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Hindus, Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
American Thinker ^ | November 30, 2008 | Andrew G. Bostom

Posted on 11/30/2008 7:44:41 PM PST by neverdem

Sixty hours of jihadist terror depradations throughout India's financial capital, Mumbai -- during which nearly  200 innocent victims were murdered, and 300 wounded -- apparently ceased this Saturday, November 29, when Indian commandos slew the last three gunmen inside a luxury hotel, while it was still ablaze. Mainstream media coverage of these rampaging, cold-blooded murderous acts of jihad terrorism -- perpetrated by a self-professed "mujahideen" organization (i.e., "The Deccan Mujahideen") -- consistently ignored the clear ideological linkage to Islam. Simply put, "mujahideen" are Muslim jihadists, "holy warriors," because there is just one historically relevant meaning of jihad, despite present day apologetics.

The root of the word jihad, appears 40 times in the Koran and in subsequent Islamic understanding to both Muslim luminaries -- from the greatest jurists and scholars of classical Islam, to ordinary people -- meant and means "he fought, warred or waged war against unbelievers and the like." As described by the seminal mid-19th century Arabic lexicographer E.W Lane, "Jihad came to be used by the Muslims to signify wag[ing] war, against unbelievers." A contemporary definition, relevant to both modern jihadism and its shock troop "mujahideen" was provided at the Fourth International Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research at Al Azhar University, Cairo -- Islam's most important religious educational institution-in 1968, by Muhammad al-Sobki:

...the words Al Jihad, Al Mojahadah, or even "striving against enemies" are equivalents and they do not mean especially fighting with the atheists...they mean fighting in the general sense...

Contemporary validation of the central principle of jihad terrorism -- rooted in the Koran -- (for example, verses 8:12, 8:60, and 33:26)-i.e., to terrorize the enemies of the Muslims as a prelude to their conquest -- has been provided in the mainstream Pakistani text on jihad warfare by Brigadier S.K. Malik, originally published in Lahore, in 1979. Malik's treatise was endorsed in a laudatory Foreword to the book by his patron, then Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq, as well as a more extended Preface by Allah Buksh K. Brohi, a former Advocate-General of Pakistan. This text -- widely studied in Islamic countries, and available in English, Urdu, and Arabic -- has been recovered from the bodies of slain jihadists in Kashmir. Brigadier Malik emphasizes how instilling terror is essential to waging successful jihad campaigns:

Terror struck into the hearts of the enemies is not only a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy (sic); it is the decision we wish to impose upon him...

"Jihad," the Koranic concept of total strategy...[d]emands the preparation and application of total national power and military instrument is one of its elements. As a component of the total strategy, the military strategy aims at striking terror into the hearts of the enemy from the preparatory stage of war...Under ideal conditions, Jihad can produce a direct decision and force its will upon the enemy. Where that does not happen, military strategy should take over and aim at producing the decision from the military stage. Should that chance be missed, terror should be struck into the enemy during the actual fighting.

...the Book [Koran] does not visualize war being waged with "kid gloves." It gives us a distinctive concept of total war. It wants both, the nation and the individual, to be at war "in toto," that is, with all their spiritual, moral, and physical resources. The Holy Koran lays the highest emphasis on the preparation for war. It wants us to prepare ourselves for war to the utmost. The test of utmost preparation lies in our capability to instill terror into the hearts of the enemies.

The Islamic correctness of most mainstream media outlets -- which refused to consider such ideological motivations, rooted in jihad -- did not apply, however to Hindus, or Jews-targeted infidel victims of the attacks. Blithely ignoring obvious Islamic and Muslim connections -- credit taken for the attacks by a mujahideen organization; or testimony from a Turkish Muslim couple briefly apprehended, and then released unharmed by the jihadists because, "...[w]hen the (Muezzinoglus) said they were Muslims, their captors told them that they would not be harmed" -- some media (at Fox; NPR) even voiced their own "speculations" about the possible culpability of "Hindu extremists," an absurd calumny, stated in full paranoid transference mode by the Muslim Brotherhood:

A photograph published in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched.

Yet these same media offered no speculation about Islamic Jew hatred as an obvious potential motivation for the transparently selective attack on Mumbai's Chabad House -- a focal point symbol of the miniscule Jewish community of 5000 (or 0.03%) in a city of some 15 million inhabitants. More egregiously, this neglect of any hateful Islamic motivations for the targeted murder of such innocent Jews -- including a young Lubavitcher Rabbi and his wife -- was accompanied by consistently dehumanizing and demeaning references to these victims as "Ultra-Orthodox," and their entirely false characterization as "missionaries."

This current Jewish tragedy within a much larger non-Muslim, primarily Hindu tragedy, reminded me of the Indian Sufi "inspiration" for The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, Ahmad Sirhindi. Nearing completion of my first book compendium, The Legacy of Jihad, in early 2005, specifically the section about jihad on the Indian subcontinent, I came across a remarkable comment by the Indian Sufi theologian Sirhindi (d. 1624). Typical of the mainstream Muslim clerics of his era, Sirhindi was viscerally opposed to the reforms which characterized the latter ecumenical phase of Akbar's 16th century reign (when Akbar became almost a Muslim-Hindu syncretist), particularly the abolition of the humiliating jizya (Koranic poll tax, as per Koran 9:29) upon the subjugated infidel Hindus. In the midst of an anti-Hindu tract Sirhindi wrote, motivated by Akbar's pro-Hindu reforms, Sirhindi observes,

Whenever a Jew is killed, it is for the benefit of Islam.

The biographical information I could glean about Sirhindi provided, among other things, no evidence he was ever in direct contact with Jews, so his very hateful remark suggested to me that the attitudes it reflected must have a theological basis in Islam -- contra the prevailing, widely accepted "wisdom" that Islam, unlike Christianity was devoid of such theological Antisemitism.  Having originally intended to introduce, edit, and compile a broader compendium on dhimmitude in follow-up to The Legacy of Jihad, this stunning observation inspired me instead to change course and focus on the interplay between Islamic Antisemitism, and the intimately related phenomenon of jihad imposed dhimmitude for Jews, specifically.

Of course Jew-hatred was merely a sidelight to Sirhindi's hatemongering Islamic "ethos." He was an intensely anti-Hindu bigot, as revealed by these words:

Cow-sacrifice in India is the noblest of Islamic practices. The kafirs [Hindus] may probably agree to pay jizya but they shall never concede to cow-sacrifice...The real purpose in levying jizya on them [Hindus] is to humiliate then to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya , they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It in intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam...

Completely uninformed about (and stubbornly resistant to any informed discussion of) the motivating Islamic ideology for the Mumbai attacks, the media "meta-narrative," repeated ad nauseum, is also oblivious to the living historical legacy of jihad on the Indian subcontinent. Thus journalists and even policymaking elites appear to accept at face value, and uncritically, the "rationale" for this wantonly murderous jihadism as stated, for example, by one of the Muslim perpetrators:

Are you aware how many people have been killed in Kashmir?...Are you aware how your army has killed Muslims?

The Muslim supremacist, jihad-inspired conflict in Kashmir -- really a tragic ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Hindus by Muslim jihadists which began in earnest during the 14th century -- re-emerged in late June of this year when the Indian government had the "temerity" to want to transfer 99 acres of land to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board, a trust running the popular Hindu shrine (including the cave that houses a large ice stalagmite itself, revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Siva, the god of destruction and reproduction). Hundreds of thousands of Hindus visit the area as part of an annual pilgrimage to the cave.

Please view the poignant, elegantly produced video by Kashmiri filmmaker Ashok Pandit, "And the World Remained Silent," (linked here, Parts 1 and 2) which chronicles in gory detail the brutal ethnic cleansing of some 350,000 indigenous Hindus from Kashmir during early 1990, orchestrated by Pakistan. and it's Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. (Focus on the time period 2:15 to 4:00 minutes, from Part 1 above, and witness the jihadist speech of the late, much ballyhooed "modernist reformer" Ms. Bhutto. She was a jihadist, plain and simple; the head of what remains a jihadist state.)

Despite the brutal Islamization of India -- dating back to the initial 8th century Arab Muslim jihad ravages, and the subsequent more extensive campaigns under the Ghaznavids (Islamized Turkic nomads who annihilated the indigenous Hindus of Afghanistan by the mid-9th century), through the Delhi Sultanate period (1000-1525 C.E.) during which an estimated 70-80 million Hindus were slaughtered -- due largely to bowdlerized educational and public discourse on Islam, even many modern Hindus remain ignorant of both this history, and the Koranic injunctions which inspired the brutal waves of jihad conquest, and Muslim colonization of India.

The Muslim chroniclers al-Baladhuri (in Kitab Futuh al-Buldan) and al-Kufi (in the Chachnama) include enough isolated details to establish the overall nature of the conquest of Sindh (in modern Paksitan) by Muhammad b. Qasim during 712 C.E. These narratives, and the processes they describe, make clear that the Arab invaders intended from the outset to Islamize Sindh by conquest, colonization, and local conversion. Baladhuri, for example, records that following the capture of Debal, Muhammad b. Qasim earmarked a section of the city exclusively for Muslims, constructed a mosque, and established four thousand colonists there. The conquest of Debal had been a brutal affair, as summarized from the Muslim sources by the renowned Indian historian R.C. Majumdar. Despite appeals for mercy from the besieged Indians (who opened their gates after the Muslims scaled the fort walls), Muhammad b. Qasim declared that he had no orders (i.e., from his superior al-Hajjaj, the Governor of Iraq) to spare the inhabitants, and thus for three days a ruthless and indiscriminate slaughter ensued. In the aftermath, the local temple was defiled, and "700 beautiful females who had sought for shelter there, were all captured". The capture of Raor was accompanied by a similar tragic outcome.

