Posted on 02/06/2007 5:01:32 AM PST by dennisw
The Study of Political Islam | ![]() |
Frontpage Interviews guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI). CSPIs goal is to teach the doctrine of political Islam through its books and it has produced a series on its focus. Mr. Warner did not write the CSPI series, but he acts as the agent for a group of scholars who are the authors. FP: Bill Warner, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Warner: Thank you Jamie for this opportunity. FP: Tell us a bit about the Center for the Study of Political Islam. Warner: The Center for the Study of Political Islam is a group of scholars who are devoted to the scientific study of the foundational texts of IslamKoran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (traditions of Mohammed). There are two areas to study in Islam, its doctrine and history, or as CSPI sees itthe theory and its results. We study the history to see the practical or experimental results of the doctrine. CSPI seems to be the first group to use statistics to study the doctrine. Previous scientific studies of the Koran are primarily devoted to Arabic language studies. Our first principle is that Koran, Sira and Hadith must be taken as a whole. We call them the Islamic Trilogy to emphasize the unity of the texts. Our major intellectual breakthrough is to see that dualism is the foundation and key to understanding Islam. Everything about Islam comes in twos starting with its foundational declaration: (1) there is no god but Allah and (2) Mohammed is His prophet. Therefore, Islam is Allah (Koran) and the Sunna (words and deeds of Mohammed found in the Sira and Hadith). Endless ink has been wasted on trying to answer the question of what is Islam? Is Islam the religion of peace? Or is the true Islam a radical ideology? Is a moderate Muslim the real Muslim? This reminds a scientist of the old arguments about light. Is light a particle or is light a wave? The arguments went back and forth. Quantum mechanics gave us the answer. Light is dualistic; it is both a particle and a wave. It depends upon the circumstances as to which quality manifests. Islam functions in the same manner. Our first clue about the dualism is in the Koran, which is actually two books, the Koran of Mecca (early) and the Koran of Medina (later). The insight into the logic of the Koran comes from the large numbers of contradictions in it. On the surface, Islam resolves these contradictions by resorting to abrogation. This means that the verse written later supersedes the earlier verse. But in fact, since the Koran is considered by Muslims to be the perfect word of Allah, both verses are sacred and true. The later verse is better, but the earlier verse cannot be wrong since Allah is perfect. This is the foundation of dualism. Both verses are right. Both sides of the contradiction are true in dualistic logic. The circumstances govern which verse is used. For example: (Koran of Mecca ) 73:10: Listen to what they [unbelievers] say with patience, and leave them with dignity. From tolerance we move to the ultimate intolerance, not even the Lord of the Universe can stand the unbelievers: (Koran of Medina ) 8:12 : Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the unbelievers hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers! All of Western logic is based upon the law of contradictionif two things contradict, then at least one of them is false. But Islamic logic is dualistic; two things can contradict each other and both are true. No dualistic system may be measured by one answer. This is the reason that the arguments about what constitutes the real Islam go on and on and are never resolved. A single right answer does not exist. Dualistic systems can only be measured by statistics. It is futile to argue one side of the dualism is true. As an analogy, quantum mechanics always gives a statistical answer to all questions. For an example of using statistics, look at the question: what is the real jihad, the jihad of inner, spiritual struggle or the jihad of war? Lets turn to Bukhari (the Hadith) for the answer, as he repeatedly speaks of jihad. In Bukhari 97% of the jihad references are about war and 3% are about the inner struggle. So the statistical answer is that jihad is 97% war and 3% inner struggle. Is jihad war? Yes97%. Is jihad inner struggle? Yes3%. So if you are writing an article, you can make a case for either. But in truth, almost every argument about Islam can be answered by: all of the above. Both sides of the duality are right. FP: Why, in your view, is there so much ignorance about the history and doctrine of political Islam in the West? Warner: First, lets see how ignorant we are about the history of political Islam. How many Christians can tell you how Turkey or Egypt became Islamic? What happened to the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in Pauls letters? Find a Jew who can tell you the Jewish history of dhimmitude (second class citizens who serve Islam). What European knows that white women were the highest priced slaves in Mecca ? Everyone knows how many Jews Hitler killed, but find an unbeliever who can tell you how many died in jihad over the last 1400 years. We are just as ignorant about the doctrine of Islam. An FBI agent gets two hours of training on Islam and most of that is how not to offend the imam. We are fighting in Iraq . Who utilizes the political, military doctrine