Posted on 06/18/2007 9:43:52 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20
Former Duke University lacrosse player Reade Seligmann, who had been cleared of charges he and two teammates raped a hired stripper, says he feels sorry for disgraced prosecutor Mike Nifongs family but not necessarily for Nifong.
Seligmann says he was hurt by Nifongs statement last week at a North Carolina bar disciplinary committee hearing that the former prosecutor still thinks something happened in that bathroom at that now-infamous team party last year.
It was probably one of the most difficult parts of the hearing, Seligmann, 21, told TODAY host Meredith Vieira during an exclusive interview on Monday. I really did feel sympathy for his family ... Its been a tragedy that another family is going to have to suffer because of Mike Nifongs actions, but after hearing him say that, it really did make it difficult to feel [for him].
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I think Nifong should face criminal charges. and have the book thrown at him.
AND, how come that viscious little tramp who accused the guys hasn't been criminally charged with filing a false police report, a hate crime, and anything else they can find in the law books to beat the scum over the head with?
How mean. /extreme sarcasm
I wouldn't be surprised if deep down inside he wanted to squash Nifong like the cockroach that he is.
This kid is showing far more class in his little finger than Nifong could ever have.
Nifong did a Rather:
It wasn’t the preponderance of the facts; it was the seriousness of the allegations.
A legitimate question.
I wonder why Crystal Mangum has been able to avoid prosecution for her part in this.
I’ve long had the feeling that many in Durham regard her as a sort of “victim” too.
As my dear old grandmother frequently said - breeding (or the lack of it) always tells.
I think she’s been declared Non Compus Mentis.
I foresee him pulling a Ken Lay in the not-too-distant future.
B) She's crazier than a cootie-bug in a sh*theap.
What are the odds on “Clubbing self to death with a lacrosse stick” ?
And hopefully he has learned a thing or two about how to negotiate payment to a stripper for a party appearance, or better yet, how to steer clear of the evil side of the world.
nifong should be in jail for his crime. The lying accuser committed a hate crime and lied to the police. She must be prosecuted for her crime.
I forgot. She has protection and immunity from birth.
I also think Nigfong should have the book thrown at him and the girl should not be immune from consequences either.
(I’ll probably get a few flames for this, but...)
Something did happen that night. No, I am not arguing rape, but before we start nominating these lacrosse players for sainthood (as the press now seems wont to do), perhaps we should consider that hiring strippers for a kegger might not have been the wisest kind of behavior these kids could have engaged in. As unpopular as it may be to say it, that behavior was wrong. Perhaps not illegal, but wrong. It may be in the grand tradition of college excess, but it is still wrong. And it doesn’t take a genius (or even someone with Seligman’s B-average mentality) to understand the likelihood that something bad might be the result.
Sorry, somebody had to say it.
I believe I read that both criminal and civil procedings against Nifong may be lodged. I hope that means lots of zeroes on the checks for those boys.
I agree with you- and have said it before.
I am sure they regret their choice of ‘entertainment’
Reade and Collin didnt hire the strippers. They just showed up at a team party.
Other than refusing to attend parties with their teammates, what, exactly, could they have done? Remonstrated with their teammates? Called the cops?
None of which would have made any difference to the accusing witness, because she just picked these guys at random when she was going to be put in the slammer for public drunkenness.
Sometimes the only lesson there to learn is that there are evil people in the world who will accuse the innocent for their own purposes.
Calling Dr. Freud, Paging Dr. Freud, Emergency.
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