Posted on 02/12/2009 12:00:53 PM PST by Sub-Driver
Final Stimulus Bill Creates Government Database that Will Hold Every Americans Personal Medical Records Thursday, February 12, 2009 By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer
( - The final version of the stimulus bill, negotiated by the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate, includes a provision creating a federal data base that will hold the personal medical records of every American, Katie Grant, spokeswoman for House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told Thursday.
The full language of the final package had not been released as of press time. But the the bills that passed both the House and Senate created an Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and called for the coordinator to create a national database and a plan for the utilization of an electronic health record (EHR) for each person in the United States by 2014.
Asked if the provision for the utilization of an electronic health record for each person in the United States by 2014 was in the final bill agreed to by the House-Senate conference committee, Grant said, It is. She later said correct when asked a second time if this language was in the final bill.
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No it won't. Congresscritters will not be effected by this health care provision in anyway. Remember they have their OWN health care plan.
Isn’t the healthcare industry one of the largest job producers in the US? It’ll tank.
They’ve been hacking our banking, federal and military info, now they want our medical records? Yay, privacy.
But seriously, we will be scanned before getting a job, for insurance (with it dropped if we don’t report a newly discovered diagnosis quick enough), and of course... this is easier for those they choose not to give care to; This will be the Schiavos, disabled and elderly (Note: they don’t need it for the abortions though, I guess they’ll tag the fetal tissue they trade instead).
People this is the road, not to technology, but to eugenics. See the Groningen Protocol and Britain’s catalogue system. Next, because of that other branch of eugenics, the green movement, you will not be sustainable because you’re not a ‘productive’ human being... or you’re too much of a burden for the gov’t/taxpayer (called useless eaters). While those who have all the kids, do I have to say, will not be affected for some reason. BTW, the doctors/health board will decide... not the parents, relatives or caretakers.
Also, look to the Octuplets mom to start the movement back to another Buck case (sterilization).
And no... I wish I was kidding.
BTW, one of Felos buddies who won the Schiavo case for him(rep. Mr. Schiavo), Perelli is now on the hill with the O (yep, raised 500K for him).
And guess who does a thriving business in Hawaii... Felos and the Euthanasia Society. Think grandma.
Same beast, different name.
Here come the ‘back ally abortions’........just so the government won’t have a record. How do the libtards like this?
That's just one of the reasons we have to stop this piece of nonsense instantly.
It's a direct attack on our freedom.
If Obama wants to put his health data on a national data base, let him do it ~ same with his running dog lackeys in Congress.
On a different thread I posted about calling the offices of my senators and congresswoman (all Dems) re: this. I also decided to give Specter’s office a call. Here is what I posted earlier about that conversation:
For good measure, I also decided to call Arlen Specters office. Got through on the second time, but had to hold about 5 minutes. When the person came back on I said that I had a question about the stimulus package. I said I had heard Senator Specter being interviewed where he seemed a little surprised about the health provision nested in the bill that that was understandable since it seemed as though most didnt know about it being in there given the bill trying to be rushed through. I continued, Senator Specter said that he would get this provision clarified, that he made a commitment, and that he wasnt going to go back on his word and on a commitment. Now that the bill has been revised and is to be voted on again, how has the health provision been clarified?
She didnt answer the question. She just said she would relay my comments to the senator. I said to please tell him that if the provision has not been clarified, then to vote no on the stimulus package in order to keep his commitment. She said she would relay my comments. Did not ask for my name or addy, maybe she saw my area code and knew I wasnt from PA...
(The Specter quote re: the health provision/clarification commitment is from )
Specter is beyond redemption. The health care provisions in this bill would have denied him surgery and he’d be in his grave by now.
Which proves what I have suspected all along. Congresscritters and Senators DO NOT READ THE FRIGGIN" BILLS THEY VOTE ON!
Sorry to shout but I do not suffer fools easily. Today's elected officials are worth less than worm sweat and are a serious waste of skin.
That’s a very good insight.
Some intelligent Communist will tie NICS to this database,
and most applicants can be denied based on some prescription or medical entry somewhere that can be interpreted as negatively affecting mental health.
And, at any time this database is updated with some ‘relevant’ info, any current permit can be rendered invalid.
Don't worry the Government will amend all the tax return forms so that when you sign the form you will give blanket rights to the government to keep records on you.
That’s true. It’s not just a database that has to be created. How is the database accessed? How are responses on whether a procedure can be done routed back to physicians? How is information added? Are new records transmitted to it over the internet? There will be multiple ways of intercepting information, not just the risk of the database itself.
” Health Information Technology (HIT)”
Sort of brings a whole new meaning to “HIT list” ...
(or maybe not so different a meaning after all)
Thank God I’m going to be an osteopathic physician and will have manipulation skills to go with everything else. My patients won’t need to go find black market medications for some things. ;)
Nope. That will be policy.
I thought i’d get a few thrown on the records to get into the administration.
Will they have a tax chip too... i’d have to get non-payment put on those to get in.
For example, does Bubba really have Peyronie's disease? Did he OD on cocaine? Did he father Danny Williams? How many times has he been treated for STD's including raging herpes over the years? Did anybody trace his transmission of STD's -- and if so, what did they find? How many times did Bubba dose Hillary?
And consider medical records for the boy in the middle. Ever wonder how much taxpayer money it took to treat this germ factory? Think the records might contain items of interest ... to somebody?
And what about Harry, and Barry, and Nancy? Or the Reverend Jesse or the Reverend Al?
You know, I think I'm talking myself into beginning to like this monstrosity.
No doubt ~ we can start with the Biden boys. They take government money and yet they live in a compound complete with Secret Service protection.
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