Posted on 02/08/2007 5:26:22 AM PST by rellimpank
Rudy Giuliani's announcement that he will seek the Republican presidential nomination brings to my mind a book I wrote in the early 1990s, "The Conservative Crack-Up." When I wrote the book, Ronald Reagan's successor, President George H. W. Bush, was ignoring many of the constituent ingredients of the Reagan Revolution, for instance, tax cuts. The various factions of the conservative coalition were disgruntled and threatening to take a walk. Once again liberal pundits were diagnosing the conservative movement as moribund.
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Spot on. If not for my concerns about SCOTUS, I would be a 100% Rudy supporter. Right now I'm about 85% because there are no other viable options.
I think as a lawyer who went after the mob, Rudy respects the law. He's said that he will appoint strict constructionists and that Alito and Roberts are his dream judges.
It's a crapshoot; with Reagan we got 2 crummy Supreme Court judges.
I can not trust anyone from NYC. They have a different view of what is good for the country than most of us in fly over country. As long as the Wall Street Crowd is making money and can can live in their guarded high rises and summer in the Hamptons they are happy NYC Republicans. Many of us see what they view as culture and the good life completely different. I have never met anyone from Rudiville that didn't think that the rest of the US were from Hicksville and needed changing to their way. For one I don't want to be changed for my own good. Just because he is the darling of Wall Street doesn't make him right for the country. Am I incorrect or have I noticed a hormonal influence in the support for Rudi.
The way he likes to dress up as a woman, Rudy could be both president and first lady.
I feel the same way about your choice:
"And if you, and many others like you, do indeed act that way, then you and I together, my friend, will both prove the maxim that in a democracy citizens elect the government they deserve."
A Giuliani presidency will be just as bad as a Clinton presidency. He has no more integrity, honesty or love of the Constitution than the hildabeast. We are going to get whacked by the terrorists either way. At least with a Clinton presidency gunowners will know from the get-go that they are in the sights of the president and will not trust her. Either way, it's gonna come to shooting, and I would rather more than less average citizens be armed when it starts. The only way we will stop the terrorists will be to follow the old Israeli model. Everyone armed, and isolate the muslims.
O'Connor was clearly a case of making a priority of nominating a woman. She had no business on the Court -- there were far better candidates -- but it was "stylish".
Kennedy was nominated because of the defeat of Bork and the discovery that Ginsberg was a pot-smoker. He was considered at the time to be a weak choice and too moderate, but Reagan was worn out after Iran-Contra and the Bork defeat.
GWB showed how it is done, although the Miers pick was another disastrous attempt to be "stylish". Fortunately, no harm was done.
Just to be clear, I'm not against women in high places who are clearly qualified. For example, I thought more highly of Maggie Thatcher than Reagan.
Good post. And so true about the various appointments.
While I appreciate your passionate support for Rudy being centered around the WOT, I don't think you give enough credit to Hunter who has proven with a strong voting record that he "gets" the WOT.
As to Rudy on guns, I would recommend this thread: where JimRob exposes Rudy for the unacceptable social liberal he is and not just on guns.
Tyrell's conservative bona fides are questionable given his inability to smell out that skunk in the wood pile, David Brock.
As a social, religious and gun-owning conservative myself, there is not an alternative at this point that can beat Hillary. What do you think is going to happen with those issues if she's elected? I'm supporting Rudy! I shudder to think what would happen to this country if she manages to win the election.
I think it will be Giuliani vs. Hillary. Take your pick - the lesser of two evils. Again.
Is that the post where some jumped all over a freeper for questioning whether children, the mentally ill and felons should have any restrictions on their gun rights? All that thread showed me was how completely out of the mainstream a lot of the anti-Rudyites really are.
I agree with you.
I would also like Conservatives to be open minded if a National candidate Giuliani takes a different stand than the local Mayor Giuliani of the ultra-left NY City did.
One thing I know of Giuliani - you can take him at his word. He does not say things for political gain and do something else.
Some of that discussion is continuing in that thread today but not quite on that extreme level. Using the extremists as the prime example of those against Rudy does not add to the tenor of the discussion which really should be formed around accepting dual realities that Rudy is generally unacceptable to social conservatives while being a lead horse in polls when compared to Hillary which the social conservatives absolutely abhor.
I have no problem with's just that he has zero name recognition..and he can't raise enough $$$$$$ to get it nationally.
Your key words were "at this point". You are either already drinking the Kool-Aid, or you must not think this next 12 months will serve any purpose for campaigning.
We have well over a year to sift through candidates. Just because two or three are leading now doesn't mean they will even be in the race a year from now. I am not going to commit to anything or anyone right now.
That works...heck, it's even possible that I could end up NOT supporting Rudy. My only point was that hopefully, you and others will be willing to listen while Rudy tries to win your votes. No more, no less..
I'll probably be supporting Hunter, as well. He appears to be closer to my views than any other candidate.
We're certainly free to support whomever we like in the primaries.
That said, if Duncan Hunter doesn't win the nomination and Rudy Giuliani does, I'll lend my support to Rudy...happily.
Please don't ask what I'll do if John McCain wins the nomination, though...
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