in some way to your interactions on FR.
- If Obama were to use FR to compile an enemies list, your longevity alone would cause your screenname to feature prominently.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: attentionwhore; beeber; clarity; classichit; classicthread; clintonsaliar; dithf; doodoosniffer; eschoir; faq; fr; free; freeper; freepun; html; hugh; ibtz; idhitit; instantclassic; kitty; lazamataz; lazamatazwasanoob; lazisanoob; republic; roids; series; stuned; uhnngg; viking; zot
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To: Carry_Okie
Where the hell have you been? After you sent me your book, I took some time off to read it.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:09:24 PM PDT
(And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not comprehend it)
To: DCBryan1
Thanks, I really do feel welcomed by all.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:09:45 PM PDT
How to tell if you've been FReeping too long You realize that the sum total of your posts would add up to many full length books and that therefore the time could probably have been better spent doing something that actually led somewhere.
You remember when Lazamataz was a N00b.Have I been here a long time if I remember the first time a moose bit Laz's sister?
posted on
06/10/2009 1:12:52 PM PDT
N. Theknow
(Kennedys: Can't fly, can't ski, can't drive, can't skipper a boat, but they know what's best.)
To: Korah
Ok, Now I am curious,,,,,What does it mean when an old timer looks at a newcomer and just says, "Hmmm..."It usually means an air test to check for Ozone. (check out Zot in the Lexicon) Newbies are almost always suspected of being trolls, especially when they say someing considered to be a little 'inflamatory'. Curious posters may look at prior posts from said newbie to see what their posting history looks like. Most often it is nothing, however sometimes the newbie's troll status is confirmed, and the Viking Kitties inevitiably show up...
No worries, if you're not hear merely to cause trouble, you won't get the Zot.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:14:32 PM PDT
(Ex-Dem since 2001 *Folding@Home for the Gipper - Join the FReeper Folders*)
To: AAABEST; Squantos
After you sent me your book, I took some time off to read it. Sorry about that.
I'm just finishing up another one. This one's almost readable. ;-)
posted on
06/10/2009 1:15:18 PM PDT
(There are people in power with a passion for evil.)
To: Bush_Democrat
Curious posters may look at prior posts from said newbie to see what their posting history looks like.
Great, more reasons for me to love this place. You guys are the best......LOL
posted on
06/10/2009 1:22:46 PM PDT
To: OrioleFan
Well, now that she’s gone you can go back to dialup LOL.
To: Korah
Don't worry, a little trial by fire never hurt anyone...
Happy posting!!!
posted on
06/10/2009 1:27:45 PM PDT
(Ex-Dem since 2001 *Folding@Home for the Gipper - Join the FReeper Folders*)
To: gaijin
Don't know if anyone answered yet, but if you check the lexicon linked elsewhere there is a mention of it.
The way I remember, and it does go back a while, is a woman had heard about something happening at an airport where her husband was coming or going. Everyone was offering sympathy, trying to get up dates and were generally concerned, when the woman suddenly announces she has to go take a shower. She then comes back a few minutes later and asked for updates.
A lot of people wondered how she could go take a shower when her husband was possibly in trouble.
Hence, when some breaking news occurs someone will inevitable have to go take a shower.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:29:07 PM PDT
(The essence of bigotry is refusing to others the rights that you demand for yourself - Thomas Sowell)
Your post count no longer fits in a 16-bit integer.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:31:20 PM PDT
(In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
To: doubled
I remember that! It was so strange, it was funny....
posted on
06/10/2009 1:34:30 PM PDT
To: raybbr
posted on
06/10/2009 1:38:36 PM PDT
(In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
To: Izzy Dunne
You DON’T MISS Don Morgan!
posted on
06/10/2009 1:39:32 PM PDT
(Man up!! Don't be a FReeloader!! Make a donation today!)
To: Bush_Democrat
I had my first posted thread pulled the other day by the moderator. I posted a story with a link and some pictures of Wacko Jacko's kids unmasked. It had about 25 comments then it just went POOF!
I guess I found the limits real early in my Freeper career.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:40:11 PM PDT
OMG, I’ve been Freeping too long! Now what?
posted on
06/10/2009 1:44:11 PM PDT
(How's that change old Hopey Dope promised you working out?)
To: tet68
I kinda miss those open tags, you never knew what youd see.LOL, do you remember when someone came on and turned the fonts white and left the tag open deliberately!
posted on
06/10/2009 1:46:17 PM PDT
(How's that change old Hopey Dope promised you working out?)
This thread is on its third page and I've not seen anyone challenge your premise yet!
One can NEVER FReep too long!
posted on
06/10/2009 1:49:59 PM PDT
(Why does Professor Presbury's wolfhound, Roy, endeavour to bite him?)
... "Murrymom" must have finally pushed it too far.... Anyone know what happened to her?Syphilitic dementia.
posted on
06/10/2009 1:55:18 PM PDT
(In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
To: choirboy
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