Muhammad massacred 6000 fighting men who were found in the fort, and their followers and dependents, as well as their women and children were taken prisoners. Sixty thousand slaves, including 30 young ladies of royal blood, were sent to Hajjaj, along with the head of Dahar [the Hindu ruler]. We can now well understand why the capture of a fort by the Muslim forces was followed by the terrible jauhar ceremony (in which females threw themselves in fire [they] kindled...), the earliest recorded instance of which is found in the Chachnama. 

Practical, expedient considerations lead Muhammad to desist from carrying out the strict injunctions of Islamic Law and the wishes of al-Hajjaj by massacring the (pagan) infidel Hindus of Sindh. Instead, he imposed upon the vanquished Hindus the jizya (Koranic poll-tax, pace Koran 9:29) and associated restrictive regulations of dhimmitude. As a result, the Chachnama records, "some [Hindus] resolved to live in their native land, but others took flight in order to maintain the faith of their ancestors, and their horses, domestics, and other property."

Thus a lasting pattern of Muslim policy towards their Hindu subjects was set that would persist, as noted by Majumdar, until the Mughal Empire collapsed at the end of Aurangzeb's reign (in 1707):

Something no doubt depended upon individual rulers; some of them adopted a more liberal, others a more cruel and intolerant attitude. But on the whole the framework remained intact, for it was based on the fundamental principle of Islamic theocracy. It recognized only one faith, one people, and one supreme authority, acting as the head of a religious trust. The Hindus, being infidels or non-believers, could not claim the full rights of citizens. At the very best, they could be tolerated as dhimmis, an insulting title which connoted political inferiority...The Islamic State regarded all non-Muslims as enemies, to curb whose growth in power was conceived to be its main interest. The ideal preached by even high officials was to exterminate them totally, but in actual practice they seem to have followed an alternative laid down in the Koran [i.e., Q9:29] which calls upon Muslims to fight the unbelievers till they pay the jizya with due humility. This was the tax the Hindus had to pay for permission to live in their ancestral homes under a Muslim ruler.

Regarding the Islamization of Hindu Kashmir, although Mahmud of Ghazni made brutal forays into Kashmir in the early 11th century, it was not until the mid-14th century when the ruling Hindu dynasty was displaced completely by Shah Mirza, in 1346, and Kashmir was brought under Muslim suzerainty. During the reign of Sikandar Butshikan (1394-1417), mass Islamization took place as described by the great historian K.S. Lal:

He [Sikandar Butshikan] invited from Persia, Arabia, and Mesopotamia learned men of his own [Muslim] faith; his bigotry prompted him to destroy all the most famous temples in Kashmir-Martand, Vishya, Isna, Chakrabhrit, Tripeshwar, etc. Sikandar offered the Kashmiris the choice [pace Koran 9:5] between Islam and death. Some Kashmiri Brahmans committed suicide, many left the land, many others embraced Islam, and a few began to live under Taqiya, that is, they professed Islam only outwardly. It is said that the fierce intolerance of Sikandar had left in Kashmir no more than eleven families of Brahmans.

Lal also notes that,

His [Sikandar Butshikan's] contemporary the [Hindu] Raja of Jammu had been converted to Islam by [Amir]  Timur [the jihadist, Tamerlane], by "hopes, fears, and threats."

When the Moghul ruler Akbar annexed Kashmir in 1586, the majority of the population was already Muslim. Lal summarizes the chronic plight of the Kashmiri Hindus during a half millennium of Islamic rule, through 1819, which explains the modern demography of Kashmir:

When Kashmir was under Muslim rule for 500 years, Hindus were constantly tortured and forcibly converted. A delegation of Kashmir Brahmans approached Guru Teg Bahadur at Anadpur Saheb to seek his help. But Kashmir was Islamized. Those who fled to preserve their religion went to Laddakh in the east and Jammu in the south. It is for this reason that non-Muslims are found in large number in these regions. In the valley itself the Muslims formed the bulk of the population.

There is also a modern era nexus -- rooted in jihad-between the Hindus of Islamized Kashmir, and the Jews of Islamized Palestine. Hajj Amin el-Husseini, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, and Muslim jihadist, who became, additionally, a full-fledged Nazi collaborator and ideologue in his endeavors to abort a Jewish homeland, and destroy world Jewry, was also a committed supporter of global jihad movements. Urging a "full struggle" against the Hindus of India (as well as the Jews of Israel) before delegates at the February 1951 World Muslim Congress, he stated:

We shall meet next with sword in hand on the soil of either Kashmir or Palestine.

And el-Husseini's jihadist, Koran (and hadith)-inspired Jew hatred was shared by a seminal modern Muslim ideologue from the Indian subcontinent, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (d. 1976), a major late 20th century Koranic commentator. An eminent scholar, Maulana Muhammad Shafi served as a professor and as a grand Mufti of Darul-Uloom Deoband, the well-known university of the Islamic Sciences in pre-partition India. In 1943, he resigned from Darul-Uloom, because of his active involvement in the Pakistan movement. When Pakistan came into existence, he migrated to Karachi devoting his life to the service of this new Muslim state. He also established Darul-Uloom Karachi, an renowned institute of Islamic Sciences patterned after Darul-Uloom Deoband, and considered today as the largest private institute of Islamic higher education in Pakistan. Here is Maulana Muhammad Shafi's commentary on the central antisemitic motif in the Koran, sura (chapter) 3, verse 112:

...verse 112 speaks of the general condition of the Jews. They played the most virulent role against the Holy Prophet [Muhammad] and the movement of Islam. It was not strange that they were the most malignant against the Holy Prophet because they had played a similar role against the Prophets before the advent of Islam. They had slandered Jesus Christ, they had plotted to kill him, they had slain so many Prophets before Jesus Christ. They had earned the wrath of Allah before the Holy Prophet by killing the Prophets and the Saints and by their vociferous opposition to the Divine Commands. This wrath increased when they deadly opposed the Holy Prophet and made treacherous and surreptitious plans to kill Muhammad and defeat Islam. They tried to harm the Muslims and prevented the common men from Islam. These activities enhanced the wrath of Allah, and curse became their eventual fate. The wrath of Allah manifested itself in conditional abasement, but permanent poverty. Their abasement could be suspended if they could cover a bond of Allah or they should be covered by a bond of the people. But the poverty and the general wrath of Allah was pitched without any suspension. Bond of God means adherence to some remnants of the Torah. Bond of men means either becoming the subjects of some Muslim State or some Christian State or some other constitutional State; or becoming a satellite or a protectorate of some powerful people, whoever they may be either Muslims, or non-Muslims, by means of some agreement, treaty, or merely political support. Their separate individual existence enjoying an inviolable sovereignty or commanding a good respect in the Comity of Nations is not implied in this verse because of the extreme wrath of Allah which is significant of their superlative Kufr [infidelity] against Allah and their extremely tremendous enmity against the Holy Prophet as compared to other non-Believers. For example, the modern State of Israel cannot survive if the Americans and Russians, etc., give up their support. [note: this commentary was written beginning in the 1960s] This is the bond of the people which has outwardly suspended their abasement. But so far as wretchedness (poverty) is concerned it is pitched on them permanently and the general wrath and anger of Allah surrounds them forever. Inner wretchedness can be reconciled with outer opulence. The Jews may have become billionaires but the wretchedness and poverty of hearts cannot leave them any moment. Parsimony has become a part and parcel of their internal self.

Nearly six decades ago, Sir Jadunath Sarkar (d. 1958), the preeminent historian of Mughal India, wrote admiringly of what the Jews of Palestine had accomplished once liberated from the yoke of jihad-imposed Islamic Law. The implication was clear that he harbored similar hopes for his own people, the Hindus of India, and those of their Muslim neighbors willing to abandon the supremacist, discriminatory, and backward mandates of Islam:

Palestine, the holy land of the Jews, Christians and Islamites, had been turned into a desert haunted by ignorant poor diseased vermin rather than by human beings, as the result of six centuries of Muslim rule. (See Kinglake's graphic description). Today Jewish rule has made this desert bloom into a garden, miles of sandy waste have been turned into smiling orchards of orange and citron, the chemical resources of the Dead Sea are being extracted and sold, and all the amenities of the modern civilised life have been made available in this little Oriental country. Wise Arabs are eager to go there from the countries ruled by the Shariat [Sharia; Islamic Law]. This is the lesson for the living history.

The jihadist carnage in Mumbai, and some 12,327 other acts of jihad terrorism since 9/11/2001 -- motivated by supremacist Islamic doctrine, and the atavistic hatred of Hindus, Jews, and other non-Muslims it inculcates -- provides ugly living proof that Sarkar's wistful admonition from 1950 remains almost entirely unheeded.

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: godsgravesglyphs; india; islam; jihad; mohammedanism; mumbai
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1 posted on 11/30/2008 7:44:41 PM PST by neverdem
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Comment #2 Removed by Moderator

To: Morgana

Just let the Sikhs have a free “hand”.

3 posted on 11/30/2008 7:52:25 PM PST by tired1 (responsibility without authority is slavery!)
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To: neverdem

A beloved young Brooklyn rabbi and his wife were among four people with New York ties confirmed dead in the terror spree at a Mumbai Jewish center where hostages reportedly were tied up and the women killed first.

4 posted on 11/30/2008 7:52:25 PM PST by ETL (Smoking gun evidence on ALL the ObamaRat-commie connections at my newly revised FR Home/About page)
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Thanks for the link & pic.

5 posted on 11/30/2008 7:57:31 PM PST by neverdem (Xin loi min oi)
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To: Birmingham Rain

To read later.

6 posted on 11/30/2008 7:58:39 PM PST by Birmingham Rain
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To: Morgana
This is what gets me about all terrorists, including the unrepentant one, and specifically Muslim Jihadi they think, no one is going to strike back? Do they think, they will maintain a monopoly on the tactic of terrorism? At some point, the dam will break and it'll be mass slaughter.

