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To: Tennessee Nana
E-Verify can be used to check the validity of documents and social security numbers..

Isn't that nice? It's hard enough to find someone who can do the job one wants done, and to pay all the taxes, and comply with the thousands of regulations, but now the employer is sort of duputized as an immigration enforcement agent; all so he remains allowed to breathe.

Meanwhile government agents who hand out social benefits are forbidden to inquire about a person's legal status.

Orwell would love it!


38 posted on 08/13/2008 5:32:01 AM PDT by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj; Tennessee Nana

TN: >>E-Verify can be used to check the validity of documents and social security numbers..<<

YOU: >>Isn’t that nice? It’s hard enough to find someone who can do the job one wants done, and to pay all the taxes, and comply with the thousands of regulations, but now the employer is sort of duputized as an immigration enforcement agent; all so he remains allowed to breathe.<<

So you must object to federal laws requiring I-9s? Or you don’t like e-verify because it might actually be effective? AFAIK e-verify does not consume a lot of time unless it finds a discrepancy. If I were an employer, I would not mind using a tool that would prevent me from hiring an illegal; rather, I think using e-verify would help me to avoid potential future problems, and might prevent helping an identity thief to profit from his crime.

85 posted on 08/13/2008 3:06:09 PM PDT by ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas (I want to "Buy American" but the only things for sale made in the USA are politicians)
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