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Steve McIntyre Finds new NASA Hansen World temp errors ^
| 9/4/07
| Steve McIntyre
Posted on 09/06/2007 4:54:53 PM PDT by Freep EE
Steve McIntyre says: September 4th, 2007 at 6:08 pm
Ive posted an update to the post, setting out what I believe to be the most plausible answers. Thanks to everyone who participated and particularly to John Goetz for framing the problem and then solving the calculation of the delta.
The next puzzle, as John G articulated, is to figure out how Hansen calculated seasonal and annual averages when there is missing data. However, even without solving this puzzle, the present evidence is sufficient to establish that Hansens method of combining different scribal versions is erroneous and has corrupted his entire data set. At this point, we do not know whether the errors introduce a bias into the trend results or whether the corruption is equally distributed up and down. At the same stage of the Hansen Y2K error, there was a similar question: the error was sometimes up and sometimes down, but, overall it introduced a 0.15 increase in U.S. data. This particular Hansen error affects data worldwide, not just in the U.S. My impression is that it will not be random overall but will cause the reported trend to be somewhat higher than the trend calculated without this particular error; however, this is just an impression right now.
My impression is that there is an overall bias
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: climatechange; giss; globalwarming; globalwarminghoax; goreisanidiot; hansen; nasa
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Steve and team on his Weblog may have very well found a global mistake on Hansen's GISS temperature calculations. Steve as you may or may not remember proved the "Hockey Stick" by Mann was a farse as well as he justy recently found the NASA USA GISS temps were wrong and the US has not warmed since 1934---developing---keep looking to see when this story breaks!!
posted on
09/06/2007 4:54:54 PM PDT
Freep EE
To: Freep EE
Go Steve McIntyre! Get a FOIA request and force Hansen to release the code!
posted on
09/06/2007 4:56:55 PM PDT
(Global warming is to Revelations as the theory of evolution is to Genesis.)
To: xcamel; Tolerance Sucks Rocks
posted on
09/06/2007 4:57:22 PM PDT
(Global warming is to Revelations as the theory of evolution is to Genesis.)
To: Freep EE
Hansen calculated seasonal and annual averages the old fashioned way ~ he "proxied them in".
That's how they get temperature data for most of Africa, the Sahara and Gobi deserts, the atmosphere of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and all the other large ocean basins ~ just "proxy them in" and you got your answers to everything!!
posted on
09/06/2007 4:58:50 PM PDT
To: Freep EE
posted on
09/06/2007 5:00:13 PM PDT
(This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; NormsRevenge
Too hot to handle, PING!!! Hey Ernest! I goofed up and this big red message said to me:"Could not find anybody named 'Ernest at the Breach'"
posted on
09/06/2007 5:00:15 PM PDT
(Thou shalt not steal!!! Our greedy governments in Sacramento and Washington hate competition!!!)
To: Freep EE
posted on
09/06/2007 5:00:49 PM PDT
(Warmest year on record is 1934 not 1998 due to NASA climate data Y2K bug, LOL!)
To: Freep EE; OKSooner; honolulugal; Killing Time; Beowulf; Mr. Peabody; RW_Whacko; gruffwolf; ...

Click on POGW graphic for full GW rundown
New!!: Dr. John Ray's
Ping me if you find one I've missed.
updating the story so far...
posted on
09/06/2007 5:01:27 PM PDT
(FDT/2008 -- talk about it >> irc://
To: Freep EE
posted on
09/06/2007 5:03:55 PM PDT
(Remember the Alamo, Goliad and WACO, It is Time for a new San Jacinto)
To: Freep EE
Woo hoo! The term "Hansen Error" is destined to enter the lexicon of all statisticians, for generations to come.
posted on
09/06/2007 5:06:21 PM PDT
(Nothing is better than eternal happiness. A ham sandwich is better than nothing. Therefore...)
To: Freep EE
Has there ever been a case of the errors being of a nature unfavorable to the “humans and capitalism are bad” hypothesis?
posted on
09/06/2007 5:09:01 PM PDT
(May the cankles of Herr Heinous rest lightly upon us)
To: xcamel
Thanks for the ping.
This one man, Steve McIntyre, is going to save the world billions of dollars by exposing the GW scam.
posted on
09/06/2007 5:09:31 PM PDT
("We don't start fights my friends, but we finish them, and never leave until our work is done."PMSH)
To: Freep EE
When are we going back to the Coming Ice Age???
posted on
09/06/2007 5:11:14 PM PDT
(If Roger Maris got an asterisk next to his name, Bonds should get a syringe)
To: Freep EE
—here’s hoping Hansen achieves the same sort of ignominy in “climate change” research as Micheal Bellisles has in Colonial firearms research—
posted on
09/06/2007 5:14:22 PM PDT
(-don't believe anything the MSM states about firearms or explosives--NRA Benefactor)
To: rfp1234
The term "Hansen Error Fraud" is destined to enter the lexicon of all statisticians, for generations to come.
To: Freep EE
“Hansens method of combining different scribal versions is erroneous and has corrupted his entire data set...”
The two key words in the story:
Hansen + corrupt.
To: Freep EE
Steve as you may or may not remember proved the "Hockey Stick" by Mann was a farse as well as he justy recently found the NASA USA GISS temps were wrong and the US has not warmed since 1934---developing---keep looking to see when this story breaks!! I don't know if Steve McIntyre would claim the US trend overall has not warmed since 1934.
Yes, 1934 just barely edges out 1998 and 2005, but individual yearly temperatures don't make a trend.
To: Freep EE
posted on
09/06/2007 5:46:54 PM PDT
(Beware the secularization of America; the Islamization of Eurabia)
To: secretagent
Trend or not-the US has not hit a temperature as high as 1934& and addition Hansen et al has not addressed the divergence problem. I suspect the satellite temps are correct and Hansen surface temps are corrupt and have errors due to UHI effects
posted on
09/06/2007 6:02:57 PM PDT
Freep EE
To: secretagent
Precisely. There is no warming trend like the GW high priests are claiming.
posted on
09/06/2007 6:05:14 PM PDT
(On some planets what I do is considered normal.)
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