Posted on 10/27/2008 11:38:01 PM PDT by unspun
Edited on 11/02/2008 12:11:01 PM PST by Jim Robinson. [history]
A narrative of facts many have not heard, documented with Web links
Barack Obama, by his own book, plus the testimony of relatives and friends, was raised in quite a family. While in high school, his mother developed an affinity with a teacher who led readings from Marx. She became an atheist or agnostic and met Barack Obama Sr. in a college Russian language class - a Russian language class, circa 1960.
With no father in his home in Hawaii, he was mentored throughout his teens by Frank Marshall Davis, a man famous in communist circles, with numerous FBI files. Davis also wrote an autobiography, Sex Rebel (explicit references) which demonstrates numerous of his perversions, including pedophilia. Nothing new there, "sexual revolution" was a part of the Russia's Marxist revolution: sex is divorced from reproduction, marriage, and child rearing; abortion becomes sublime. Sexual involvement is "liberated" into mutual use.According to a former intelligence officer who had read the FBI files, Davis laid out a generic communist plan “to take over America from within, by installing educators at all levels of our educational system, gaining control of the media, getting Liberal judges appointed, recruiting, training and backing people to be elected to public office.”
From Hawaii, Barack was on to New York and Columbia University (Bill Ayers was a neighbor there, too) and then Chicago (where Ayers returned). Obama writes of attending socialist conferences and reading Marxist books around this time. He was trained in and taught the insurgent methods of "Rules for Radicals" drafted by cynical, "transformational Marxist," Saul Alinsky. Thesis: lie, cheat, steal, etc., while making those who uphold American principles live up to impossibly high standards of institutional altruism, so that we and our liberal government fail in ridicule. Preach "change" and gradually build an activist army of the proletariat, motivated by (short sighted) self interest, for a crescendoing revolt. All, to pave the way for the "egalitarian state." And funny thing, Alinsky's book tosses an acknowledgment to Lucifer, "the very first radical," a refreshing lapse into candor.
In Chicago, Obama met his wife Michelle at the Sidley & Austin law firm, where terrorist Ayers' terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn worked, too. And in Chicago, they joined Jeremiah Wright's church, investing two decades and significant indoctrination of their daughters there. That is, until Wright turned his criticism from merely "God damn America," toward the one, Obama. This congregation espouses Black Liberation Theology, an institutionalization of ethnocentric bitterness and a variant of Liberation Theology, which had been conceived in South America as an attempt to sell Marxism to Christians through the clergy, misapplying portions of the Bible. Concurrently, Obama has repeatedly exhorted, "our individual salvation depends on collective salvation." While that would have been less than Good News to Christ's Apostles, Marx may have found it catchy.
Obama also shared an office for apparently three years with Ayers and fellow SDS member Michael Klonsky (a self-described Maoist communist) while taking Annenberg millions and devoting much of it to ACORN and other insurgent-socialist "community organizations" fitting the terrorist Weathermen's model. The goal? "Raise political consciousness," chiefly among black school kids. (Historically, an SDS and Weathermen objective has been to piggyback upon any black revolt in America, for their Marxist ends.) What "political consciousness?" One attractive to Ayers, a self-proclaimed anarchistic Marxist. Ayers secured the purse, thus presumably played a responsible role in setting up young Mr. Obama as chairman. They apparently formed a small circle of Chicago's education radicals.In an overlapping circle, Obama became a member of the Marxist “New Party” in the 1990’s while maintaining membership in the Democratic Party. Soviet apologist, Alice Palmer hand picked Obama to succeed her as Illinois State Senator. He also gained an odd circle of radical Islamist, anti-Israel friends, including Khalid al Mansour, Rasheid Khalidi, and Ali Abunimah. He has connected with the radical Musllim Brotherhood, and Louis Farrakhan credits Obama with a key role in organizing his 1995 “Million Man March.”
And what has Obama been doing as Senator besides running for President? Well, in 2006 he campaigned in Kenya for Raila Odinga, a communist Kenyan out of prison for a coup attempt, who allied himself with radical Islamists and their establishment of brutally oppressive Sharia law in that nation. Odinga lost and led the kind of protest that killed 1,000 to 1,500 Kenyans, mostly Christians, mostly by Muslims. Rape, too. Churches were burned. The thuggery worked and Obama's man was named Prime Minister, a "change" for which Obama allegedly raised $1M.
Many Americans are hearing about Obama's redistributionist tax and welfare/workfare plans, but do not know he wants to build (draft?) a massive, undefined "civilian national security force" as powerful and funded as our military. And, he has pledged to plan his presidential agenda in meetings with ACORN. He is also committed to the "Freedom of Choice Act," which would nullify all laws against partial birth abortion and those for parental notification, and any other restriction of abortion. So much for "Life, Liberty, and Property."