And on the other hand, why don't India, the US and Afghanistan governments go to the Pakistan government and read them the riot act? Say to the Pakis, join us or die, we're going to take out all the terrorist camps on your soil. We're going to take out your rogue ISI Jihadi terrorists. If you oppose us, we're going to take you out and find someone, who'll play our game. Why are we and have been so wimpy in the war on terror?

7 posted on 11/30/2008 8:02:40 PM PST by Jabba the Nutt (Barack Obama, the American Salvador Allende.)
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To: Morgana
Greetings fellow Chode fan.

I'm looking for those riots to start myself. I've got several Indian (Hindu) friends in the area. I've spoken to a few of them.

They're pissed. I mean really pissed.

He did mention to me that India still has the Death Penalty and it's carried out by hanging. I'll be looking forward to watching the one a**hole they managed to capture swinging from the end of a rope.


8 posted on 11/30/2008 8:06:49 PM PST by Lurker ("America is at that awkward stage. " Claire Wolfe, call your office.)
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To: neverdem


9 posted on 11/30/2008 8:16:41 PM PST by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: Jabba the Nutt
Why are we and have been so wimpy in the war on terror?

IIRC, nukes also worked pretty well as a deterrent during the worst behavior of the old USSR. If current problems put a bad taste in our throat we can pray that somebody with the power has the same taste and applies these lessons to Iran. For all its deficiencies the Pakistani government is far superior to the current Iranian one. Even though the Iranians might be the better if they were truly to rule themselves.

10 posted on 11/30/2008 8:24:34 PM PST by JohnBovenmyer
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To: neverdem
The Hindu hatred of Muslims is genetic. There is no love lost for the oppressors and the centuries of subjugation, massacre and humiliation are remembered as if it was yesterday. Its quite understandable given what India has endured. If it was the other way around, there would be no Hindus left in the country since Islam practices genocide on a vast scale that can only be imagined. It has wiped out entire cultures since the 7th Century.

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus

11 posted on 11/30/2008 9:09:27 PM PST by goldstategop (In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
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To: neverdem

Thanks for posting this historical litany of jihad.

12 posted on 11/30/2008 10:02:48 PM PST by ajay_kumar (The Islamists want the whole world to live under "Sharia" and subjugate women as slaves)
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To: neverdem


13 posted on 11/30/2008 10:26:26 PM PST by Cacique (quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
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To: neverdem
A small, 'tip of the iceberg', sample of Islamic terror against India.

