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McCain: Homeowners need help with burden of loans [plus guest workers, remarks on Tea Parties]
The Tucson Citizen, Tucson, Ariz.
| 2009-04-16
Posted on 04/16/2009 6:49:17 PM PDT by rabscuttle385
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TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events; US: Arizona
KEYWORDS: 111th; aliens; amnesty; bailouts; bho2009; bho44; biggovernment; captainmcqueeg; democrat; energy; erratic; financialcrisis; govwatch; guestworkers; idiot; illegals; immigrantlist; immigration; iraq; juanmccain; juanmclame; mcamnesty; mccain; mccaintruthfile; mchussein; mcinsane; mentallyill; mortgages; nuclearpower; obama; porkulus; rino; senate; senile; shamnesty; stimulus; taxes; teaparty; traitor; ussenate
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To: Dick Bachert; 50mm; stockpirate; Eaker; ducdriver; ChrisInAR; AvOrdVet; MaggieCarta; indylindy; ...
Summary: McCain wants a guest worker program for all the Mexican illegals, agrees with Obama's pullout from Iraq, believes that the Government should start buying up and refinancing toxic mortgages, and yet pretends to "understand" folks at the Tea Parties. Go to hell, Captain Queeg. |
The Juan McCain Truth File. "I have great respect for Al Gore." John McCain, October 2, 2008 FR Keywords: mccaintruthfile, mcqueeg, mcbama Please tag all relevant threads with the aforementioned keywords. This can be a very high-volume ping list at times. To join the ping list: FReepmail rabscuttle385 with the subject line add mccaintruthfile. (Stop getting pings by sending the subject line drop mccaintruthfile.) Republican Commissars Warning: By joining this ping list, you may be subjected to the delusional rants and ramblings of McCainiacs, of "moderate" Republicans, of pragmatic conservatives resigned to voting for the lesser of two Democrats, and of countless RNC shills who simply want to meet a new overlord. |
posted on
04/16/2009 6:51:02 PM PDT
("If this be treason, then make the most of it!" —Patrick Henry)
To: rabscuttle385
I think hat America needs is for Mccain and his daughter to just shut up.
posted on
04/16/2009 6:51:20 PM PDT
To: rabscuttle385
Ya really get to see the leopard’s spots in the daylight of an off-election year, huh?
posted on
04/16/2009 6:52:21 PM PDT
(Go Harper!)
To: rabscuttle385
He was busy in meetings and talking sports where near these teaparties. He knows he’d be booed off the property. In fact, we should have invited him just so we could do that....and invite the MSM to get it on the nightly news. Oh wait, that doesn’t fit their was a GOP organized effort...blah, blah, blah....
To: rabscuttle385
What a freaking joke.
I make my house payment.
Bought a place I can afford...with the thought in mind I may not be working.
Would I like a 4000 sq foot house, hell yes. Can I afford it in this area, no.
posted on
04/16/2009 6:53:32 PM PDT
To: rabscuttle385
Looks like the feelings that many had during the election that if McCain did win the democrats still would win are correct. He really should just stay on the other side of the isle as that is where is most at home.
posted on
04/16/2009 6:56:03 PM PDT
(A village in Kenya is missing their idiot...lets send him back)
To: rabscuttle385
posted on
04/16/2009 6:56:10 PM PDT
(My respect for zero has reached zero)
To: Venturer
The more this guy talks the more obvious it is, he has mental
posted on
04/16/2009 6:57:20 PM PDT
A. Morgan
(The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. Margaret Thatcher)
To: A. Morgan
I don’t know about that, but the more I hear him, the more I feel ill.
posted on
04/16/2009 6:59:56 PM PDT
(Pres__ent Obama's own grandmother says he was born in Kenya. She was there.)
To: rabscuttle385
Mr McCain makes me very angry. In spirit I am a Bible clutching, gun toting, backwoods redneck. I don’t need your help, just get your foot off my neck.
posted on
04/16/2009 7:00:58 PM PDT
To: rabscuttle385
Hey McLame:
posted on
04/16/2009 7:03:32 PM PDT
(1996 2006 2008 - Good Things Come in Threes)
To: 50mm
posted on
04/16/2009 7:05:18 PM PDT
(The poor bastards have us surrounded.)
To: Venturer
Hey John. I have a mortgage, all paid up and everything, and I live in a State (Ohio) which is severely hit by your government sh*tstorm. Wanna buy my mortgage? Why not, it's a real deal for the goobermint. You lying chickensh*t moral coward.
To: Venturer
Hey John. I have a mortgage, all paid up and everything, and I live in a State (Ohio) which is severely hit by your government sh*tstorm. Wanna buy my mortgage? Why not, it's a real deal for the goobermint. You lying chickensh*t moral coward.
To: CanaGuy
Ya really get to see the leopards spots in the daylight of an off-election year, huh?This filthy pu**y ain't no leopard. He's a stinking lousy pole-cat.
To: rabscuttle385
Can't this insane and hateful old man just go away and die quietly?
Must he continue to be a thorn in the side of Republicans and real conservatives by continuously trying to out liberal the left?
Such a sad ending to what was once a true hero. I feel bad for the guy, but please...... can't we just ignore him from here on out?
posted on
04/16/2009 7:56:00 PM PDT
(Class of 1998 (let's all help the Team McCain spider monkeys decide how to moderate))
To: Lloyd227
Such a sad ending to what was once a true hero. I feel bad for the guy, but please...... can't we just ignore him from here on out? No.
IMHO, he is the poster boy for what's wrong with the Republican party. Well, okay, in light of his suspected proclivities, perhaps I should have said, "whipping boy."
posted on
04/17/2009 3:21:56 AM PDT
(We're all Detroiters now.)
To: DoughtyOne; rabscuttle385
I notice he didn’t bother to get on this list.
7 Senate Republicans Reply to DHS ‘Rightwing Extremists’ Scaremongering
David Vitter (R, Louis.)
Sam Brownback (R, Kansas)
Jim Demint (R, So Car.)
Tom Cobrun (R, Oklahoma)
Richard Burr (R, No. Car.)
Lisa Murkowski (R, Alaska)
James Inhofe (R, Oklahoma)
posted on
04/17/2009 8:12:52 AM PDT
(The right to vote in America: Blacks 1870; Women 1920; Native Americans 1925; Foreigners 2008)
To: AuntB
John sort of wants to be a player with whoever is in power. Now I do admit he loved to trash Bush policy, but he was always keeping the doors open to enough people so that he could still be a player.
I’ve slammed the door in his face (figuratively), in that he will never have credibility with me.
Of course he didn’t trash Napolitano. He doesn’t want to risk alienating the new administration.
Let’s remember, John is even willing to team up with Soros if he suits his purposes. So we don’t need to contemplate whether he wants to kiss up to Obama or not. He has, and will.
This guy is a cancer on Conservatism.
BTW: I recognize that you know this... just saying.
posted on
04/17/2009 10:18:33 AM PDT
(Pres__ent Obama's own grandmother says he was born in Kenya. She was there.)
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