This is one page's worth of the many elements in an apparently Marxist career development, of the one poised to become, of all things, United States President.
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Reporting for duty.
When did Obama’s mother meet Frank Marshall Davis?
In a similar vein, Pam Gellar (AtlasShrugs blog) has done an excellent job in connecting the dots on 0bama as well:
Connecting 0bama's Dots
This is something all young people should realize - He intends to create a National Force “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” as the military - and where is he going to get all these? By mandatory service - Young people will be MADE to his new police force that will be as big as our military, but all in the U.S. -
Are any of you media going to let the people know? Are you going to ask: “Funded HOW.”
(We have the military to protect us from foreign enemies, the Coast Guard for our shores, each state has it's National Guard and State Police, communities have their police and sheriff's = the obamination says his new NATIONAL police force will have AS MANY troops as our military and as well funded.
Here's the number of military as of last year, most stationed around the world.
2007 (August) 1,380,082
Picture over a million new NATIONAL POLICE - OVER 26,500 THOUSAND PER STATE. I guess that would be enough to clamp down on anyone who dared raise their voice. Sounds more like a “Praetorian Guard”...or Hitler's Youth.)
Obamas Youth Regiment - pure indoctrination - Salute!
Young people of America - you WILL be drafted.
Davis was born in Kansas - was friends of Obama's grandparents there - and in Hawaii - his mother, therefore, grew up knowing him as a family friend (her father, obama's grandfather was a Socialist also) ... dot+dot+dot
Don’t forget these:
Here is a good article that ties Obama as a community organizer with “Project Vote”
“A former community organizer not long out of Harvard Law School, Obama was tapped in 1992 to head up Project VOTE Illinois, [ or ACORN] where he was responsible for registering 120,000 new Democratic voters, mostly minorities, and chasing the greater part of them out to the polls that November. Barack and his team made a significant contribution toward Bill Clinton carrying Illinois that year and enabled Carol Moseley Braun to squeak by a Republican opponent to become the first and only black woman ever to sit in the US Senate.”
Here is a nice dialogue between Obama when he was running for U.S. Senate and the publishers of “Black Commentator” about whether Obama had abandoned his “progressive” credentials by allowing his name to be included on a Democratic Leadership Council’s list.
...”I do think a broader question remains on the table. What is the best strategy for building majority support for a progressive agenda, and for reversing the rightward drift of this country?
“One important part of that strategy - and on this I think we agree - is for progressives within the Democratic Party to describe our core values (e.g. racial justice, civil liberties, opportunity for the many, and not just the few) in clear, unambiguous terms.
“A second part of that strategy - and again, I think we agree here - is to stake out clear positions on issues that put those values into action (e.g. the need for universal health care), and to stand up for those values when they are under assault (e.g. opposition to the Patriot Act).
“But the third part of this part of the equation and on this we may disagree must be to gain converts to our positions. My job, as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, isnt to scold people for their lack of ideological purity. Its to persuade as many people as I can, across the ideological spectrum, that my vision of the future is compatible with their values, and can make their lives a little bit better. Thus, while I may favor common-sense gun control laws, that doesnt keep me from reaching out to NRA members who are worried about their lack of health insurance. I favor affirmative action, but Im still going after the votes of white union members who oppose affirmative action, because I think I can convince them that its Bushs economic agenda, and not affirmative action, that is eroding their job security and stagnating their wages....”
...”To some, this approach may appear naïve; to others, it may appear that Im headed down a path of dangerous compromise. All I can tell you is that in my twenty years as an organizer, civil rights lawyer, and state senator, Ive always trusted my moral compass, and have thus far avoided compromising my core values for the sake of ambition or expedience....” Sincerely, State Senator Barack Obama, Candidate for the U.S. Senate
Another late night ping. This is well organized, and suitable for printing and distributing. It does a good job of targeting the average voter.
Thank you. I touched upon some of this with an earlier 1-pager:
ACORN & Obama - Allied How? To What End?
It just boggles the mind.
Thanks for posting.
Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable resource! It’s biased and anyone can enter information without substantiation.
We have to do something about this.
We are not helpless.
We are not cowards.
We are not without recourse.
We have to stop this before its to late.
To any active duty military reading this... Ask yourself... What constitutes a DOMESTIC ENEMY of the constitution? At WHAT point do you do your DUTY and fulfill your damn OATH?!
We know EVERYTHING we need to know about this man and the people who he associates with. We know their history and we know what they intend for the future. We have EVERYTHING we need to justify defending this nation and its constitution from this DOMESTIC ENEMY!
Lets see how November 4th goes but plan for November 5th and beyond....
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