Hi, I'm Cass. No more hunting for you. No more fishing for you. No more pets for you. No more meat for you. |
watch and learn how it done
‘Where does nObama keep finding these wackos?’
Same place Clinton found Jocelyn Elders....
What they are saying, without saying it, there is no more need for guns. Watch this one.
Come and stop me wack job.
Geez, that picture gives new meaning to “Get OUT of The Gene Pool!”.
How do they keep getting tenure? Oh, yeah; birds of a feather...
Many states earn good revenue from hunting and fishing licenses; they’re gonna looove this idiot.
I wonder how he feels about hunting nancy little fascists for fun, sport, and protection of our liberty?
Make no mistake folks, add in a little toothbrush mustache, a haircut, and a uniform, this peter - puffer is Heinrich Himmler on the outside; he already is on the inside. He would probably want to stand me up against a wall if he ever dropped into North Texas and saw what goes into my New Braunfels brand smoker. Or my Weber column smoker for that matter...
Do people actually have any brains? When they elected this false Messiah, and their union buddies who insisted that Obama would give them a better life, didn’t they have brain one in their heads to realise that this was going to be the ultimate outcome? I mean this and a hundred other negatives are the outcome of voting for a Marxist.
People are really stupid.
I just zapped this jewel to my friend who’s an outdoors sports editor. I hope he runs it.
Just a guy in the neighborhood...
The democrat party is full of them, no shortage at all!
This will be part of the overreach that will bring an end to Obamamania. This side by side with the Freedom of Choice Act. No more fishing. No more hunting. Lots more aborting.
Hey! I’m a huge conservationist, but I have to say that I’d rather enjoy my life if they outlaw hunting and fishing. I’ll merely hunt and fish as a darn well please, without regard to seasons or limits and take what I want and need when I fell like it. Finally, I will never have to wear that stupid orange vest again while I’m bowhunting on my own land.
Please, make my day.
Oh yeah - that's something our cats really need...
Girl Cat: You petted Boy Cat first - I'm suing!
Boy Cat: You gave Girl Cat an extra treat - I'm suing!
Girl Cat: You won't let me sleep on your pillow - I'm suing!
Boy Cat: Why can't I have my own McDonalds cheeseburger? I'm suing!
When Bubba can’t hunt deer, he’ll hunt czars. I guaran-damn-tee it.
When will unborn humans have these protections?
He wrote a screed just after the impeachment wars called "Republic.com".
Sunstein's 2001 book, Republic.com, argued that the Internet may weaken democracy because it allows citizens to isolate themselves within groups that share their own views and experiences, and thus cut themselves off from any information that might challenge their beliefs, a phenomenon known as cyberbalkanization.
Many think that he was using Free Republic as a touchstone or model for his ideas in the book.
Of course, Sunstein is a fool, for Free Republic serves as a place to isolate us from the gibbering semi-literacies of the drooling Lefty "publik skool gradjewites"...