2001/10/1 India Srinagar 38 60 Suicide bomber and additional Islamic militants kill and injure mostly civilians at the J&K State Assembly.
2001/10/22 India Awantipora 2 2 Two civilians killed by Fediyeen suicide attack.
2001/12/13 India New Delhi 7 0 Militant Muslims execute a suicide attack on the Indian parliament, leaving twelve people dead.
2001/12/21 India Poshkreeri, Anantnag 3 1 Terrorists kill three girls (ages 12, 16, 18) and injure their mother because they were Sikhs.
2001/12/21 India Hogam 2 0 Two Hindu women shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2001/9/17 India Handwara, Kupwara 9 0 Personnel sleeping inside the basement of a building were attacked by two LeT fidayeen using grenades. Nine SF personnel and one fidayeen were killed.
2002/1/20 India Behra, Poonch 11 3 Muslim terrorists kill eight children, two women and one man in their house.
2002/1/22 India Calcutta 5 0 Islamic terrorists kill five Indian policemen guarding the American embassy in Calcutta in a drive-by attack.
2002/1/8 India Sprinagar 1 0 Soldier killed by two Mujahideen suicide attackers.
2002/10/29 India Srinagar 7 0 Seven members of the Indian security forces were gunned down by Mujahideen members in separate incidents. Several were off-duty at the time.
2002/11/11 India Srinigar 7 5 Mine planted by Islamic militant kills thirteen civilians and injures five.
2002/11/2 India Srinagar 3 0 Muslim rebels assassinate an Indian politician along with two bodyguards.
2002/11/21 India Sarurnagar 2 20 Bomb placed near Hindu temple by the Mujahideen kills two and injures at least twenty.
2002/11/22 India Srinigar 6 9 Islamic suicide attack kills six and injures nine.
2002/11/23 India Kashmir 17 0 Series of Muslim attacks leave seventeen dead.
2002/11/24 India Jammu 12 45 Twelve Hindu worshippers are killed and more than forty-five wounded when Islamic gunmen attack two historic temples.
2002/12/12 India Pulwana 0 26 Grenade attack by Muslim separatists injures twenty-six civilians.
2002/12/19 India Kashmir 2 20 Two soldiers are killed and about twenty other people, including civilians were killed in separate grenade and shooting attacks by Muslim rebels.
2002/12/2 India Ghatkopar 2 34 Students Islamic Movement thought responsible for Indian bus blast killing two and injuring thirty-four.
2002/12/20 India Paraott 3 0 Muslim attackers invade the home of three young women who were not wearing veils. They killed the three by slitting the throats of two and then shooting a third.
2002/12/22 India Reban 4 3 Terrorists invade a house, force victims to recite Muslim passage, then kill four of them, including a four-year old boy. Three other family members are wounded.
2002/2/1 India Srinigar 1 0 Muslim separatists assassinate an independent newspaper editor in his office.
2002/2/26 India Gujarat 59 0 Muslims set fire to a train carrying Hindu activists. Fifty-nine are killed, including fourteen children.
2002/5/14 India Kaluchak 31 40 Islamic raid on a military camp kills 31 people including the wives and children of Indian soldiers.
2002/5/17 India Jammu 2 16 Two killed in militant Muslim bomb blast.
2002/5/19 India Chasana 4 7 Fidayeen attack on Indian military camp kills four and leave seven injured.
2002/6/13 India Dharam Chowki 2 0 Muslim terrorists force entry into two houses and behead two civilians.
2002/7/13 India Jammu 27 30 Muslim terrorists staged an attack on a Hindu shantytown, killing twenty-seven and injuring more than thirty with grenades and firearms.
2002/8/23 India Thana Mandi 10 0 Terrorists massacre ten civilians including three women in two separate incidents.
2002/9/24 India Ahmedabad 31 86 Hindu monks and dozens of worshippers were massacred in an attack on a Hindu temple members of Lashkar-e-Toiba, an Islamic extremist group.
2003/1/13 India Panar 2 0 Two sons of a civilian suspected of providing information on terrorist activities are kidnapped from their home, tortured and then shot dead.
2003/1/15 India Doda 1 3 Terrorists kill a village constable and injure three other civilians.
2003/1/19 India Kulgam 0 20 Twenty people injured by Muslim rebel grenade attack on a bus.
2003/1/19 India Bandipur 2 1 Muslim gunmen enter a house and kill a police officer and his 16-year-old son. Another child is injured in the attack.
2003/1/20 India Doda 2 0 Terrorists kill two men belonging to a civilian defense force (established to protect villagers from Muslim terrorists).
2003/1/20 India Baramula 1 0 Bomb planted in a rickshaw near a college kills one Indian soldier.
2003/1/21 India Rojouri 1 4 One killed and four injured when a terrorist rocket hits a residential house.
2003/1/22 India Dhok 1 0 Mujahideen terrorists abduct and behead a villager.
2003/1/25 India Aeshmuqam 1 6 Mujahideen target a police vehicle killing one and wounding six.
2003/1/28 India Mumbai 1 27 Group calling itself the Student Islamic Movement of India detonates bomb in a crowded area, killing one and injuring twenty-seven.
2003/1/7 India Srinagar 1 0 Prominent liquor dealer slain by Islamic fundamentalists while pumping gas.
2003/1/7 India Hapatanar 3 0 Mujahideen behead three villagers, including a father and son.
2003/10/1 India Thuru 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists shoot and kill an unarmed youth, whose brother was also injured in the attack.
2003/10/13 India Chalas 2 2 Muslim separatists fire a rocket into a family home, killing a Hindu woman and her 4-year old child. Two other family members were injured.
2003/10/17 India Srinigar 3 11 Islamic militants attack the residence of a district prime minister, killing a civilian and two security personnel and injuring two civilians. Nine policemen are injured in the ensuing gun battle.
2003/10/20 India Srinigar 1 50 One person is killed and more than fifty injured when a Muslim throws a grenade into a crowded bus terminal.
2003/10/26 India Bijbehara 0 14 At least fourteen people are injured when Islamic militants hurl a grenade at a security patrol along a busy road.
2003/10/26 India Kishtwar 1 9 Muslim militant hurls grenade into a bus stop, killing one civilian and injuring nine others.
2003/10/27 India Gaghwal 4 1 First day of Ramadan in Kashmir sees Islamic terrorists blow up a railroad bridge, narrowly missing a civilian passenger train. Subsequent small arms leaves two civilians and two soldiers dead.
2003/10/28 India Khilani 3 7 Three members of a security patrol are killed, and seven others injured in bombing and small arms ambush by militant Muslims.
2003/10/28 India Srinigar 3 32 Islamic rebels lob a grenade into a telegraph office, killing at least three civilians and injuring more than thirty.
2003/10/28 India Akhnoor 2 8 Last surviving Muslim terrorist involved in the bridge bombing at Akhnoor opens indiscriminate fire on a family, killing two children and injuring eight.
2003/10/3 India Pulwama 3 0 Militant Muslims kill three civilians in separate incidents (Budhan, Kreeri Bazaar, Wudar Bala)
2003/10/4 India Rowshera 0 6 Six Hindus are injured when Muslim terrorists open fire on them as they were returning from temple.
2003/10/4 India Suidhar 2 1 Militant Muslims open fire on a group of civilians, killing two and injuring one.
2003/10/7 India Ganeshphora 3 2 Explosive device planted by militant Muslims detonates on a bridge, killing two BSF and injuring three.
2003/11/10 India Badgam 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two civilians in their homes. One was a photographer, the other a farmer.
2003/11/11 India Quil Muqam 2 0 Two civilians, including a woman, were killed by Islamic terrorists, who used them as human shields in a gun battle.
2003/11/14 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians, including a woman, are killed by Muslim terrorists in separate incidents (Gotapora, Srinigar, Pattan).
2003/11/15 India Hazratbal 2 6 Six worshippers are injured by bomb blast at one of India's holiest shrines. Elsewhere, in northern Kashmir, a man and his teen-age daughter are killed by militant Muslims.
2003/11/16 India Gole Chakri 3 4 Terrorists lob a grenade into a military jeep on a crowded street. One SF personnel is killed and four other people, including two civilians, sustain injuries. Another ambush in Briyali leaves two SF dead.
2003/11/17 India Tatagaon 3 0 Three civilians are killed in separate incidents (Anantnag & Tatagaon) by militant Muslims, including a young girl who was tortured and then killed.
2003/11/18 India Srinigar 1 5 At least one person is killed, and more than five others injured when Islamic terrorists attack a hotel with bombs and automatic weapons.
2003/11/21 India Budgam 2 0 Two citizens are shot dead by Muslim militants. One in his house and the other as he was returning home from worship.
2003/11/25 India Anantnag 2 4 An assassination attempt on a Hindu politician by Muslim radicals leaves two people dead and four injured.
2003/11/27 India Srinigar 1 12 One person was killed, and twelve others injured when militants hurl a grenade into a busy intersection.
2003/11/29 India Wadna 1 4 Militant Muslims fire at a passenger vehicle, killing one and injuring four.
2003/11/30 India Jammu 4 8 At least four people are killed, and eight injured when Muslim militants defy a brokered cease-fire and hijack two civilian vehicles.
2003/11/4 India Hari Budda 3 2 Militant Muslims bomb a security patrol, then use small arms fire to kill at three and injure two others.
2003/11/5 India Tangmarg 3 0 Militant Muslims invade three homes and kill three civilians, including a mother.
2003/11/9 India Awantipora Chowk 5 0 Political activist gunned down by Islamic rebels - is the fifth political activist assassinated within the past week.
2003/12/10 India Poonch 3 15 Muslim terrorists lob a grenade into a bus station and then fire indiscriminately into the crowd, killing three and injuring at least fifteen.
2003/12/17 India Gagarsulla 1 4 Terrorists shoot dead one civilian and abduct four others from a remote village.
2003/12/18 India Rajouri 2 3 Fedayeen attack on a police station kills two officers and leaves three more injured.
2003/12/2 India Srinigar 0 21 Nineteen policeman and two civilians are injured when militant Muslims attack their station with grenades.
2003/12/21 India Kulgam 0 14 Fourteen people are injured in a grenade attack against a police station by militant Muslims.
2003/12/23 India Bandipora 0 10 Ten people are injured when Muslim militants lob a grenade at a security patrol near a hospital.
2003/12/26 India Singhpora 1 11 One woman is killed, and eleven other people are injured when Muslim terrorists trigger a roadside bomb against a transport vehicle.
2003/12/29 India Jammu 0 10 Muslim terrorists injure ten people waiting for a bus with a grenade.
2003/12/30 India Lawapora 0 34 Thirty-four personnel are injured when Hizbul Mujahideen militants bomb a military patrol.
2003/12/8 India Anantnag 0 10 Ten people, including civilians and policemen are injured in Mujahideen grenade and shooting attacks in Kashmir.
2003/2/12 India Dharam 3 0 Hiz-ul-Mujahideen terrorists abduct and kill three civilians.
2003/2/12 India Konibol 1 4 Militants blow-up police vehicle, killing one and injuring four.
2003/2/20 India Baramulla 6 3 Six Hindu civilians were killed and three others injured by a road-mine planted by Muslim militants.
2003/3/12 India Kashmir 2 2 Separate Mujahideen attacks in Kashmir leave two policemen dead and two more injured.
2003/3/13 India Rajauri 4 20 Four people are killed, and twenty more injured by a terrorist bomb planted on a bus in Kashmir.
2003/3/13 India Poonch 2 5 Islamic militants open up on a civilian vehicle, killing two and wounding five others, including an 18-month-old baby.
2003/3/13 India Bombay 10 55 Islamic hardliners responsible for blast on a commuter train that kills eight women, two men and leaves more than 55 injured on the tenth anniversary of another series of Islamic bombings that killed two-hundred-fifty-seven and injured more than 1000.
2003/3/14 India Poonch 7 15 Militant Islamics attack a hotel, take nine people hostage, spray fire and throw grenades at a crowded marketplace from an upper floor. Seven people are killed and fifteen injured.
2003/3/15 India Gool 13 5 Muslims attack a remote police station and kill thirteen, including two civilians. Two people were abducted and later found dead with slit throats. Five others are injured in the attack.
2003/3/20 India Khanyar 1 4 Terrorists throw grenade into a group of security personnel, killing one and injuring four.
2003/3/22 India Surankote 1 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists invade a police officer's home and kill a young woman, injure two more.
2003/3/23 India Nadimarg 24 0 Muslims militants cleanse a village of Hindus, ordering them out of their houses and opening up with machine guns. The twenty-four dead include eleven women and two children. Eight of the victims were over 60. An unknown number were wounded.
2003/3/26 India Ahmadabad 1 0 Hindu political leader assassinated by Muslim gunmen on a motorcycle.
2003/3/26 India Jammu 1 6 Militant bomb attack kills the driver of an oil tanker and injures six others.
2003/3/28 India Surankote 2 6 Islamic terrorists kill man and his son after a home invasion. Later, in Panned six other civilians are captured then mutilated by having their noses cut off.
2003/3/3 India Yaripora 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists invade a house and kill one woman and injure one more.
2003/3/31 India Nowpora Jageer 1 0 Mujahideen rebels assassinate a member of the ruling political party.
2003/4/11 India Qazigund 1 31 Three separate grenade attacks by Islamic militants kills a physician and injures another thirty-one people (Qazigund, Shopiyan & Anantnag).
2003/4/13 India Kasblari 1 1 Two Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members force their way into a civilian home and shoot a woman to death. Her husband is injured in the attack.
2003/4/17 India Udhampur 1 2 Muslim militants attack a police station, kill one and injure two.
2003/4/17 India Magam 1 8 Muslim militants kill one and injure eight civilians in a bombing.
2003/4/2 India Anantnag 1 12 Islamic militant lobs a grenade at a crowd of people, kills one and injures twelve.
2003/4/22 India Tral 6 12 Terrorist bombing attack by Muslim separatists kills six and injures more than a dozen.
2003/4/23 India Gondoh 2 0 Terrorists abduct then kill two civilians out grazing their cattle.
