1 posted on
02/14/2007 7:14:07 AM PST by
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To: meg88
The GOP needs Florida, and it's not going to be easy to get without a Bush on the ticket.
2 posted on
02/14/2007 7:15:13 AM PST by
To: meg88
Rudy's wrong on the issues.
3 posted on
02/14/2007 7:18:11 AM PST by
To: meg88
most of Clintons Policies are very similar to most of mine... Rudy Giuliani 1996
On Abortion Ive said that Ill uphold a womans right to choice, that I will fund abortions so that a poor woman is not deprived of a right others can exercise
Rudy Giuliani 1989.
On Gun Control This is an industry that is profiting from the suffering of innocent people. Whats worse, its profits rest on a number of illegal and immoral practices. This lawsuit is meant to end the free pass that the gun industry has so long enjoyed... Rudy Giuliani 2000 after filing suit against gun makers and distributors.
On Gun Control We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions-and really stronger ones-that exist for driving an automobile... Rudy Giuliani 1997
5 posted on
02/14/2007 7:19:44 AM PST by
("An armed society is a polite society" Robert A. Heinlein)
To: meg88
This is going to be a Hillary blowout when Rudy's numbers go down and hers get a slight bumb - the natural result of a long R vs. D campaign. They there's the Third Party candidate.
I'm beginning to believe Rudy Giuliani would lose in a landslide.
6 posted on
02/14/2007 7:19:44 AM PST by
(Pacifism is not peace; pacifists are not peacemakers.)
To: meg88
Gilliani is Best GOP Hope in Florida Wow, two years before the election, and RINO Gilliani is our 'best hope'.
If he's our 'best hope', we're totally screwed!
11 posted on
02/14/2007 7:22:53 AM PST by
(Paul/Tancredo 2008)
To: meg88
I just don't understand this apparent love fest over Rudy Guliani.
To: meg88
Rudy is a Sump pump. He wants to be Mayor of the United States.
14 posted on
02/14/2007 7:28:04 AM PST by
(Duncan Hunter for President)
To: meg88
To: meg88
Grabbing guns will be a big hit in Fla. They don't like guns there. OPPS, I was thinking of Rat big liberal cities in the NE, they hate gun-grabbers in Fla.
18 posted on
02/14/2007 7:30:00 AM PST by
(Jimmy Carter changed me into a Republican.......Ronnie made me DAMN proud of it!)
To: meg88
That is true, but many FReepers would prefer Hillary to Rudy, so it seems.
To: meg88
Gilliani . . . nice twist.
I usually see Guiliani.
Both of which make me think he'll never get elected, since people can't spell his name even when it's staring them in the face from the article.
31 posted on
02/14/2007 7:41:11 AM PST by
(Anything is possible when you don't understand how anything happens.)
To: meg88
Rudi is a great candidate if your goal is to elect anybody with an "R" next to his name. He is a horrible candidate if you want to elect a Conservative.
To: meg88
Rudy Giuliani (R) 47% - 44% Hillary Rodham Clinton (R) John McCain (R) 43% - 47% Looks like hillary is a conservative republican now too.
41 posted on
02/14/2007 7:45:19 AM PST by
(Democrats :Tough on Taxpayers, Soft on Terrorism)
To: meg88
Another day, another meaningless name recognition poll.
The silly season started at least six months early this cycle in both parties. People are going to get very tired of it. I know I already am.
To: meg88
By HRC, do you mean Her Royal Crudeness?
To: meg88
And if, as I suspect, Richardson eventually emerges as the Dem nominee, Rudy will be buried by the Hispanic turnout.
57 posted on
02/14/2007 7:53:30 AM PST by
william clark
(DH4WH - Ecclesiastes 10:2)
To: meg88
Rudy's running as a JFK-era liberal Democrat - about where GWB and the majority of Americans are politically.
Hillary is running as a Scandinavian Social Democrat - where the MSM and the coastal urban elites want to go.
Free Republic-approved candidates aren't running on platforms where any significant percentage of the population wants to go.
66 posted on
02/14/2007 7:58:47 AM PST by
Mr. Jeeves
("When the government is invasive, the people are wanting." -- Tao Te Ching)
To: meg88
..it will be very interesting to see how he deals with the 2nd Amendment issue in places like Duval County and in the Panhandle...
67 posted on
02/14/2007 7:59:00 AM PST by
( ..when there is any conflict between God and Caesar -- guess who loses?)
To: meg88
after reading all the posts I realized that no one is truly happy with any of our choices.
Rudy has a surface appeal coming across as tough and decisive but his gun control, abortion positions make him hard for conservatives to live with.
McCain is just a spinning top, you never know from one day to the next where he's going to be.
We want someone to beat Hillary and prove the Dem's wrong. Ultimately we all want a Reagan, someone who is telling us what we want to hear and making us feel good about it.
I think that's where Obama's appeal comes from, or did, the bloom is fading fast on that rose now. But for a little while he was as Biden said, "clean."
I think that's what we conservatives are looking for and there ain't one out there. At least not yet.
71 posted on
02/14/2007 8:00:23 AM PST by
To: meg88; All
It seems the NY dominated MSM types want a NY connection to the next president. It will be NY senator vs Former NY mayor. (remember all AP is routed through the NY offices these days)
All this pro-Guiliani, pro-Hilary stories is to drive money to the 1st tier candidates and force the less known candidates to burn money.
Guiliani is too pro-homosexual marriage for a FL primary. Guiliani is too pro-gun control for a FL primary.
95 posted on
02/14/2007 8:15:31 AM PST by
(VOTE! http://www.senate.gov and http://www.house.gov)
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