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What Would You Do About The Illegal Alien Invasion?
August 13, 2008 | Tennessee Nana

Posted on 08/13/2008 4:15:50 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana

At this moment there are more than 300 million people living in the United States. How many are here illegally is uncertain and the estimated number changes depending on the political or social persuasion of the numerator. While liberal or “compassionate” Americans like to denounce any objections to the presence of illegal aliens as racism or bigotry over just a few, indeed as little as 12 million, cooler heads place the number closer to double and maybe even triple that amount.

While those same high-minded theologians and social reformers also claim that the few illegal aliens are only here for much needed work and are family oriented and civic minded, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the illegal aliens are members of criminal gangs, or rely on an income, not from their own work ethics, but from the work of American taxpayers. The number of illegal aliens receiving public assistance in the form of welfare, food stamps, and other government handouts is huge, and a drain on state coffers. Emergency rooms in local hospitals are swamped by illegal aliens using their services for running noses and other light ailments, and using fraudulent identification in order to avoid payment.

Many people have a variety of reasons to forgive or condemn the illegal alien presence. The “compassionate” urge humanitarian treatment, and claim mass deportation is unwarranted and impossible to achieve, while blocking any attempt at strong law enforcement. The concerned work tireless to change local laws, raise their voices of alarm above the opposition’s roar, and warn others about an ever increasing flood of illegal aliens who rape, kill, steal, drive drunk, unlicensed and uninsured, use public funds they are not entitled to, and use stolen identification to deprive American citizens of employment, domiciles and government aid.

I have opinions about the illegal aliens derived from the several parts of my personal life:

As a Christian: Does it ever occur to the enablers who push the Bible, (a book they have seldom actually read) at Christians in an attempt to shame us into complacency, that the illegal aliens would not be in such dire straits if they had just stayed home and not entered the United States illegally?

As an American: No, we do not owe illegal aliens anything; a living, a job, free schooling for their illegal alien children, or pseudo 14th Amendment children. Nor are we to welcome with open arms people who deliberately break our sovereign laws in order to enter our country, and then wantonly flaunt their criminal activity in our faces.

As a veteran: I use to wonder why illegal aliens did not apply to serve in the American armed forces, thus proving their fond regard for our nation. I do not wonder any longer; I do not feel that a person who would have so little respect for our immigration laws would have the character required to serve honorably in our military.

As a former immigrant: As a child I was taught to love and respect Americans. The appreciation for the sacrifice of the American soldiers and sailors in the Pacific during World War II, was passed down to me by my parents and other adults in New Zealand, who had lived in fear of imminent invasion by the Japanese. My love and appreciation for the greatest country in the world has been a lifelong attitude and inspired me to serve in the United States military as a registered alien. I wore my uniform the day I proudly became an American citizen in 1975.

When I completed an application to enter the United States, there were several requirements that illegal aliens bypass in their unauthorized entry into our country. I had to pay fees, have a clean bill of health, receive inoculations, have a thorough criminal and background check, and prove that I would not become a public dependant. I signed documents affirming that I understood I was not entitled to public assistance and that if I committed a felony, I would be deported. When I applied to enter the United States, it was with the knowledge that immigration was a serious step and required scrupulous documentation.

However I entered the country in 1971: amnesty was not a household word that year.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; US: Tennessee
KEYWORDS: aliens; amnesty; congress; enforcement; illegalaliens; immigrantlist; immigration
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To: Tennessee Nana
November could bring even worse occupants of the White House and congress..

An occupant of the WH that's worse is guaranteed.....Congress...depends on just how stupid and selfish we've become.

21 posted on 08/13/2008 4:52:56 AM PDT by Gay State Conservative (Obama:"Ich bin ein beginner")
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To: Tennessee Nana
The problem isn't illegal immigration per se so much as the attitudes of the people and government of Mexico.

I'd immediately cease all commerce with Mexico and build a real barrier with bar bed wire, thorn bushes, land mines, and machinegun nests and let it be known that henceforth anybody trying to cross from Mexico was just going to die, simple as that, and that until Mexico reformed its entire society from top to bottom, the US simply did not give a rat's *** what happened to it.