of Islam to plan strategy? Who can find a single rabbi or minister who has read the Koran, Sira and Hadith? What governor, senator, congressmen or military leader displays a knowledge of the political doctrine of Islam? Try to find a course available in a college about Islamic political doctrine and ethics. Graduates are schooled in Islamic art, architecture, poetry, Sufism, and a glorious history that ignores the suffering of the innocent unbelievers. Graduates read comments about the Koran and Hadith, but do not read the actual doctrine. FP: So why this ignorance? Warner: Lets start at the beginning. When Islam burst out of Arabia into a decaying Byzantine world, the unbelievers recorded it as an Arabic invasion. Similarly, the invasion of Eastern Europe was by Turks; the invasion of Spain was by Moors. Our scholars were incapable of even naming the invaders. Mohammed killed every single intellectual or artist who opposed him. It was fear that drove the vast majority of the media not to reprint the Mohammed cartoons, not some imagined sensitivity. Fear is a fabulous basis for ignorance, but that is not enough to explain it all. What accounts for the almost psychotic aversion to knowledge about Islam? Beyond fear is the realization that political Islam is profoundly foreign to us. Lets examine the ethical basis of our civilization. All of our politics and ethics are based upon a unitary ethic that is best formulated in the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would be treated. The basis of this rule is the recognition that at one level, we are all the same. We are not all equal. Any game of sports will show that we do not have equal abilities. But everyone wants to be treated as a human being. In particular, we all want to be equal under the law and be treated as social equals. On the basis of the Golden Rulethe equality of human beingswe have created democracy, ended slavery and treat women and men as political equals. So the Golden Rule is a unitary ethic. All people are to be treated the same. All religions have some version of the Golden Rule except Islam. FP: So how is Islam different in this context? Warner: The term human being has no meaning inside of Islam. There is no such thing as humanity, only the duality of the believer and unbeliever. Look at the ethical statements found in the Hadith. A Muslim should not lie, cheat, kill or steal from other Muslims. But a Muslim may lie, deceive or kill an unbeliever if it advances Islam. There is no such thing as a universal statement of ethics in Islam. Muslims are to be treated one way and unbelievers another way. The closest Islam comes to a universal statement of ethics is that the entire world must submit to Islam. After Mohammed became a prophet, he never treated an unbeliever the same as a Muslim. Islam denies the truth of the Golden Rule. By the way, this dualistic ethic is the basis for jihad. The ethical system sets up the unbeliever as less than human and therefore, it is easy to kill, harm or deceive the unbeliever. Now mind you, unbelievers have frequently failed at applying the Golden Rule, but we can be judged and condemned on its basis. We do fall short, but it is our ideal. There have been other dualistic cultures. The KKK comes to mind. But the KKK is a simplistic dualism. The KKK member hates all black people at all times; there is only one choice. This is very straightforward and easy to see. The dualism of Islam is more deceitful and offers two choices on how to treat the unbeliever. The unbeliever can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well. So Islam can be nice, but in no case is the unbeliever a brother or a friend. In fact, there are some 14 verses of the Koran that are emphatica Muslim is never a friend to the unbeliever. A Muslim may be friendly, but he is never an actual friend. And the degree to which a Muslim is actually a true friend is the degree to which he is not a Muslim, but a hypocrite. FP: You mentioned earlier how logic is another point of profound difference. Can you touch on that? Warner: To reiterate, all of science is based upon the law of contradiction. If two things contradict each other, then at least one of them has to be false. But inside of Islamic logic, two contradictory statements can both be true. Islam uses dualistic logic and we use unitary scientific logic. Since Islam has a dualistic logic and dualistic ethics, it is completely foreign to us. Muslims think differently from us and feel differently from us. So our aversion is based upon fear and a rejection of Islamic ethics and logic. This aversion causes us to avoid learning about Islam so we are ignorant and stay ignorant. Another part of the aversion is the realization that there is no compromise with dualistic ethics. There is no halfway place between unitary ethics and dualistic ethics. If you are in a business deal with someone who is a liar and a cheat, there is no way to avoid getting cheated. No matter how nice you are to a con man, he will take advantage of you. There is no compromise with dualistic ethics. In short, Islamic politics, ethics and logic cannot be part of our civilization. Islam does not assimilate, it dominates. There is never any getting along with Islam. Its demands never cease and the demands must be met on Islams terms: submission. The last reason for our aversion to the history of political Islam is our shame. Islam put over a million