2003/4/24 India Tral 1 3 Muslim bomb kills one policeman and injures three members of a bomb disposal unit.
2003/4/25 India Bandipur 6 6 Two separate attacks by Muslim suicide bombers in the same town kills six and injures six.
2003/4/25 India Srinagar 3 34 Bomb thrown by Muslim separatists next to a courthouse kills three and injures at least thirty-four.
2003/4/26 India Srinagar 3 7 Fidayeen suicide attack on radio station kills three guards and leaves seven others injured.
2003/4/26 India Baramulla 0 11 Terrorist bomb injures eleven, including two children. The target of the bombing was a finance minister who opposed Muslim violence.
2003/4/30 India Kala Wachi 0 5 Terrorist lobs grenade at children playing in a field, injuring five of them.
2003/4/7 India Kamboli Dhok 2 0 Two boys killed by terrorist landmine.
2003/4/9 India Anantnag 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen assassinate a political activist.
2003/5/1 India Dangiwacha & Magraypora 2 0 Mujahideen fighters kill two Muslims suspected of being informants for an anti-terror unit.
2003/5/11 India Kupwara 3 7 Muslim suicide squad attack on a bank leaves three dead and seven injured.
2003/5/17 India Srinagar 2 0 Two policeman are killed in a terrorist attack by the Muslim Hamadania Brigade.
2003/5/18 India Mehratop 6 0 A shepherd family of five is attacked and killed in their home by Muslim militants. Victims include four children and two women. Most were beheaded.
2003/5/21 India Anantnag 1 1 Muslim grenade attack on a Christian convent kills one female teacher and injures another.
2003/5/21 India GoI Chakri 1 3 Terrorist attack on a Intelligence Bureau vehicle kills one and injures three.
2003/5/21 India Sangam & Chogal 2 0 In separate incidents Muslim separatists abduct and kill two civilians.
2003/5/25 India Rajouri 5 0 Muslim rebels kill five members of a shepherd family, including a mother and three of her children.
2003/5/26 India Bandipur 3 0 Muslim rebels invade a home and kill three members of a family.
2003/5/30 India Hiltak & Kandi 3 0 Jihad terrorists kill three, including a father and son.
2003/5/5 India Doda 1 17 Islamic hardliners detonate small bomb in a crowded bus station, killing one and injuring seventeen civilians.
2003/5/6 India Pulwama 1 30 Terrorist lobs grenade at a police vehicle near a crowd of people. One civilian is killed and about thirty others injured.
2003/5/7 India Baramulla 2 5 Al-Mansoorian terrorists ambush a search patrol, killing two and injuring five.
2003/5/9 India Bijbehara 3 0 Hizbul Mujahideen militants kill three political activists of the ruling (PDP) party.
2003/6/1 India Bhatta Dhar 3 0 Militant Muslims abduct and kill three civilians. Two were brothers grazing their cattle.
2003/6/13 India Kupwara 3 1 Mujahideen militants kill three civilians, including two women, after forcing their way into a home.
2003/6/13 India Kokernag 2 5 Terrorist blast kills two Indian soldiers and injures five more.
2003/6/16 India Mangota 1 0 Terrorists invade a home and kill one of the women living there.
2003/6/17 India Khiram & Shopian 3 3 In separate incidents, Muslim militants assassinate the son of a local politician in his home then kill two more people by setting a bomb in a market district.
2003/6/20 India Pulwama 0 27 Mujahideen grenade attack in a crowded marketplace injures twenty-seven.
2003/6/20 India Dodi & Samot 2 0 In separate incidents, two women are abducted and killed by Muslim terrorists. One was shot to death and the other had poison injected into her.
2003/6/23 India Lassipora 3 1 Terrorists invade the home of an 80-year old man and kill him along with his son and daughter-in-law.
2003/6/23 India Pulwama 2 33 Muslim militants explode a bomb near a crowded bus, killing two civilians and injuring thirty-three others.
2003/6/25 India Kulgam 2 1 Muslim terrorist attack on a remote army camp kills two and injures one.
2003/6/25 India Wagbal & Kishtwar 2 0 Two civilians are killed by Muslim terrorists in separate incidents. One involved a home invasion and the other was a shepherd who was abducted while grazing his cattle.
2003/6/28 India Jammu 12 8 Fedayeen suicide attack on a military barracks kills twelve men and injures seven. Most of the victims were sleeping when attacked.
2003/6/28 India Chalpora Wadipora 1 0 Civilian kidnapped, tortured and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2003/6/30 India Seri Chawana 2 1 Two civilians killed by Muslim terrorists, one other is injured.
2003/6/7 India Samot 3 1 Muslim terrorists ambush a wedding party, killing three civilians and critically wounding a fourth.
2003/6/8 India Bhillwar 4 0 Muslim militants kidnap and kill four Hindu villagers.
2003/6/8 India Pasri Adda 1 0 Hizb-ul Mujahideen terrorists responsible for the murder of a government worker.
2003/7/10 India Southern Doda 2 0 Muslim militants kill a civilian and one of their own who was attempting to surrender.
2003/7/12 India Chak Banola 1 3 A militant Muslim group attacks a police station, killing one of the officers and injuring three others.
2003/7/13 India Surankote and Mendhar 3 0 Three civilians are killed in their homes by Muslim militants.
2003/7/13 India Machil 2 0 Militant Muslim attack on a security patrol leaves two SF personnel dead.
2003/7/15 India Bomthan 4 0 Islamic terrorists kill four civilians in four separate encounters (Bomthan, Zadoora, Tampora and SM Pura) on the same day.
2003/7/17 India Harong 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists drag three Hindu villagers, including a woman, out of their houses and execute them.
2003/7/19 India Nag Batra & Khour 2 1 In two separate attacks Islamic terrorists kill two villagers and injure a young girl.
2003/7/19 India Tral 0 19 Nineteen people are injured when Muslim militant hurls grenade into a crowded marketplace.
2003/7/22 India Aknoor 8 12 Fedayeen suicide attack on an Indian army camp kills eight and wounds at least a dozen.
2003/7/22 India Banganga 7 42 Brazen terrorist attack by Muslim militants on a crowd of Hindu villagers who had gathered to receive food kills at least seven and injures more than forty.
2003/7/25 India Various 4 0 In separate incidents (Saliya, Khandaypora, Kathsoo, Barath) Muslim terrorists target and kill four civilians.
2003/7/28 India Mumbai 2 47 Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists plant a bomb on a passenger bus, killing two and injuring at least forty-seven.
2003/7/29 India Bandipore 1 1 Militant Muslims invade a civilian's home. They kill one of the resident's daughters and injure another.
2003/7/4 India Larnu 4 20 Islamic terrorists toss a grenade and open fire into a political meeting, killing two people and wounding twenty. Two others later die of injuries.
2003/7/7 India Nowshahra 5 1 Three Islamic gunmen open fire on a group of Hindu villagers, killing five and critically injuring one.
2003/7/9 India Kulgam 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists assassinate political activist.
2003/8/10 India Kupwara 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Muslim terrorists. One is shot in his home (Drubgam), the other is abducted and later killed (Kandi Khas).
2003/8/14 India Bandipore 2 40 Muslim militants plant a bomb on a bicycle that goes off killing at least two and injuring more than forty.
2003/8/14 India Khudwani 1 7 Grenade lobbed by Muslim terrorists at a police station bounces into passersby, killing one and injuring another seven.
2003/8/18 India Kashmir 3 0 In separate incidents, Muslim terrorists kill three civilians, including the elderly father of a police constable. (Damhal Khushipora, Morha Handa, Bumlakhi).
2003/8/25 India Mumbai 51 156 Two terrorist bombs in civilian areas kill at least fifty-one people and injure more than one-hundred and fifty. Muslim student group behind the attack.
2003/8/28 India Bijbehara 1 2 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a police vehicle, it misses, killing a bystander instead and injuring two others.
2003/8/28 India Srinigar 4 0 Three civilians were killed, along with a security officer, and an unknown number injured when Islamic terrorists attack a Hotel with grenades and firearms.
2003/8/7 India Tral & Dhok 3 0 Islamic militants abduct and kill two citizens from Tral. In Dhok, they kill another civilian in his house.
2003/8/7 India Srinagar 2 5 Militant Islamic grenade attack on a military vehicle in a crowded marketplace kills two and injures at least five.
2003/9/1 India Jawahar Tunnel 1 3 Bomb disposal specialist is killed, and three other people wounded, while attempting to defuse terrorist bomb.
2003/9/11 India Srinagar 2 14 al-Umar Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a busy market, killing a woman and injuring at least fourteen other people. One of the injured later dies in hospital.
2003/9/13 India Bijbehara 2 14 Two civilians are killed, and another fourteen injured, by a IED explosion set by militant Muslims.
2003/9/13 India Neelidori 4 6 Four security force personnel are killed, and five more wounded, in a Fidayeen attack.
2003/9/13 India Hajan 3 8 Three people, including a former member of parliament, are killed and eight wounded in a terrorist attack.
2003/9/14 India Sam Samad 2 0 Two government teachers are killed by militant Muslims, one of whom was abducted and beheaded.
2003/9/16 India Khanyar 1 7 One civilian is killed in a blast engineered by a Muslim terrorist group. Seven other people are injured.
2003/9/17 India Chak Nutnusa 2 1 Terrorists invade a home and open fire on a family. A man and his son are killed, his daughter is injured.
2003/9/17 India Laam 2 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists attack a security patrol with an IED. The device kills two and injures one other.
2003/9/2 India Awantipura 1 20 Terrorist bombing of a bus kills the driver and injures twenty passengers, including three women.
2003/9/2 India Alla Kala 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kill five members of the same family in a home invasion, including a mother and her 14-year old son.
2003/9/2 India Udhampur 4 0 Four civilians, including a father and his two sons, are shot to death by militant Muslim terrorists.
2003/9/21 India Thannamandi 2 0 Muslim terrorists invade a home, dragging out the husband and wife inside, then hanging them.
2003/9/21 India Rajouri 4 27 Bomb planted by Muslim terrorists in a video camera explodes in a marketplace, killing four and injuring twenty-seven.
2003/9/23 India Chak Banola 2 0 Militant Muslims kill a man and his son in their home.
2003/9/3 India Chamalwas 5 0 Militant Muslims break up a wedding party and kill five members of the same family including a child.
2003/9/30 India Surankote 1 4 Lashker-e-Toiba Fedayeen attack on a police station kills one and injures four.
2003/9/30 India Srinigar 0 19 Nineteen people are injured when militant Muslims throw a grenade into a bus stop.
2003/9/4 India Poonch 1 2 An Indian woman is killed, and her two children injured, in a failed Fedayeen suicide attack on a military building.
2003/9/6 India Srinigar 7 37 Muslim car-bombing in a fruit market kills at least seven and injures over thirty-seven.
2003/9/9 India Doda 1 7 One young girl is killed and seven other people injured in a grenade attack by militant Muslims on a market.
2003/9/9 India Sopat 1 1 Muslim terrorists attempt to assassinate a political figure. One bodyguard is killed and another injured.
2004/1/1 India Srinigar 1 6 Islamic rebels detonate a bomb near a site hosting a peace rally. One civilian is killed and six others injured.
2004/1/1 India Rainawari 0 7 A terrorist is killed, and seven civilians sustain injuries when a bomb being carried on a bicycle detonates prematurely.
2004/1/10 India Lurgam 2 0 Man and his wife killed by Mujahideen terrorists outside their home.
2004/1/12 India Anantnag 1 14 Grenade attack on a demonstration kills a police officer and injures fourteen other people.
2004/1/16 India Srinigar 0 7 Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen car bombing injures seven members of a security detail.
2004/1/23 India Kashmir 4 0 Militant Muslims kill four people in Baramulla and Bandipora, all suspected of being politically active.
2004/1/29 India Handwara 4 0 Muslim gunmen invade a home and shoot to death a resident and a guest. Two women are killed in a similar manner in Pulwama Rajouri.
2004/1/3 India Jammu 4 15 Four people are killed, and more than fifteen injured when militant Muslims attack a railway station with grenades and small-arms fire.
2004/1/9 India Jammu 0 20 At least twenty people are injured when a militant hurls a grenade at two police officers. The blast carries into a local shop.
2004/10/13 India Poonch 1 2 A 23-year-old is killed by the Mujahideen. Elsewhere in the district a mother and her son are abducted. Their fate is unknown.
2004/10/17 India Mohammadpora 1 5 The Mujahideen kill a 22-year-old man and badly injure five members of his family who were trying to prevent his murder.
2004/10/17 India Mandli 1 14 An Islamic terrorist lobs a grenade at a village defense committee trying to guard a bus station.
2004/10/22 India Anantnag 1 1 The Mujahideen assassinate a prominent moderate politician and critically injure his bodyguard.
2004/10/24 India Anantnag 1 1 Mujahideen attempt another political assassination at a funeral. A passerby is killed in the mine attack.
2004/10/24 India Salbala 3 2 Mujahideen terrorists invade a home. They shoot two members of a family to death and kidnap another member, whom they later behead.
2004/10/26 India Senabathi 1 1 The Mujahideen invade another house and kill two teenagers, including an 18-year-old girl.
2004/10/29 India Kukurgaon 2 3 Two Muslim clerics are killed by the other's followers in a religious dispute. Woman and two young girls injured.
2004/10/3 India Baramulla 1 3 Grenade attack injures three civilians and one policeman. A civilian later dies of injuries (10/6/04)
2004/10/30 India Mahore 2 1 Mujahideen assassinate a politician and his 12-year-old son after invading their home. The dead boy's mother is severely injured in the attack.
2004/10/9 India Pattan 5 45 Jaish-e-Mohammad militants use a suicide car bombing against a mini-bus, killing five and injuring some forty-five civilians and soldiers.
2004/11/1 India Shopian 0 21 Harkat-ul-Ansar terrorist hurls a grenade into a busy market, injuring over twenty people.
