Posted on 07/05/2008 8:12:49 PM PDT by Red Steel
WASHINGTON (AFP) After months vowing to get US troops home from Iraq, Barack Obama has succumbed to the war's political entanglements, struggling to explain his plan in the light of recent security gains.
More than five years after the US invasion, the Iraq war is now enmeshing not only the Bush administration which started it, but both men fighting to inherit it, Democratic White House hopeful Obama and Republican John McCain.
Obama is torn between a vow to end the war, which underpinned his win over Democratic foe Hillary Clinton and Republican claims his plan invites US humiliation, would delight terrorists and waste gains bought in American blood.
But hours later, he hurriedly called a second press conference to insist he had not made the "flip flop" on Iraq that many observers are expecting, as he retools his message for the political center ground.
"I have seen no information that contradicts the notion that we can bring our troops out safely at a pace of one to two brigades per month," a frustrated Obama said.
"My first day in office, I will bring the Joint Chiefs of Staff in, and I will give them a new mission, and that is to end this war.
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He's back tracking to the left again.
Too bad, Osama. That’s what you get for continually riding the “We’re losing in Iraq” train; eventually, reality bites you in the butt.
Ending the war is not a decision we can make unilaterally. Our enemy is not crushed and destroyed like they were at the end of WW II. Our enemies will continue to wage war against us. It is not ours to decide when this type of "war" will end.
Consistently inconsistent.
“I will give them a new mission, and that is to end this war.”
Geez, their mission is to end this war; end it in victory.
Obama makes it sound like President Bush wants this war to continue and is ordering the military commanders to keep it going forever.
This fraud will go to Iraq and turn it into one big photo op of Obama with cheering soldiers who support him. This is what you will see on TV
If you go to Iraq you will find many military personal who support Obama and they will be on TV with the ObamaMessiah
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
Perhaps the single most moronic statement ever by any politician. what does he think the mission is now? to prolong the war? what an idiot. and he wants to be commander in chief? I dont think so.
“My next day in office, I’ll try to get five generals and flag officers to replace the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who resigned.”
sadly, the truth is he wont do anything. he will say a lot of word salad to placate the left, but he wont actually act.
thats because what he will really be doing day one is running for a second term and he will need a couple days to get the weather vane installed on the whitehouse.
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