Posted on 07/10/2007 10:17:24 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
"Truth be told" about Chimp-Human DNA comparisons
by David Tyler
"Truth be told" about Chimp-Human DNA comparisons For over 30 years, the public have been led to believe that human and chimpanzee genetics differ by mere 1%. This 'fact' of science has been used on innumerable occasions to silence anyone who offered the thought that humans are special among the animal kingdom. "Today we take as a given that the two species are genetically 99% the same." However, this "given" is about to be discarded....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Clearly the facts don’t matter to evos either, because this is being treated as a non-issue, when evolutionists clearly lied to promote their theory.
Some of your FRevo FRiends disagree with you there.
Why not, they pretty much admit as much:
For many, many years, the 1% difference served us well because it was underappreciated how similar we were, says Pascal Gagneux, a zoologist at UC San Diego. Now its totally clear that its more a hindrance for understanding than a help.
I guess they are only now just getting around to realizing that their fraudulant campaign has been so successful that we now underappreciate how truly different humans and chimps really are! I’m sure they would have preferred to leave it that way, but now our miseducation is getting in the way of the very science they SHOULD have been practicing all along!
This guy pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject:
ah yes...details, details, details, that’s the trouble with us humans, uh, er, primates... :o)
But, but, but, scientists don’t do fraud; they have no ulterior motives, nothing to gain- pure as the new driven snow, selfless in their search to better mankind.
They’re models of integrity and honesty; in the search for truth, justice, and the American way.
*gasp* Don’t you know that they’re the heroes, uncovering the fraud that their fellow scientists deliberately perpetrated on the rest of us?
How could this be?
You can if you want to. Just make up a definition of "fraud" that fits the circumstances and use it.
We’re not talking about scientists, were talking about Church of Darwin devotees posing as scientists.
He admitted they lied. How much clearer can it get?
Theyre models of integrity and honesty; in the search for truth, justice, and the American way.
*gasp* Dont you know that theyre the heroes, uncovering the fraud that their fellow scientists deliberately perpetrated on the rest of us?
How could this be?
And you claim you don't hate science. What a laugh!
I stand corrected. I do realize that they are not the same thing considering the number of evos who either admit they don't have a degree in evolutionary biology, or even science for that matter, when asked; or the number who just ignore the question and flat out refuse to answer. Which, BTW, IS an answer in itself....IOW, No.
It’s disappointing that about 60 posts ago I posted twice with links to 2 very interesting and exciting articles about recent paradign shifts about our understanding (and lack thereof) of DNA and RNA, and there doesn’t seem to be much reaction to it.
Either this isn’t as groundbreaking as it seems to me, or people would just rather argue than learn.
Who is "he", and who are "they", and on what basis does he profess to know that there was an intentional deception involved?
Fraud is serious business. Do you know who it is you're accusing, and on what evidence? Do you care?
Well don’t forget guinea pigs and vitamin c, lol
No true Scotsman is a Church of Darwin devotee.
“ah...Monsters from the ID.”
One of my favorite sci-fi flicks of all time. And Anne Francis was gorgeous... (sigh)
“Ive seen dogs eat poop, too, but that doesnt mean its a great addition to the human diet.”
Yes, and sometimes they roll in it too. Used to have a dog that would run through open meadows or even wild desert, encounter a pile of animal dung, and then roll in it. I don’t know the meaning of it, unless it’s similar to why a cat rolls in catnip.
What? No Geico TV ads with “annoyed cavemen in restaurant” scenario?
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