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Barb Stanton fired from radio show (After Imus, who else shall fall?)
VV Daily Press ^
| May 8, 2007
| Mitch Deacon
Posted on 05/08/2007 8:35:25 AM PDT by Joy Angela
Barb Stanton fired from radio talk show

VICTORVILLE In the wake of controversial statements aired on Talk 960, talkshow host Barbara Stanton was fired Monday by Clear Channel Victorville.
Stanton ignited criticism on April 26 by falsely declaring the president of East West Bank to be a foreigner, accusing the president of Desert Community Bank of lying on her show, and encouraging her listeners to suck your money out of DCB.
The Daily Press obtained an internal memorandum from Clear Channel stating: Barb Stanton is no longer employed by KIXW-AM.
Clear Channel officials on Monday confirmed that Stanton had been terminated.
The management of any organization has to make decisions that are internal and personal, and I am compelled to appreciate and respect their decisions, said Ronald Wilson, president of Desert Community Bank.
Stantons remarks could potentially constitute a violation of state banking law, according to a legal expert.
Stanton falsely claimed on the air that the president of East West Bank is not an American citizen, asserted that the bank merger is going to be a big time for all, except us, the true Americans, and publicly urged depositors to withdraw their funds from Desert Community Bank. Eighty-four percent of East West Bank is institutionally owned by American companies.
According to the California Department of Financial Institutions, section 3369 of the financial code states: Any person who willfully and knowingly makes, circulates or transmits to another or others, any statement or rumor, written, printed or by word of mouth, which is untrue in fact and is directly or by inference derogatory to the financial condition or affects the solvency or financial standing of any bank doing business in this State. . . is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
Representatives of Desert Community Bank are uncertain whether they will pursue legal action.
I think what she said certainly has a risk of having violated that section, said Alan Rosen, legal counsel for Desert Community Bank.
Her statements were false and designed to cause financial harm to the bank, he said.
The San Bernardino County District Attorneys office of Victorville declined to comment on the matter.
Attorneys for the bank have not ruled out the possibility of a civil lawsuit against Stanton, Rosen said.
There are potential lawsuits there, but we have not made any decisions over whether we will seek civil remedies, he said.
Besides asserting that Ron Wilson lied during an appearance on her show several weeks ago, Stanton also said that Dominic Ng, the president of East West Bank, is a foreigner.
She just didnt know what she was talking about, Rosen said.
Dominic Ng is not only a U.S. citizen, he happens to serve on the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, he said.
Stanton has not responded to repeated requests for interviews.
Rosen said bank officials will continue to work to make the merger transaction succeed. Our goal remains making sure that this merger becomes a reality, he said.
Mitch Deacon can be reached at 951-6232 or at
TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: barbstanton; chat; clearchannel; talkradio
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Barb Stanton is a local Talk Radio Host on a Clear Channel station in California. I read the transcript of her remarks, and similiar to Don Imus, after a long career on the air, a few out-of-context remarks end everything.
It's not what you say...
It's WHO is listening and taking notes!!
Are the days of TALK RADIO over???
To: Joy Angela
I’m new here, but is this really “breaking news”?
posted on
05/08/2007 8:37:34 AM PDT
Red in Blue PA
(Truth is to Liberals what Kryptonite is to Superman)
To: Red in Blue PA
Maybe if you’re Barb Stanton. Otherwise, not so much.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:38:54 AM PDT
(Cheese . . . milk's leap toward immortality.)
To: Joy Angela
Can we fire “Journalists” for lying too? The newspapers would cease to exist if that were the rule.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:40:00 AM PDT
Uncle Miltie
(the Prophet said, ‘If (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.’ - HADITH Sahih Bukhari [4:52:260])
To: Joy Angela
To: Joy Angela
The weirdest part is, you can do any immoral, deplorable thing you want and that's okay. But don't hurt someone's feelings with words. That will get you fired.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:40:38 AM PDT
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: Joy Angela
It will probably fuel a push for the so called "Fairness Doctrine" in an effort to "civilize" talk radio.
So much for freedom of speech.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:41:35 AM PDT
("Please insert witty tag-line here")
To: Brad Cloven
I agree. The newspapers would have no jouralists if the same standard applied.
To: Joy Angela
This looks like a different issue than Imus. She is directly
attacking the Banks business by advocating depositors leave.
To: Red in Blue PA
I have a better question: Who in blazes is Barb Stanton? Never heard of the woman.
Where did she work?
posted on
05/08/2007 8:46:04 AM PDT
(Americans never quit. -Douglas MacArthur)
To: R_Kangel
I'm sure Rush would love to have Hillary on his show.
He'd rip her a new one.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:46:13 AM PDT
(An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy)
To: Joy Angela
I don't see a similarity to Imus.
She was spreading inaccurate information if not lying about the ownership of a bank. Then calling for a run on the bank. This could hurt a lot of people if she was successful.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:46:38 AM PDT
To: martin_fierro
Wow. Roy Rogers Jr. Cool.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:48:06 AM PDT
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: RexBeach
read the article and find out.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:51:34 AM PDT
("The military Mission has long since been accomplished" -- Harry Reid, April 23, 2007)
To: Joy Angela
I’m not an attorney, but it seems to me that there really is a serious financial problem facing the nation if anyone can go on air and tell listeners to take their money out of a bank. Picture a slew of liberals doing this. The country could go down financially.
I’d like to hear about Barb from some listener of her shows. Is she one of the nuts who attack organizations just to get attention to her show? We had one of them locally and were most happy to see her go.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:52:43 AM PDT
To: Anti-Bubba182
True, but does that section 3369 of the financial code apply to all citizens or to employees of financial institutions? Anyone?
posted on
05/08/2007 8:53:36 AM PDT
(This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
To: martin_fierro

posted on
05/08/2007 8:54:17 AM PDT
To: r9etb
I would hit it in the dark.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:56:11 AM PDT
(Emptiness is a conductor.)
To: Michael.SF.
I know where she works now, but I’ve never heard of the woman.
I am reading this piece correctly, that she, for all intents and purposes, was trying to create a run on a bank?
If so, I have no sympathy for her.
posted on
05/08/2007 8:56:12 AM PDT
(Americans never quit. -Douglas MacArthur)
To: Anti-Bubba182
Don’t confuse the Freepers..........
posted on
05/08/2007 8:58:44 AM PDT
Osage Orange
(The old/liberal/socialist media is the most ruthless and destructive enemy of this country.)
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