Not to be nosy, but what county do you live in? We moved to Williamson County in 1992, which was only starting to experience its unbelievable growth. In the almost 15 years we lived there, I could not believe the numbers of south-of-the-border immigrants that showed up. It was a change that anyone who wasn't blind couldn't possibly ignore. My lib sister doesn't believe me when I try to describe it. I'm just a bigot, don'cha'know?
I’m in Bradley on the GA stateline....
We have MS-13 and Latin Kings etc
And illegal alien kids flooding the schools...
I went to my grandchildren’s school the other day ...
The signs are now in 2 languages...
Girls’ Bathroom...Ninas’ Bano
Boys’ bathroom...Ninos’ Bano
Etc etc
ALL through la escuela...
Bienvenido a Mexico Petito, Tennessea, gringos y gringas...