2004/11/13 India Malikpora Bandipora 2 2 The Mujahideen invade two houses, killing the wife of one occupant. The owner of the other house is kidnapped and then has his throat slit.
2004/11/14 India Chakarbathi Bala 3 0 Three people, including a husband and wife, are burned to death when the Mujahideen set fire to their home.
2004/11/14 India Nadimarg 3 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed militants kill three policemen assigned to protect a minority Indian ethnic group after a horrific massacre last year.
2004/11/15 India Patnazi 2 1 Two civilians are gunned down by the Mujahideen while collecting wood in a forest.
2004/11/16 India Budgam 6 0 Militant Muslims invade a residence and kill six members of a family, including two women.
2004/11/19 India Surankote 3 1 Three people are killed when the Mujahideen bomb their vehicle.
2004/11/23 India Kashmir 3 3 Muslim militants stage two attacks against border guards, killing three and injuring three.
2004/11/26 India Doda 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujhadeen kill two Hindu travelers on a road, along with a college student dragged of his house.
2004/11/29 India Srinagar 0 12 Mujahideen hurl a grenade into the center of a commercial district, injuring a dozen civilians.
2004/11/6 India Srinagar 2 2 Mujahideen terrorists throw a grenade at two off-duty soldiers shopping in a retail district, killing them and injuring two civilians.
2004/11/9 India Wagora 2 1 The Mujahideen stage an attack on the home of a politician. A neighbor and a security guard are killed.
2004/12/10 India Magani 4 0 Heavily-armed Mujahideen ambush on a police patrol and slaughter all four Indian cops.
2004/12/18 India Shingru 2 0 Muslim terrorists shoot and kill a 70-year-old political activists and abduct and kill a youth (Kanir).
2004/12/22 India Sangam 1 14 One person is killed and fourteen others, mostly civilians are injured when Mujahideen militant hurls a grenade into the road.
2004/12/25 India Pakherpora 2 28 Islamic separatists kill two and injure twenty-eight in a grenade attack on a busy street.
2004/12/29 India Kashmir 9 0 The Mujahideen shoot nine people to death in separate attacks. One is the leader of the youth wing of a political party.
2004/12/3 India Sopore 5 5 al-Mansoorain terrorists stage a suicide attack on a police camp. At least five officers are killed.
2004/12/30 India Waspora 2 1 Two citizens are shot dead in their home after the Mujahideen barge in. Another relative is injured.
2004/12/5 India Pulwama 11 0 Eleven people are blown to bits by the Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist group on a road, while traveling to a security camp.
2004/12/8 India Anantnag 0 36 Thirty-six people are injured by a grenade thrown by the Mujahideen on a busy street.
2004/12/9 India Shopian 2 5 Mujahideen murder two cops in an ambush. Five others are injured.
2004/2/16 India Hyderpora Chowk 3 0 A political activist and two policemen are gunned down by Islamists.
2004/2/16 India Budgam 2 0 Muslim rebels kill two villagers.
2004/2/17 India Dada 2 0 Muslim terrorists invade a house and shoot a civilian and his son to death.
2004/2/2 India Srinigar 1 1 A police officer is gunned down outside a mosque.
2004/2/23 India Gagarsula 2 3 One security force personnel is killed, and three injured by an remote-controlled bomb. Elsewhere (Kremshore) a civilian is shot dead outside his shop.
2004/2/23 India Dadsara 1 4 A 10-year old child is killed, and four others critically wounded when an Islamic militant throws a grenade onto a playground.
2004/2/27 India Beerwah 1 3 Militant Muslims fire on a political rally with RPGs. One woman is killed and two other women hurt.
2004/2/28 India Bijbehara 0 13 Five security personnel and eight civilians are injured in a grenade attack.
2004/2/29 India Srinigar 0 8 Eight civilians are injured when militant Muslims stage grenade attack on a security camp.
2004/2/3 India Chewdara 3 0 Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists invade a home and kill the couple inside, along with another family member.
2004/2/5 India Salar 4 7 Four Indian security forces are killed by a landmine planted by Muslim rebels in Kashmir. Seven others are injured.
2004/3/1 India Pulwama 3 0 Militant Muslims kill a civilian and his son in their home. They also return to the scene of an earlier murder and kill the victim's wife.
2004/3/12 India Pulwama 13 12 Muslim militants hole up inside a girl's school after a gun battle with police. Thirteen people are killed, and at least a dozen wounded in this and incidents in a 24-hour period.
2004/3/20 India Manasbal 2 40 Two soldiers were killed by a remote-controlled bomb. Thirty-eight others, along with two civilians were injured in the terrorist attack.
2004/3/21 India Tanka 3 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kill two children (ages 4 and 5) in their residence with an IED. Four other family members are injured in the attack. The same group also killed an off-duty policeman elsewhere in the Doda district.
2004/3/24 India Rajouri 1 1 Militant Muslims kill a 15-year-old girl in an IED attack that also injures her mother.
2004/3/3 India Jammu 7 12 Lashker-e-Toiba ultras storm high-security central jail in an effort to free other terrorists. The dead include policemen and civilians.
2004/3/9 India Budgam 3 35 Attempted abduction goes awry with a terrorist killing himself and three others with a grenade. Thirty-five are injured.
2004/4/14 India Banihal 2 22 Terrorist hurls grenade at a political rally, killing one and injuring twenty-two. Another soul dies of injuries four days later.
2004/4/20 India Srinigar 16 24 Militant Muslims kill at least sixteen, including a female journalist and a taxi driver, in an attempt to disrupt elections. At least two dozen others are injured.
2004/4/21 India Udhampur 2 2 One civilian is killed in his home (Doda), another abducted and later shot dead. Muslim militants also cut off the ears of two other people for participating in the elections.
2004/4/22 India Srinigar 2 6 Two people are killed and six injured in grenade attacks by Islamists attempting to disrupt the elections.
2004/4/23 India Surankote 1 2 Militants open fire on a police station, killing one officer and injuring two others.
2004/4/23 India Srinigar 0 23 Two separate grenade attacks on political offices leave at least twenty-three people injured, mostly civilians.
2004/4/24 India Bazipora 2 0 Militant Muslims enter the home of a police officer while he is on duty and behead his wife and 8-year-old daughter.
2004/4/25 India Kulgam 3 46 Militant Muslims attempt to assassinate a female political figure in a grenade attack. Three are killed and forty-six injured.
2004/4/28 India Srinigar 2 55 Two people are killed, and fifty-five others injured in a terrorist explosion at an election rally.
2004/4/3 India Kashmir 8 7 Mujahideen militants kill two Indian soldiers and six civilians in separate attacks. Some of the bodies are mutilated.
2004/4/5 India Srinigar 0 60 About sixty people, including women and children are injured when a militant Muslim hurls a grenade into a busy intersection.
2004/4/7 India Choornar Forest 4 16 Four security force personnel are killed, and sixteen injured when Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists detonate an IED under their vehicles.
2004/4/7 India Parigam 1 0 Muslim terrorists enter a civilian's home and shoot his young daughter to death.
2004/4/8 India Uri 11 68 Four people are killed immediately (seven others die in hospitals), and sixty-eight injured at a political rally by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2004/5/20 India Chadoura 3 22 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kill three, including two children, and injure about two dozen with a bomb planted on a bicycle.
2004/5/23 India Srinigar 33 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen militants trigger a bomb under a bus carrying security personnel and their families. Thirty-three people, including six women and three children are killed.
2004/5/27 India Jammu 5 2 In five separate attacks in the J&K, militant Muslims assassinate four civilians and one former SP officer. Two others are abducted and missing.
2004/5/28 India Beerwah 3 0 Five Islamic terrorists invade a home and kill an elderly man, a 2-year-old boy, and the boys mother. All are shot to death.
2004/5/5 India Anantnag Lok Sabha 1 2 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a polling booth, killing one and injuring two.
2004/5/9 India Doda 1 15 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a hospital, killing one and injuring fifteen others.
2004/6/10 India Udhampur 4 0 Militant Muslims shoot four members of a family to death, including two women and a 6-year-old child.
2004/6/12 India Pahalgam 5 28 Islamist kills five tourists, including two children with a grenade lobbed inside a crowded hotel. Twenty-eight others are injured.
2004/6/13 India Handwara 1 22 Twenty-two civilians are injured, four critically by an Islamist who threw a grenade into a busy street. One victim later dies in the hospital (6/14/04).
2004/6/13 India Baramulla 2 1 Islamic militant hurls a grenade at the house of a retired government official, killing the man, his sister and seriously injuring his son.
2004/6/14 India Rajouri 2 0 A father and son are shot to death in their home by Muslim terrorists.
2004/6/25 India Tiali Kathamara 12 12 Twelve people, including a woman and five children are killed by militant Muslim gunmen who enter a remote village and force the people out of their homes. Ethnic cleansing appears to be the motive.
2004/6/26 India Zainapora 2 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists kidnap two Hindus (a railway engineer and his brother) on Wednesday, then slit their throats.
2004/6/3 India Kellar Pahalgam 2 0 A political activist is assassinated by militant Muslims. Another civilian his killed in his home in a separate attack (Kishtwar).
2004/6/30 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamists kill a schoolteacher with a grenade.
2004/6/5 India Mawar 2 0 Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen gunmen invade a home and kill a 55-year-old woman and her daughter.
2004/7/10 India Mattan Adda 0 34 Thirty-four people are injured when a militant Muslim tosses a grenade onto a crowded road.
2004/7/13 India Bhaderwah 3 1 Islamic terrorists kill three construction workers and injure another in a senseless terrorist attack on a road-building project.
2004/7/13 India Srinagar 2 12 Militant Muslims kill two persons and injure twelve in a street bombing.
2004/7/15 India Mendhar 2 1 Islamic militant kills two policeman with a grenade and injures a third.
2004/7/19 India Kapran 6 50 Six people, including two women were killed, and more than fifty others sustained injuries when Muslim terrorists attacked a political rally with grenades.
2004/7/2 India Mughal Maidan 5 15 Pakistani-backed Islamic militants bomb a string of police cars, killing at least five and injuring over fifteen.
2004/7/20 India Rajauri 5 0 Islamists wipe out five members of a family, after invading their home in the middle of the night. Two women and a 3-year-old boy were among those murdered.
2004/7/20 India Koti 4 0 Lashkar-e-Taiba militants kill four policemen as they are investigating a previous crime in a remote village.
2004/7/25 India Daraj 3 1 Militant Muslims invade a home and cut off the heads of a 65-year-old man and his two children, one a teenage girl. They attempt to cut the head off his wife, but she survives the attack.
2004/7/26 India Baramullah 1 29 One citizen is killed, and nearly thirty others injured when militant Muslim throws grenade into the street outside a hospital.
2004/7/27 India Satoora 2 0 Police recover the body of a woman abducted by Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists. Her husband had also been killed by the same group.
2004/7/27 India Dal Lake 5 2 Fedayeen militants kill five Indian security force personnel and injure two in an attack on a resort.
2004/7/29 India Bafliaz 2 1 Mujahideen invade a home, kill a mother and father and injure their young child in the process.
2004/7/3 India Srinigar 2 66 Two citizens are killed, and more than sixty injured by two Islamist planted bombs, hidden handcarts, near a tourist center.
2004/8/12 India Watapora Beerwah 2 0 Mujahideen abduct and later shoot dead two civilians from a remote village.
2004/8/14 India Galothi 2 0 Mujahideen terrorists shoot a young couple to death as they beg for their lives.
2004/8/18 India Rajouri 2 0 Mujahideen militants - led by a Pakistani national - abduct and then cut off the heads of a man and his son.
2004/8/18 India Udhampur 4 0 Islamic separatists invade a family's home and then massacre the father, his daughter and two sons.
2004/8/24 India Kara 2 0 In a heinous attack, a Muslim "freedom fighter" hurls a grenade at two children in a remote village, killing the 3-year-old girl and her 5-year-old brother.
2004/8/24 India Safarwaw Gund 4 0 Four civilians are gunned down by the Mujahideen, two at a picnic spot and two others in Pulwama, after abducting them from their homes.
2004/8/31 India Pulwama 1 26 Muslim militant hurls a grenade into a road, killing a school teacher and injuring twenty-six other people.
2004/8/5 India Srinigar 9 8 Muslim terrorists attack a police building in the heart of Srinigar, killing eight officers.
2004/8/6 India Gundana 1 0 Suspected Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists invade a woman's home and kill her in cold blood.
2004/9/11 India Srinigar 3 7 Suicide attack on a heavily-guarded tourist hotel leaves three security personnel dead and seven others injured.
2004/9/11 India Kupwara 1 20 Mujahideen militants toss a grenade into a crowded marketplace, killing one civilian and injuring twenty others.
2004/9/13 India Kalmund-Bachana 3 0 Lashker-e-Toiba members, invade a house, torture three family members with sharp instruments, then shoot them to death.
2004/9/2 India Barhi Draman 1 3 Mujahideen kill a young boy and injure three members of his family for their refusal to send the boy to a terrorist training camp.
2004/9/25 India Anantnag 1 5 Victim of the 9/22 grenade attack - a man waiting for a bus - succumbs to his injuries.
2004/9/29 India Anantnag 2 0 Muslim militants shoot a government official and bodyguard to death as they are waiting at a traffic light.
