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(Gov) Doyle (D, WI), (Lance) Armstrong Unite on Smoke Ban ^ | March 1, 2008 | Judith Davidoff

Posted on 03/01/2008 4:20:46 PM PST by Diana in Wisconsin

With just two weeks to go before the Legislature adjourns, Gov. Jim Doyle said it's time legislative leaders in both houses scheduled the smoking ban for a floor vote.

"It's important for the leaders to allow it to come to a vote," Doyle said in a conference call Friday with reporters and bicycling star Lance Armstrong.

Armstrong, a cancer survivor and advocate, is coming to Madison on Tuesday to appear at a rally at Monona Terrace Convention Center with Doyle and smoke-free advocates.

Doyle noted that some lawmakers have indicated there is not enough legislative support to pass the proposal, which would ban smoking in all public places, including restaurants and bars. But the governor disputed that assessment.

"I feel confident there is strong bipartisan support," he said. "If legislators just allowed this to go to the floor of each house and legislators had to vote on this and then had to answer to their own constituents on that vote, I don't have much doubt but that there would be overwhelming support for the ban because that's how the people of Wisconsin feel."

Though a high priority of the governor's, and the subject of a major push by anti-smoking advocates, the ban has been delayed for months in the Senate and its future in the Assembly is uncertain. The Senate bill, as amended, calls for a ban by 2010. The Assembly bill has an implementation date of 2009.

When asked to describe the source of the delay, Doyle pointed his finger at "old-time politics" and the Wisconsin Tavern League.

"I think the Tavern League is telling some legislators not to let it come to a vote and they're listening to them," he said.

Doyle also said it was a "myth" that northern communities in Wisconsin, unlike such cities as Madison, do not want a smoking ban. The governor said he recently spent time with the mayors of Superior, Bayfield, Ashland and Washburn, and all were supportive of a statewide ban.

Armstrong's focus

Armstrong, the founder and chairman of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which supports cancer research, said he hopes his visit will galvanize public support for the ban.

"Our main goal and objective is to bring exposure to the issue," said Armstrong, noting he comes to the state "humbly" as a Texan.

Armstrong said the scientific data about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke is clear, as are the economic statistics that show eating and drinking establishments and their communities thrive after smoking bans are implemented.

"The main focus of my life now is this fight (against cancer), and the tobacco issue is a major link in the spoke of this disease," he said. "As an advocate and cancer survivor, I feel it's my right and duty to talk about the devastation of this disease."

Armstrong said his foundation was recently involved in a similar fight in Texas, where a measure to provide funding for cancer research ran into delays and roadblocks in the Legislature. Lawmakers eventually allowed it onto the ballot and voters approved $3 billion in bonding for cancer research.

Despite the call by some in Wisconsin to exempt bars from the ban or to allow for smoking rooms in bars, Doyle said he would not sign a bill with any exemptions. But he said he'd be willing to compromise on an implementation date.

"I'm willing to go out to the end of this year," he said.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Culture/Society; Government; US: Wisconsin
KEYWORDS: lancearmstrong; pufflist
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1 posted on 03/01/2008 4:20:48 PM PST by Diana in Wisconsin
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

Wow! A bicycle rider and a testicular cancer survivor - what credentials for a critic on American freedom issues.

Surrender now, smokers! Your better has arrived to pass judgement.

2 posted on 03/01/2008 4:24:29 PM PST by WorkingClassFilth (Don't cheer for Obama too hard - the krinton syndicate is moving back into the WH.)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

I wonder if Armstrong also spoke of the links between steroid use and testicular cancer?

3 posted on 03/01/2008 4:27:08 PM PST by appleharvey
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

Hitler smiles in hell.

4 posted on 03/01/2008 4:29:15 PM PST by Seruzawa (A skeleton walks into a bar and asks for a beer and a mop.)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

I’m not a smoker, my parents and sister smoke, I don’t mind it much. No reason to tell people where they can and can’t smoke.

5 posted on 03/01/2008 4:30:25 PM PST by wastedyears (This is my BOOMSTICK)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin
Gov. Jim Doyle the most corrupt Governor in the history of Wisconsin.

He’s be bought and sold by Casino Indians.

If this would pass your local taverns can’t have smoking but the casino right down the road can.

The Ingins (Indians) Have gave him millions of dollars to “Tobacco” Jim Doyle elected.

6 posted on 03/01/2008 4:32:51 PM PST by factmart
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To: appleharvey
Armstrong has been tested for banned substances more than any other athlete or perhaps person in the world and had never had a positive result.
7 posted on 03/01/2008 4:32:57 PM PST by trumandogz ("He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and it worries me." Sen Cochran on McCain)
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To: factmart

Gov. Jim Doyle the most corrupt Governor in the history of Wisconsin.
He’s be bought and sold by Casino Indians.