And then, ASSUMING we really need "guest workers(TM)" which is a hell of a big assumption, I'd set up some point offshore, possibly a mothballed aircraft carrier, and let EVERYBODY south of the border have an even shot at it, not just Mexicans, just men, no wives, no "anchor babies" or othe rfamily members, and whoever needed the "guest workers" would have to pick them up there, supply all their needs while they were in the states, and then take them back there when it was time for them to leave, and the whole bill would be footed by the employer and none of it by the American citizens and taxpayers.

22 posted on 08/13/2008 4:54:14 AM PDT by wendy1946
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To: Tennessee Nana
23 posted on 08/13/2008 4:55:11 AM PDT by Guenevere
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To: Man50D

Yes, I dont doubt it...

The sanctuary cities and states are those who announce that they are, or just dont enforce the laws we already have...

Right now in my TN county, the illegal aliens have been pouring in at an alarming rate...

Carnerias, Mexican restaurants etc are opening over night...

They are not hiding in the TN shadows either, Teddy Kennedy..

24 posted on 08/13/2008 4:55:42 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana

> What Would You Do About The Illegal Alien Invasion?

If I were the gummint, I would require everybody to present their citizenship / landed immigrant credentials to their local police station, for checking.

If their documents checked out, I would have each person be given a barcode tattoo, either on their forehead or on their hand: something that is easy to scan, in infra-red ink so it doesn’t show.

And I would have everyone inserted with a microchip — the sort that they use on dogs and cattle — subcutaneously: when scanned they emit a unique number.

Next, I would require all banks, government agencies, and retail outlets to scan their customers, using either the barcode tattoo or the microchip. No financial transaction would be valid unless the scan was valid. Nobody without a barcode tattoo or microchip could buy or sell anything: not food, not petrol, nothing. They couldn’t even sit for their driver’s license, open a bank account or pay their phone bill.

Illegal aliens would not have the necessary identification, so they could not be barcoded or microchipped. They would have to go home else they wouldn’t eat.

That’s what I’d do if I was the gummint. And we all know that this is going to happen sooner or later. It is inevitable, and was predicted a long, long time ago...

25 posted on 08/13/2008 4:55:52 AM PDT by DieHard the Hunter (Is mise an ceann-cinnidh. Cha ghéill mi do dhuine. Fàg am bealach.)
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To: Man50D
Yeah, that's it! Let's turn the non-illegal-alien businessman into a criminal!

I can never understand how it is that people miss the absurdity of a government that can find evil businessmen who employ illegal aliens but cannot find the illegal aliens themselves.


26 posted on 08/13/2008 4:59:58 AM PDT by ml/nj
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To: RexFamilia

4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.

5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.

6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.

These were the law in the US when I came here in 1971

27 posted on 08/13/2008 5:02:40 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana

Make their employers abide by the laws.

28 posted on 08/13/2008 5:04:58 AM PDT by stuartcr (Election year.....Who we gonna hate, in '08?)
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To: DieHard the Hunter

If their documents checked out, I would have each person be given a barcode tattoo, either on their forehead or on their hand: something that is easy to scan, in infra-red ink so it doesn’t show.

Dont worry...that’s coming...

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:16, 17

29 posted on 08/13/2008 5:08:26 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: ml/nj

Let’s turn the non-illegal-alien businessman into a criminal

He is a criminal if he breaks the immigration laws...

Nobody forces him to do so...

E-Verify can be used to check the validity of documents and social security numbers..

Surely if a guy comes into your business speaking only Spanish, you would have some indication that he just might be here illegally..

30 posted on 08/13/2008 5:11:48 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Guenevere

Lee Greeenwood is on the Rick and Bubba show for the 25th Anniversary of God Bless the USA...talking about the Flag...

He said that no American or naturalized citizen can see the flag and not be moved...

That’s how I feel ...

I am choked when the flag passes...

I welcome the opportunities I have to pledge allegience to the flag...

But illegal aliens do not have that connection to our country...

If they had respect for our nation or our laws, they would not just break in like scurvy burglars...

and they drag our flag through the mud to show their blatant contempt for us...

