Posted on 08/31/2008 3:51:58 AM PDT by Brytani
Conservative Family Values August 29th, 2008, 4:13 PM EDT
In her speech in Dayton today, Gov. Sarah Palin announced that she and her husband are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary, which means they were married on August 29, 1988.
On April 20, 1989 less than eight months after they eloped their first son, Track, was born.
I think I can guess the real reason why they eloped, and it wasnt to save money on an expensive wedding.
Posted in Liberaland by Alan leave a comment trackback
Way too go Libs, every attack just converts more women to the McCain / Palin ticket!
Many of Hillary’s women supporters are women who vote on gender, not issues, and some are low income entitlement voters who naturally gravitate toward the promises of the ‘rat party platform.
I believe that a good deal of these women will not appreciate this kind of attack against another member of the sisterhood. You may think you’re being cute, colmes, but you are not helping your messiah with this line of attack. Keep it up and watch the new gender gap balloon against Nobama.
“How do you spell hypocrites?”
For the moonbats, I spell it Hippy-crites.
Wow, Alan! That’s quite a find!
What’s sort of gratifying about this “discovery” by Alan is that instead of opting for the “liberal” solution, Sarah and her long-time boyfriend decided to get married and start a life together. And what a life they have led and what a family they have created.
yeah let’s throw out the just doesn’t poll well.
It is a well known medical fact--the first baby can be born anytime after the wedding date. Second babies (almost) always take nine months.
Very disappointed in Alan Combs.
Alan got “married” because he couldn’t grow a beard, himself.
I personally believe that this disclosure will backfire on on Alan Colmes and the democrats in a big way.
okay, how do I get that link to the PUMA’s???
***yeah lets throw out the just doesnt poll well.***
That would be total surrender - Jesus used gentle persuasion to teach us the error of our ways.
Redemption begins with facing reality - conversion follows.
Pile this on top of the low blow from TV's Alan Colmes who claims that Palin didn't practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down's Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child. Well, the lefties don't know a low road they won't take. (Colmes' site has crashed right now, but this is the address if it ever comes back:
Funny how sex with an intern in the most public WHITE HOUSE is a private matter!!!!!
I love the institutional memory of my fellow freepers. Great comeback.
At least Todd didn’t have to hide her like John Edwards does.
Bingo. It ain’t the best way, but it surely hews closer to the line than not. Anyway, they did the right thing, they’re seemingly decent people and look have done a fine job with a passel of other kids.
Hey Combs, ain’t nothin’ to this story unless yer a window peeper, too . . .
The last baby was premature, not that it means the first baby was premature.
Given the left’s love affair with abortion, Alan’s comment is not surprising at all. They hate people who keep their babies when the birth would be inconvenient.
Where’s Obama’s birth certificate Alan?
Alan Colmes is married to Monica Crowley’s sister.
She is a Rutgers professor spouting liberal nonsensical nothingness most of the time. She was Monica’s guest one time and I never heard more boring useless commentary.
“On April 20, 1989 less than eight months after they eloped their first son, Track, was born.”
I wonder if Bambi was still using “Blow (cocaine)” and smoking pot in 1989.
Somebody with half a brain ripped it down off of the Internet before the hundreds of thousands of mothers of Down’s Syndrome babies could read it.
It's not even accessible in the internet archives.
I think the URL should be preserved and disseminated widely, any way.
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