2004/9/9 India Futlipora 1 0 Suspected Harkat-ul-Jehadi-e-Islami members abduct a 52-year-old man from his orchard, then march him to the top of a nearby hill where he is executed.
2005/1/14 India Yarbug Panzla 1 0 The Mujahideen enter a civilian's house and kill his 20-year-old daughter.
2005/1/15 India Srinigar 2 17 Grenade thrown into an election rally by the Mujahideen kills two people and injures seventeen.
2005/1/15 India Srinigar 2 0 Al-Mansoorian terrorists storm a passport office and kill two government employees.
2005/1/21 India Anantnag 1 3 The Mujahideen kidnap three civilians and torture two of them, eventually killing one.
2005/1/24 India Kulgam 2 6 The Mujahideen gun down an orchard worker (Shopian) and toss a grenade into a bus stop.
2005/1/27 India Kremshora 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill an Indian government employee and his son.
2005/1/27 India Pampore 0 26 Two grenades tossed by the Mujahideen at an election office injure twenty-six people, almost all civilians.
2005/1/31 India Nathali-Bagwa 4 3 Four members of a family, including three children and their mother, are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a house after knocking down the door.
2005/1/31 India Anantnag 2 1 The Mujahideen break into a house and kill a woman, then kidnap and hang her student son.
2005/1/5 India Srinigar 0 6 Four civilians and two Indian police suffer injuries when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a city street.
2005/1/7 India Srinigar 3 2 Fedayeen militants from the al-Mansoorian outfit storm a government building with grenades, leaving at least four dead.
2005/2/14 India Shopian 0 25 Twenty-five people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenande into a crowded street.
2005/2/16 India Kishtwar 2 7 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a bus stop, killing one and injuring seven. Elsewhere (Rajouri) they kidnap and kill a 60-year-old man.
2005/2/24 India Srinigar 5 2 The Mujahideen kill five people and injure at least two others in a suicide assault on a government building in the region's capital.
2005/2/24 India Sopore 0 12 Militant Islamist hurls a grenade into a crowd of people, injuring at least ten civilians.
2005/2/28 India Matribugh 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists capture, disarm and then execute two Indian soldiers.
2005/2/28 India Surankote 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a 17-year-old boy from his home and then kill him.
2005/2/4 India Taryath 1 2 Two people escape after being kidnapped from their village by the Mujahideen, but another is executed.
2005/3/14 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen ambush a search party, killing at least one person. They also kill a civilian at his home (Gagrot Piri).
2005/3/15 India Tangmarg 2 0 A leader of the terrorist group, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, kills two people in making an escape from jail.
2005/3/15 India Poonch 0 7 Seven people standing outside a bank are injured when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
2005/3/17 India Rajouri 3 24 Three people are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at a restaurant.
2005/3/18 India Bandipore 1 6 The Mujahideen kill an 8-year-old boy by tossing a grenade into a school. Six of his classmates sustain critical injuries.
2005/3/23 India Srinigar 1 5 The Mujahideen kill a civilian and injure several other people with a car bomb in a shopping district.
2005/3/24 India Bakhipora 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen invade a civilian's home, kidnap his son and nephew then execute them in captivity.
2005/3/25 India Manwa-Dangal 1 0 Muslim terrorists abduct a civilian then slit his throat a day later.
2005/3/26 India Srinagar 1 16 Sixteen people are injured and one killed when the Mujahideen lob a grenade near a crowded bus stop.
2005/3/27 India Udhampur 4 0 Mujahideen militants set fire to a civilian's house after killing his mother, wife and infant daughter. They also murder a neighbor.
2005/3/28 India Machan 2 8 Muslim terrorists ambush a local security patrol, killing two and injuring eight.
2005/3/29 India Biwilian 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists kill a boy who refuses to courier money for them.
2005/3/31 India Thannamandi 5 5 The Mujahideen kidnaps and kills two more villagers from their home. Elsewhere in Kashmir three other civilians are killed in separate attacks.
2005/3/31 India Sonabrari 3 0 The bodies of three shepherds abducted and executed by the Mujahideen two days earlier are found.
2005/4/10 India Shopian 2 20 Islamic militant hurls a grenade into a group of pedestrians, killing two and injuring twenty.
2005/4/10 India Srinigar 4 3 The Mujahideen kill four people in four separate shooting attacks across the region and take take three policemen hostage.
2005/4/12 India Shopian 1 0 The Mujahideen shoot a woman to death in front of her house.
2005/4/20 India Sopore 2 10 The Mujahideen take out a vegetable vendor and another innocent woman in a grenade attack in a shopping district.
2005/4/22 India Baramulla 2 0 Two youth are killed in separate attacks by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
2005/4/25 India Khurhama 1 0 A political activist is kidnapped by the Mujahideen and then shot to death.
2005/4/27 India Pahalgam 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and murder an Indian school teacher.
2005/4/5 India Jammu 2 3 Pakistani Fedayeen take Indian border guards by surprise, killing two Hindus and injuring three before fleeing.
2005/4/6 India Hanjivira 0 7 Mujahideen bomb intended for a passenger bus explodes early, injuring seven civilians.
2005/4/7 India Srinigar 0 7 Fedayeen suicide attack on the bus terminal housing elderly 'freedom riders' is largely unsuccessful. Two attackers are killed.
2005/5/11 India Srinigar 1 40 The Al-Nasreen terrorist group claims responsibility for a powerful car bombing at a busy intersection.
2005/5/12 India Srinigar 2 46 The Mujahideen target a school with grenades, killing two women and injuring about fifty others, including eleven children.
2005/5/13 India Sangdan 1 0 A government teacher is dragged out of a high school class and shot to death on the sidewalk by the Mujahideen.
2005/5/14 India Kalakote 4 1 The Mujahideen murder a father and his three sons as they are returning from their work in a coal mine.
2005/5/14 India Srinigar 1 0 A businessman is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2005/5/17 India Lohardaga 4 3 Seven family members, including women are asleep in their home when militant Muslims barge in and slit the throats of four of them while beating the rest.
2005/5/17 India Srinigar 2 17 The Mujahideen attacks a funeral of a man they murdered, killing two additional mourners and injuring seventeen.
2005/5/2 India Harni 1 4 The Mujahideen attack a security patrol, killing one personnel.
2005/5/20 India Moghla 4 0 The Mujahideen ambush a security patrol from behind bushes, killing four Indian soldiers.
2005/5/23 India Kashmir 3 3 In a series of overnight attacks, the Mujahideen hang a woman and shoot two other innocents to death.
2005/5/29 India Anatnag 0 44 Forty-four people are injured in twins blasts set by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. One went off near a post office.
2005/5/3 India Pulwama 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when an Islamic terrorist lobs a grenade into the road near a bus stop.
2005/5/3 India Pattan 5 0 A political figure is assassinated by the Mujahideen, along with three civilians and a police officer.
2005/5/5 India Udhampur 3 22 Mujahideen militants lob a grenade then open fire on a Hindu wedding party, killing two teenage girls (ages 15 and 17) and injuriing twenty-two others.
2005/5/8 India Kuligam-Lalpora 1 2 A 12-year-old girl is killed by a bomb that also injures her father and sister.
2005/5/9 India Chakka 3 0 The Mujahideen open fire on civilians exiting a mosque, killing three and injuring an unknown number.
2005/6/13 India Pulwama 13 100 At least thirteen people are slaughtered, and over one hundred injured when the Mujahideen set off a truck bomb near a school. Many schoolchildren are among the casualties.
2005/6/15 India Chaklas 2 0 The Mujahideen assassinate a veterinarian and also set fire to another civilian's house, killing his 8-month-old daughter in the flames.
2005/6/16 India Awantipora 0 15 Fifteen people, including a child and two women are injured by the splinters of a grenade thrown by the Mujahideen on a road.
2005/6/19 India Dachan 1 1 The Mujahideen fire into a civilian's home, killing his 14-year-old daughter and injuring his wife.
2005/6/2 India Harwan 4 1 The Mujahideen abduct and later behead four members of two families.
2005/6/20 India Watalar 1 0 Two Harkat-ul-Mujahideen terrorists assassinate a local political figure.
2005/6/22 India Bijbehara 0 17 About seventeen people, including two teenage boys are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade onto a road.
2005/6/22 India Nadihal 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians by slashing their throats.
2005/6/24 India Srinigar 9 25 Nine people are killed when Islamic militants detonate a powerful car bomb at a popular tourist attraction.
2005/6/25 India Behibagh 1 0 A female schoolteacher is killed by the Mujahideen.
2005/6/26 India Dachabpore 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home, take him to an orchard and kill him in brutal fashion.
2005/6/27 India Kupwara 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a woman from her home, torture then murder her.
2005/6/28 India Bhaderwah 4 0 Four security personnel are killed by Muslim militants in a shootout.
2005/6/29 India Srinagar 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade into a city street.
2005/6/30 India Kallar Kattal 1 0 A man is attacked in his home and beaten to death by militant Muslims.
2005/6/30 India Mahakund 4 0 The Mujahideen kill a 20-year-old girl on the night before her wedding, along with her mother and a neighbor. A civilian is also abducted from his home and killed in the same district.
2005/6/5 India Bandipora 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians.
2005/6/7 India Bahk-e-Hakar 1 0 A civilian is abducted from his home and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2005/7/1 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are abducted from their homes and executed by the Mujahideen, including a 65-year-old man.
2005/7/13 India Bigambri 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian, then kill him in captivity.
2005/7/16 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his home, and also stage a separate attack that kills a 6-year-old girl.
2005/7/18 India Arwani 1 1 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his shop.
2005/7/19 India Chitabas 6 0 The Hizbul Mujahideen enter a residence and slaughter six members of a family, in a heinous attack.
2005/7/20 India Srinigar 6 17 Hizbul Mujahideen suicide bomber targets a missionary children's school in the Indian capital, killing at least six and injuring more than a dozen.
2005/7/21 India Anantnag 1 2 Militant Muslims fire on a bus stop, killing a civilian and injuring two others.
2005/7/21 India Sopore 2 2 Two civilians are killed when the Mujahideen attack a security camp.
2005/7/26 India Mahore 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members invade a home and murder a civilian.
2005/7/28 India Sokar 3 0 A 5-year-old girl, her mother and grandmother are slaughtered in a home invasion by the Mujahideen.
2005/7/29 India Kupwara 2 0 The Mujahideen invade a home to kill the wife of a police officer, along with his young nephew.
2005/7/29 India Doda 2 0 Islamists kill two policemen in an ambush.
2005/7/29 India Rajouri 6 0 Muslims line up five Hindu villagers and then slit their throats. Elsewhere in the same district, they murder a woman with an axe.
2005/7/30 India Srinigar 2 25 The Mujahideen stage an attack on a hotel that claims the lives of two security personnel and injures about twenty-five others.
2005/7/31 India Badarkot 1 0 A civilian is shot to death inside his own home by militant Muslims.
2005/7/4 India Wagbal Karhama 1 0 A youth is abducted and hanged by the Mujahideen.
2005/7/4 India Dadsar 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct then shoot a civilian to death.
2005/7/5 India Pulwama 2 1 In two separate home invasions, the Mujahideen shoot two people to death and critically injure the wife of one.
2005/7/6 India Budgam 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a student from his classrom and subsequently shoot him to death.
2005/7/8 India Rajouri 4 0 Four Indian soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic militants.
2005/8/10 India Bandipore 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and later kill a police officer.
2005/8/11 India Kawani 1 0 An employee of an irrigation works project is abducted and killed by the Mujahideen.
2005/8/12 India Kulhand 2 0 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen attack a village and shoot two teenage boys to death.
2005/8/13 India Shajroo 5 9 Muslim militants attack a Hindu village in the middle of the night, killing five people in their homes, including three Hindu teenagers, and injuring at least nine others.
2005/8/17 India Qazigund 1 9 An Indian guard is killed, and nine other people are injured by a Mujahideen car bombing in a residential area.
2005/8/18 India Kashmir 4 0 In four separate attacks, the Mujahideen kill four civilians, including a 75-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy.
2005/8/19 India Gogaldara 1 0 A man is gunned down in cold blood by the Mujahideen.
2005/8/2 India Pulwama 1 0 The Mujhideen kill a man who is woking his paddy fields.
2005/8/2 India Nandyali 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Mujahideen inside her home.
2005/8/21 India Salbala 1 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists kidnap and kill a civilian.
2005/8/6 India Doda 1 4 The Mujahideen throw a grenade at a hostel, killing a pregnant woman.
2005/8/7 India Thatharaka 1 1 The Mujahideen invade two residences, killing one civilian and severely injuring another.
2005/8/8 India Awantipore 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a bomb blast outside a shop.
2005/8/8 India Batalik 3 0 Three young girls are killed by a Mujahideen bomb.
2005/8/9 India Thannamandi 1 0 A shepherd is beaten to death by the Mujahideen.