31 posted on 08/13/2008 5:18:20 AM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Liberty2007
We need to
*Cut all social services and special perks to illegal aliens. Then many will leave or are discouraged from coming here.
*Round up and deport. Eisenhower did. If a nation refused to take back their own citizens, we put them on their border and cut all assistance to that nation. This country is not a dumping ground for the undesirables of other nations.
*Build a proper fence.
*Enforce existing laws - punish employers who knowingly employ them and others who aid the breaking of our laws.
*If caught returning, then a chip or tattoo or something should be implanted to help detection.
*No citizenship ever for those who have entered illegally through sham marriages. And no citizenship for "anchor babies."
32 posted on 08/13/2008 5:23:01 AM PDT by Dante3
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To: Tennessee Nana
Right now in my TN county, the illegal aliens have been pouring in at an alarming rate...

Not to be nosy, but what county do you live in? We moved to Williamson County in 1992, which was only starting to experience its unbelievable growth. In the almost 15 years we lived there, I could not believe the numbers of south-of-the-border immigrants that showed up. It was a change that anyone who wasn't blind couldn't possibly ignore. My lib sister doesn't believe me when I try to describe it. I'm just a bigot, don'cha'know?

33 posted on 08/13/2008 5:24:52 AM PDT by Flo Nightengale (Keep sweet? I'll show you sweet.....)
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To: Tennessee Nana; All

Thanks for your continued service to this great nation. America’s finest.

OUTSTANDING FReeper comments BUMP!

34 posted on 08/13/2008 5:25:44 AM PDT by PGalt
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To: Tennessee Nana
Simply enforce current laws which include:
1. Build the fence
2. Fine employers hiring illegals
3. Deport
35 posted on 08/13/2008 5:26:16 AM PDT by newfreep ("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." - P.J. O'Rourke)
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To: Tennessee Nana

“What Would You Do About The Illegal Alien Invasion?”


36 posted on 08/13/2008 5:26:38 AM PDT by PreciousLiberty
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To: Tennessee Nana

I would invade a section of say Mexico, set up a perimeter and build a small city that is somewhat a neutral zone to house these illegal immigrants and use them as workers for jobs Americans won’t do.
Bus or fly them across the border for a two week on/off rotation schedule at key work areas inside the US much like a minimal security prison, work farm or assembly plant, they live in Mexico but must learn English, learn driving skills and earn credits in vocational skills, THEN they get to come across the border and be a citizen.

37 posted on 08/13/2008 5:29:01 AM PDT by Eye of Unk (The world WILL be cleaner, safer and more productive without Islam.)
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To: Tennessee Nana
E-Verify can be used to check the validity of documents and social security numbers..

Isn't that nice? It's hard enough to find someone who can do the job one wants done, and to pay all the taxes, and comply with the thousands of regulations, but now the employer is sort of duputized as an immigration enforcement agent; all so he remains allowed to breathe.

Meanwhile government agents who hand out social benefits are forbidden to inquire about a person's legal status.

Orwell would love it!


38 posted on 08/13/2008 5:32:01 AM PDT by ml/nj
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To: Tennessee Nana
I depart from a lot of conservatives on my solution to this, we really do need a biometrically-secured national ID card. Yeah, yeah, "papers, please" and all that, but if you want a job, welfare, or the vote, then you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are really entitled to be here.

Then, you work on the supply side, you penalize employers who don't check out the national employment database, and fire and jail government bureaucrats who don't verify who they are handing the money of honest taxpayers to.

Take away the reason to be here illegally, and 90% of the problem dries up.

39 posted on 08/13/2008 5:36:03 AM PDT by hunter112 (The 'straight talk express' gets the straight finger express from me.)
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To: Tennessee Nana

Mexico is a failed state and the narco-trafficantes are a threat to our security. Set up a DMZ like the one between North and South Korea - fences, minefields, vibration detectors, etc. Patrol the border with para-military border police - hire the old KGB and East German border police if they’re available - they know how to do it. Capture and deport intruders if they surrender - shoot to kill if they fight or run.

Once we have the border secure, we can discuss what to do with the invaders already here. I think we should keep the ones who are employed, have no other offenses to their name, and truly want to be Americans. Gangsters and criminals should be tagged should expelled - from 10,000 ft with no parachutes if necessary. If they are found in the US again - well, think of something suitably horrific.

40 posted on 08/13/2008 5:37:47 AM PDT by Little Ray (I'm a Conservative. But I can vote for John McCain. If I have to. I guess.)
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