Europeans into slavery. Since Muslims cant be enslaved, it was a white Christian who was the Turkish sultans sex slave. These are things that we do not want to face. Jews dont want to acknowledge the history of political Islam, because they were dhimmis, second class citizens or semi-slaves, just like the Christians. Jews like to recall how they were advisors and physicians to powerful Muslims, but no matter what the Jew did or what position he held, he was still a dhimmi. There is no compromise between being equal and being a dhimmi Why should a Hindu want to recall the shame of slavery and the destruction of their temples and cities? After Hindu craftsmen built the Taj Mahal, the Muslim ruler had their right hands cut off so that they could not build anything as beautiful for anyone else. The practice of suttee, the widow throwing herself on the husbands funeral pyre, came about as a response to the rape and brutality of the Islamic jihad as it sweep over ancient Hindustan . Blacks dont want to face the fact that it was a Muslim who rounded up their ancestors in Africa to wholesale to the white slave trader. The Arab is the true master of the African. Blacks cant accept the common bond they share with whites: that both Europeans and Africans were slaves under Islam. Blacks like to imagine Islam is their counterweight to white power, not that Islam has ruled them for 1400 years. Dualistic logic. Dualistic ethics. Fear. Shame. There is no compromise. These are the reasons we dont want to know about Islams political history, doctrine or ethics. Warner: Non-political Islam is religious Islam. Religious Islam is what a Muslim does to avoid Hell and go to Paradise . These are the Five Pillarsprayer, charity to Muslims, pilgrimage to Mecca , fasting and declaring Mohammed to be the final prophet. But the Trilogy is clear about the doctrine. At least 75% of the Sira (life of Mohammed) is about jihad. About 67% of the Koran written in Mecca is about the unbelievers, or politics. Of the Koran of Medina, 51% is devoted to the unbelievers. About 20% of Bukharis Hadith is about jihad and politics. Religion is the smallest part of Islamic foundational texts. Political Islams most famous duality is the division of the world into believers, dar al Islam, and unbelievers, dar al harb. The largest part of the Trilogy relates to treatment of the unbelievers, kafirs. Even Hell is political. There are 146 references to Hell in the Koran. Only 6% of those in Hell are there for moral failingsmurder, theft, etc. The other 94% of the reasons for being in Hell are for the intellectual sin of disagreeing with Mohammed, a political crime. Hence, Islamic Hell is a political prison for those who speak against Islam. Mohammed preached his religion for 13 years and garnered only 150 followers. But when he turned to politics and war, in 10 years time he became the first ruler of Arabia by averaging an event of violence every 7 weeks for 9 years. His success did not come as a religious leader, but as a political leader. In short, political Islam defines how the unbelievers are to be dealt with and treated. Warner: The history of political Islam starts with Mohammeds immigration to Medina . From that point on, Islams appeal to the world has always had the dualistic option of joining a glorious religion or being the subject of political pressure and violence. After the immigration to Medina , Islam became violent when persuasion failed. Jihad entered the world. After Mohammeds death, Abu Bakr, the second caliph, settled the theological arguments of those who wished to leave Islam with the political action of death by the sword. The jihad of Umar (the second caliph, a pope-king) exploded into the world of the unbelievers. Jihad destroyed a Christian Middle East and a Christian North Africa. Soon it was the fate of the Persian Zoroastrian and the Hindu to be the victims of jihad. The history of political Islam is the destruction of Christianity in the Middle East , Egypt , Turkey and North Africa . Half of Christianity was lost. Before Islam, North Africa was the southern part of Europe (part of the Roman Empire ). Around 60 million Christians were slaughtered during the jihadic conquest. Half of the glorious Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus killed. The first Western Buddhists were the Greeks descended from Alexander the Greats army in what is now Afghanistan . Jihad destroyed all of Buddhism along the silk route. About 10 million Buddhists died. The conquest of Buddhism is the practical result of pacifism. Zoarasterianism was eliminated from Persia . The Jews became permanent dhimmis throughout Islam. In Africa over 120 million Christians and animists have died over the last 1400 years of jihad. Approximately 270 million nonbelievers died over the last 1400 years for the glory of political Islam. These are the Tears of Jihad which are not taught in any school. Warner: The basis of all the unbelievers thought has collapsed in the face of Islamic political thought, ethics and logic. We have already mentioned how our first intellectuals could not even name the invaders as Muslims. We have no method of analysis of Islam. We cant agree on what Islam is and have no knowledge about our suffering as the victims of a 1400-year jihad. Look at how Christians, Jews, blacks, intellectuals and artists have dealt with Islamic doctrine and history. In every case their primary ideas fail. Christians