Use the same solution on them as is on feral animals. Of course, that’s me but I’m a cynic.
I have heard of many studies showing that children brought up in other than intact two parent households are more prone to various problems. This seems to confirm that single parenting is not in the best interest of the children, and that government policies should discourage it.
Is “uber-chav” a Britishism, or is it a term I just don’t know? I’ve tried looking it up.
“...David Mellen...said the term “uber-chav” demonises young people and is damaging.”
And that sort of political incorrectness is what helped mess up those kids in the first place.
After a stunned pause, the mind reels with sarcastic replies.
What the heck is a neet?
Also note that Their IQs are dropping in the UK.
British teenagers have lower IQs than their counterparts did 30 years ago
Teenagers in Britain have lower IQ scores than their counterparts did a generation ago, according to a study by a leading expert.
For those who ever allowed themselves to believe that all cultures are interchangeable or that the traditional family is an anachronism: behold the Brave New Future.
The leftists in the UK wanted to wipe out working class whites. They pretty much succeeded. They gave jobs to illegals or anyone else but these people. Drove out any manufacturing, encouraged pre-maritial sex by glorifying sluts etc. Coming here under O.
From the reports we get out of England is there any reason to do anything over there?
Verifying what Ann Coulter has said in her new book.
Good new slang words to incorporate in my daily vocabulary.
He’ll soon be out of a job for committing a grave offense in Britain: Telling the truth.
With the financial system crumbling, we may see an exodus from Britain. Britain is heavily dependent upon the London financial industry.
I don’t suppose the UK could cap the number of total years an able-bodied person can live on the dole, at, say, 2 to 3? lifetime?
Britain has produced unteachable ‘uber-chavs’
Coming to a neighborhood near you under the Obama welfare plan.
If a youth is paid by the government to do nothing, then it is the government keeping him down.
Rather than pity single mothers and their children (not equating them with widows and orphans, or true victims of husbands who abandon their families), the behaviors need to be shamed.
Hooking up is supposed to be BAD. It needs to be a shameful thing. Children unfortunately born to poor single mothers need to get out there and work twice as hard as their peers from intact homes to become self sufficient and rise above the unfortunate hookup that led to their creation.
In tough economic times we need to save our charity for the people who need it THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. We need to constantly be noting this when we look at programs to help the “poor.” No more pitying the partiers.