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If James Cameron Were Honest About His "Discovery" (Jesus's tomb)
| 3/3/7
| Father Jonathan Morris
Posted on 03/03/2007 8:25:37 PM PST by do the dhue
This week Titanic director James Cameron and Canadian television director, Simcha Jacobovici stood proudly at the New York City library to announce the release of a new book and documentary called The Tomb of Jesus. They claim to have uncovered the remains of Jesus and his family, including Mary Magdalene, (Jesus supposed wife) and their child, Judah.
If he were honest, this is what Mr. Cameron would have said to the press:
My dearest friends in the media,
Thank you for being here. I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised so many of you have come. Our public relations company had quite the challenge to convince you our commercial projects were headline-worthy. After all, what we are peddling is pseudo-science based on old and discredited news. But we obviously hired the right company. They came through on their promise that you wouldnt remember, or wouldnt care, that when this tomb was discovered twenty seven years ago, the Jewish archeologist in charge of the investigation, Amos Kloner, determined it was not the tomb of Jesus and his family and that, in fact, it is unlikely Jesus and his relatives even had a family tomb. To think that not a single respected archeologist from the Holy Land region is willing to go on record that our claims are true, and still you are here with us today, is mind-boggling. How can we thank you enough?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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KEYWORDS: epigraphyandlanguage; faithandphilosophy; godsgravesglyphs; gospelofjesuswife; hewasarabbi; jamescameron; jamesossuary; jerusalem; jesusstomb; jesustomb; karenking; letshavejerusalem; losttombofjesus; mariame; mariamne; marymagdalene; rabbismarry; sectarianturmoil; simchajacobovici; talpiot; talpiottomb; weddingatcana
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You can look, but you will never find the bones of Jesus Christ.
He has risen.
To: do the dhue
Will a Vulcan named Spock narrate this film?
posted on
03/03/2007 8:34:31 PM PST
Doctor Raoul
(What's the difference between the CIA and the Free Clinic? The Free Clinic knows how to stop leaks.)
To: do the dhue
After all, what we are peddling is pseudo-science...not so sutprising that the major media fell for this tripe - look how captivated they are with "global warming".......
To: Doctor Raoul
Nope, got some dude by the name of Kirk. A supposed equal opportunity lover. Green ones, purple ones, yeller ones, he don't care.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:44:55 PM PST
do the dhue
To: do the dhue
Cameron needs to show me the bones of a crucified man. If not, his bones could be that of Freddy Flintstone or Barney Rubble for all I know.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:45:15 PM PST
(When I was a kid, "global warming" was known as "the weather.")
To: FlingWingFlyer
Ones day, Cameron will find those bones, but not here.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:47:10 PM PST
do the dhue
To: Intolerant in NJ
You know the media loves this kind of stuff. It fits their Socialist Agenda.
I am an American. I depend on me and my God to solve my problems.
The Socialist want to remove God from public view so people become dependent upon the Government from the cradle to the grave.
I will continue to help myself and pray to my God.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:49:35 PM PST
do the dhue
To: FlingWingFlyer
there are probably bones of crucified men all over that area!
Jesus was not the only person ever crucified in those days....heck...he wasn't even the only one crucified THAT day.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:50:17 PM PST
To: do the dhue
I'm betting the Gnostics put together this tomb in support of their mythology.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:51:45 PM PST
(The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.)
To: do the dhue
Communism and God are not compatible. The Communist party had a little trick they use to pull with the school kids in the U.S.S.R. They would tell the kids to pray to God for their school lunch. Then they would have them beg a member of the Communist party for some food. Of course, the Communist "god" always won.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:54:31 PM PST
(When I was a kid, "global warming" was known as "the weather.")
To: FlingWingFlyer
That is why I think the Socialist are wanting to remove our Gold from public view. No prayer in school. No Ten Commandments on public property. No manger scenes.
The 1st Amendment says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
OK, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
Congress can not make a law that says we all have to go to the Glory Bound Baptist Church every Sunday. Only Congress has the power to establish a State run religion. A prayer in school does not establish a religion, a manger scene does not establish a religion, and the ten commandments on public property, does not establish a religion Congress does. If Congress says you can not pray, or put a manger scene up, they they are limiting the free exercise there of:
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Congress can not make a law that limits the free exercise of religion (unless you intend to harm someone Mr. Atta).
posted on
03/03/2007 9:01:47 PM PST
do the dhue
To: do the dhue
He has risen.He is risen indeed!
To: All
All this proves is something I've been saying for years. The American public in general is gullible and fairly stupid . Truth , facts and real science matter very little . It's was the MSM presents that's important and accepted. The media rules. Global warming is another fine example of what I'm talking about . The US lags terribly behind in the sciences. Most college students are morons with any real classical education. Half of them graduate with degress in "feel good' disciplines . At some point reality won't matter at all. If Klnton wins the White House ( God forbid) my theory will be proven for sure.
posted on
03/03/2007 9:09:18 PM PST
To: Intolerant in NJ
I'm so tired of this shameless capitalization over the "Da Vinci Code." So many idiots turned a neat piece of thrilling literature into a fact. Something that was supposed to be enjoyable actually became a matter for serious debate. Honestly, so many "TIME" magazine covers were wasted.
posted on
03/03/2007 9:15:20 PM PST
To: sonic109
I get a kick out of the show "Hauntings." These guys are supposed to be paranormal investigators but they never find anything except stuff like "Hey, it's colder in this part of the room than over there!"
"Right next to this hole in the wall!"
Lincoln was right. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and the rest will watch.
posted on
03/03/2007 9:17:17 PM PST
Richard Kimball
(Why yes, I do have a stupid picture for any occasion)
To: do the dhue
He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
posted on
03/03/2007 9:28:09 PM PST
Jo Nuvark
(Those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed. Gen 12:3)
To: Niuhuru
I'm so tired of this shameless capitalization over the "Da Vinci Code." So many idiots turned a neat piece of thrilling literature into a fact..."shameless capitalization" about sums it up - as several have already pointed out, this kind of story somehow always seems to show up every year about this time, during lent - a few years ago it was questions about the authenticity of the shroud, and then it was some other ossuary supposed to have been used by another Biblical figure, and then the Da Vinci business and so forth - all cynically timed to catch peoples' attention for maximum exposure just when they're most focused on the meaning and holiness of the season.....
To: do the dhue
You got the right idea. The media played this up because the MSM wants to discredit Christianity for the same reason that all Libs want to discredit it: it interferes with their plans to conform the USA into their image.
posted on
03/03/2007 9:46:07 PM PST
To: DeweyCA
I concur with that.
posted on
03/03/2007 9:49:07 PM PST
do the dhue
To: DeweyCA
There was also a note discovered in the tomb stating that there were no WMD's in Iraq....
There you are! Proof positive!
posted on
03/03/2007 10:18:45 PM PST
Wil H
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