If this would pass your local taverns can’t have smoking but the casino right down the road can.

The Ingins (Indians) have gave him millions of dollars to get “Tobacco” Jim Doyle for elected.

8 posted on 03/01/2008 4:35:03 PM PST by factmart
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

The People’s Democratic Republic of Montgomery County, MD. pushed through a bill last year to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and hotels.

Not surprisingly, revenues from bars have been down as has been profits from hotels and restaurants in all districts of the County.

So, the people can expect yet another hike in the cigarette tax that those same people will blithely ignore by buying their smokes out of state, on-line or through the black market.


9 posted on 03/01/2008 4:42:05 PM PST by Jack Deth (Knight Errant and Resident FReeper Kitty Poem /Haiku Guy)
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To: Eric Blair 2084


10 posted on 03/01/2008 4:45:35 PM PST by callisto (CONGRESS.SYS corrupted...Re-boot Washington DC (Y/N)?)
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To: trumandogz
Armstrong has been tested for banned substances more than any other athlete or perhaps person in the world and had never had a positive result. True, but I find it hard to believe he was able to beat all those other racers who were using.
11 posted on 03/01/2008 4:47:37 PM PST by JZelle
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To: WorkingClassFilth

As a testicular Ca pt., I believe I’m allowed to say something regarding this. ‘Lance, your a frickin crazed whizzhole’.

12 posted on 03/01/2008 4:51:30 PM PST by Westlander (Unleash the Neutron Bomb)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

“...ban smoking in all public places, including restaurants and bars.”

And all of these bans are to prevent second-hand smoke, right? Even banning outdoor smoking, smoking in your car, smoking in your apartment, or on your patio, etc? If it were only about second-hand smoke, we’d only ban smoking indoors in public places.

13 posted on 03/01/2008 5:15:25 PM PST by jim35 ("...when the lion and the lamb lie down together, ...we'd better damn sure be the lion")
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To: Diana in Wisconsin
bicycling star Lance Armstrong ... a cancer survivor and advocate, is coming to Madison on Tuesday to appear at a rally at Monona Terrace Convention Center with Doyle and smoke-free advocates.

I think that I'm going to Madison to rally for a bicycle free America. Bikes take up room on the sidewalks and highways, their manufacture leaves a big carbon footprint and people should walk more rather than cycle. Chillruns get hurt riding them thus running up the cost of both insurance and medical treatment, the helmets look goofy and the dorky little bike outfits are freakish. Besides, John F. Kerry rides one.

14 posted on 03/01/2008 5:18:20 PM PST by catpuppy
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To: Diana in Wisconsin
"It's important for the leaders to allow it to come to a vote,"

Personal freedom promoted in spades.../s

15 posted on 03/01/2008 5:24:40 PM PST by EGPWS (Trust in God, question everyone else)
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To: Gabz

I know you’re busy working the Fish Fry at the local Smoky Lodge, but you need to see these two hypocrites in action...

16 posted on 03/01/2008 8:00:43 PM PST by Diana in Wisconsin (Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
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To: SheLion; Gabz; 383rr; libertarian27; traviskicks; CSM; valkyrieanne; altura; TheKidster; ...

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We the People Sheeple of the United States Nanny State, in Order to form a more perfect Union Socialist Utopia, establish Justice Socially engineer a country of non smoking, physically fit, tea totallers, insure domestic Tranquility Smoking bans in bars, limits on unhealthy food and social drinking, provide for the common defense Universal Healthcare, promote the general Welfare health of the population whether they like it or not, in order to save above mentioned Universal Healthcare entitlement program from bankruptcy, and secure the Blessings of Liberty Dependency to ourselves progressive liberals and our Posterity Hitler Youth who we brainwash through public school education, do ordain decree and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Nanny State of Liberals.

17 posted on 03/01/2008 8:23:52 PM PST by Eric Blair 2084 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin; Gabz
Of course he doesn't want any exceptions. If people had someplace, anyplace to go smoke, they wouldn't be properly coerced to quit and reduce smoking rates.


Gabz, Diana, how about we try something different. If Diana can post the phone numbers and email addresses for the public serpents who might be on the fence, we should email them the truth.

18 posted on 03/01/2008 8:30:15 PM PST by Eric Blair 2084 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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To: jim35
19 posted on 03/01/2008 8:54:07 PM PST by Eric Blair 2084 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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20 posted on 03/01/2008 8:55:05 PM PST by Eric Blair 2084 (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
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