14 posted on 12/01/2008 3:35:17 AM PST by Diogenesis
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
If you'd like to be on this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.

High Volume. Articles on Israel can also be found by clicking on the Topic or Keyword Israel. or WOT [War on Terror]


15 posted on 12/01/2008 5:39:17 AM PST by SJackson (
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; george76; ...

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This is an unusual ping, but it is a history topic.
[snip] Contemporary validation of the central principle of jihad terrorism -- rooted in the Koran -- (for example, verses 8:12, 8:60, and 33:26)-i.e., to terrorize the enemies of the Muslims as a prelude to their conquest -- has been provided in the mainstream Pakistani text on jihad warfare by Brigadier S.K. Malik, originally published in Lahore, in 1979. Malik's treatise was endorsed in a laudatory Foreword to the book by his patron, then Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq, as well as a more extended Preface by Allah Buksh K. Brohi, a former Advocate-General of Pakistan. This text -- widely studied in Islamic countries, and available in English, Urdu, and Arabic -- has been recovered from the bodies of slain jihadists in Kashmir. [endsnip]
Thanks neverdem! LOTS more here, a very long read. Everyone should bookmark this one.

To all -- please ping me to other topics which are appropriate for the GGG list.
GGG managers are SunkenCiv, StayAt HomeMother, and Ernest_at_the_Beach

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18 posted on 12/01/2008 9:25:39 AM PST by SunkenCiv ( finally updated Saturday, October 11, 2008 !!!)
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To: Diogenesis

A link would have been sufficient. Do you like to get comments that are that long?

19 posted on 12/01/2008 9:43:10 AM PST by neverdem (Xin loi min oi)
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To: Jabba the Nutt
And on the other hand, why don't India, the US and Afghanistan governments go to the Pakistan government and read them the riot act?

Two reasons:

(1) The Saudis and the rest of the Muslim Middle East CANNOT tolerate an attack on a Muslim country by a Hindu country.

(2) China. Pakistan is a Chinese client. China has all the cheap manufacturing business they are likely to get. The next area of expansion is into services, including software services, which means they must displace India, and can use Pakistan to do it in a deniable fashion.

20 posted on 12/01/2008 9:59:03 AM PST by PapaBear3625 (Question O-thority)
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