Posted on 11/16/2008 4:49:18 AM PST by Islander7
A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore's chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Bush wouldn’t fire Hansen because he would have had to admit that there was something rotten in the state of Texas.
The reason for the freak figures was that scores of temperature records from Russia and elsewhere were not based on October readings at all. Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running.The error was so glaring that when it was reported on the two blogs - run by the US meteorologist Anthony Watts and Steve McIntyre, the Canadian computer analyst who won fame for his expert debunking of the notorious "hockey stick" graph - GISS began hastily revising its figures. This only made the confusion worse because, to compensate for the lowered temperatures in Russia, GISS claimed to have discovered a new "hotspot" in the Arctic - in a month when satellite images were showing Arctic sea-ice recovering so fast from its summer melt that three weeks ago it was 30 per cent more extensive than at the same time last year.
By happenstance, I was looking at the Arctic daily ice webpage that lets you compare the ice extents for any two days from 1979 until now:
Perhaps this will shed a little light on the subject of Gulf elevation
There is evidence of late Quaternary glaciation on thirteen mountains of central Mexico (~19°N) peaking above 3850 m. Iztaccíhuatl volcano (5286 m) probably has the most complete record in the region. This work presents the late Pleistocene and Holocene glacial chronology of Iztaccíhuatl, the reconstructed equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of glaciers for different advances, and some paleoclimatic implications. The chronology is based on morphostratigraphy, 81 36Cl surface exposure ages, and 3 radiocarbon-dated tephras from Popocatépetl volcano. The ELAs for the past 20,000 years were reconstructed using the terminus-to-headwall altitude ratio (THAR=0.4). The most extensive recorded advance reached ~3000 m and falls within MIS 6 (~190 36Cl ka) (Nexcoalango moraines of White, 1962, GSA Bulletin, 73:935-958). There is no clear evidence of Wisconsin glaciation prior to the LGM. The main advance of the late Pleistocene occurred between 20 and 17.5 36Cl ka, with a mean ELA of 3940 m (Hueyatlaco-1 moraines of White). An ELA depression (compared to A.D. 1960) of ~1000 m is consistent with similar estimates from North America and northern South America for the LGM. After a short recession, massive moraines formed between 17 and 14 36Cl ka, with a mean ELA of 4040 m (Hueyatlaco-2 moraines). This substantial late glacial ELA depression (~900 m) might be related to the cooling effect of Laurentide meltwater flow to the Gulf of Mexico. Glacier retreat occurred slowly from 14 to 13 36Cl ka, then faster between 13 and 12 36Cl ka. Glaciers expanded (mean ELA: 4240 m) and receded from <12 to ~10 36Cl ka (Milpulco-1 moraines). There is clear evidence of an advance peaking shortly before 8.0 36Cl ka, with recession in progress by 7.5 36Cl ka (Milpulco-2 moraines). This could represent the 8200 cal yr BP cooling event of the North Atlantic. The mean ELA of 4420 m implies a depression of ~50% with respect to the maximum ELA lowering of the late Pleistocene. The younger next advance is dated in <1 ka (based on tephrochronology) and likely corresponds to the Little Ice Age (Ayoloco moraines). The mean ELA (4720 m) was depressed ~250 m, equivalent to 24% of the late Pleistocene maximum. As everywhere in the tropics, the glaciers of Iztaccíhuatl have undergone accelerated retreat since the beginning of the 20th century. The current ELA lies around 5000 m.
Is this why ACORNs were so plentiful this election season?
AlGore is making too much money, getting too much acclaim for his global warming sermons, to ever admit that he could be wrong or things are not as bad as he claims or that natural events control the temperature.
“A deliberate lie cannot be categorized as a blunder.”
Exactly. The blunder is in getting caught. Of course, the MSM
focuses a lot more attention on bureaucratic blunders that fit their story-line (how many times have you heard “Heckuva job, Brownie” repeated ad nauseaum?) and tend to ignore the blunders that don’t (or relegate them to p. 16D where they can be confident that most readers will miss them). The Brownies of the world get sacked for their blunders while the Hansens soldier on, fighting the good fight that the MSM hopes they will.
“Global Warming” is passe “Climate Change” is the new a google search by date and you will see that the MSM is gradually changing their nomenclature, in 6 months time global warming will be gone and the new ice age will still be caused by man under the name climate change....
Global Warming = Luddites.
Wish we had some of that global warming down here in Alabama. Tonight suppose to be 30. Then dipping into the 20s the rest of the week. Highs barely making 50 or a little better. Yup, glad to be in the warm, sunny, south. Stinking winds make me think I am in Wyoming.
>>It should be about three days before the U.S. msm finds out about this story.<<
Probably way more. I read this over a week, maybe two weeks, ago somewhere on the web and it’s only now making news?
God didn’t provide those ACORNS. They were produced for a different kind of SQUIRRELS and sheep. ;0)
Yo mon! Why you wanna be dissin' da Voodoo, mon?
It based on hundreds years of trainin', observin' an' tradition!
Dis Algore cat jus' know how to smoke de ganja an' pullin' de numbahs out'n his arse!
Although he do have plenty of de zombies followin' him 'round....
This is exactly what is killing all credibility in the global warming enthusiast community. The constant overstatement of case and the desire of proponents to rely on intimidation rally than debate to prove their case is a parody of science not a defender of it.
It was 83 here in the SF Bay Area both Friday and Saturday. Short sleeves and shorts. Ahhh! Perfect day for watching my daughter compete in the collegiate IHSA horse show at Standord.
Hansen works out the Goddard Space Science Center - based up in Maryland. He has nothing to do with Texas, Houston, or other NASA offices.
Much of his (Hansen's) global warming propaganda is through his other full-time (government-paid) paid in the Columbia University.
Your reference to Texas and Bush (other than that Bush SHOULD HAVE fired him from his GISS position many years ago) is wrong.
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