Why not, they pretty much admit as much:
For many, many years, the 1% difference served us well because it was underappreciated how similar we were, says Pascal Gagneux, a zoologist at UC San Diego. Now its totally clear that its more a hindrance for understanding than a help.
I guess they are only now just getting around to realizing that their fraudulant campaign has been so successful that we now underappreciate how truly different humans and chimps really are! I’m sure they would have preferred to leave it that way, but now our miseducation is getting in the way of the very science they SHOULD have been practicing all along!
This guy pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject:
But, but, but, scientists don’t do fraud; they have no ulterior motives, nothing to gain- pure as the new driven snow, selfless in their search to better mankind.
They’re models of integrity and honesty; in the search for truth, justice, and the American way.
*gasp* Don’t you know that they’re the heroes, uncovering the fraud that their fellow scientists deliberately perpetrated on the rest of us?
How could this be?