believe that love conquers all. Well, love does not conquer Islam. Christians have a difficult time seeing Islam as a political doctrine, not a religion. The sectarian nature of Christian thought means that the average non-Orthodox Christian has no knowledge or sympathy about the Orthodox Christians suffering. Jews have a theology that posits a unique relationship between Jews and the creator-god of the universe. But Islam sees the Jews as apes who corrupted the Old Testament. Jews see no connection between Islams political doctrine and Israel . Black intellectuals have based their ideas on the slave/victim status and how wrong it was for white Christians to make them slaves. Islam has never acknowledged any of the pain and suffering it has caused in Africa with its 1400-year-old slave trade. But blacks make no attempt to get an apology from Muslims and are silent in the presence of Islam. Why? Is it because Arabs are their masters? Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Islams demand for every civilization to submit. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure. Our intellectuals and artists have been abused for 1400 years. Indeed, the psychology of our intellectuals is exactly like the psychology of the abused wife, the sexually abused child or rape victim. Look at the parallels between the response of abuse victims and our intellectuals. See how violence has caused denial. The victims deny that the abuse took place: Our media never reports the majority of jihad around the world. Our intellectuals dont talk about how all of the violence is connected to a political doctrine. The abuser uses fear to control the victim: What was the reason that newspapers would not publish the Mohammed cartoon? Salman Rushdie still has a death sentence for his novel. What cutting edge artist creates any artistic statement about Islam? Fear rules our intellectuals and artists. The victims find ways to blame themselves: We are to blame for the attacks on September 11, 2001 . If we try harder Muslims will act nicer. We have to accommodate their needs. The victim is humiliated: White people will not talk about how their ancestors were enslaved by Islam. No one wants to claim the victims of jihad. Why wont we claim the suffering of our ancestors? Why dont we cry about the loss of cultures and peoples? We are too ashamed to care. The victim feels helpless: What are we going to do? We cant kill 1.3 billion people. No one has any understanding or optimism. No one has an idea of what to try. The only plan is to be nicer. The victim turns the anger inward: What is the most divisive issue in todays politics? Iraq . And what is Iraq really about? Political Islam. The Web has a video about how the CIA and Bush planned and executed September 11. Cultural self-loathing is the watchword of our intellectuals and artists. We hate ourselves because we are mentally molested and abused. Our intellectuals and artists have responded to the abuse of jihad just as a sexually abused child or a rape victim would respond. We are quite intellectually ill and are failing at our job of clear thinking. We cant look at our denial. Warner: Political Islam has annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation takes centuries, but once Islam is ascendant it never fails. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. We must learn the doctrine of political Islam to survive. The doctrine is very clear that all forms of force and persuasion may and must be used to conquer us. Islam is a self-declared enemy of all unbelievers. The brilliant Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tsu, had the dictumknow the enemy. We must know the doctrine of our enemy or be annihilated. Or put another way: if we do not learn the doctrine of political Islam, our civilization will be annihilated just as Egypt s Coptic civilization was annihilated. Since unbelievers must know the doctrine of political Islam to survive, CSPI has written all of its books in simple English. Our books are scholarly, but easy to read. As an example, anyone who can read a newspaper can pick up A Simple Koran and read and understand it. It is not dumbed down and contains every single word of the original. Not only is the language simple, but logic has been used to sort and categorize. Context and chronology have been restored. The result is a Koran that is an epic story ending in triumph over all enemies of Allah. All of our books and philosophy may be found at our center's website. Islam declares that we are the enemies of Allah. If we do not learn the political doctrine of Islam we will end up just like the first victims of Islamthe tolerant, polytheist Arabs of Saudi Arabia who became the Wahabbis (a very strict branch of Islam) of today, the most intolerant culture on the face of the earth. FP: Bill Warner, thank you for joining us today. Warner: Jamie, thank you for your kindness and efforts.FP So is there such a thing as non-political Islam?
FP: Can you touch briefly on the history of political Islam?
FP: How have our intellectuals responded to Islam?
FP: So summarize for us why it is so crucial for us to learn the doctrine of political Islam.
Excellent, thanks for posting.
Great article. Tells it like it is.
Could this be any clearer?
No. As far as I'm concerned, Islam is Satan's answer to Christianity.
read later
It's time to wake up Europe and America.
Excellent post and read. Please repost tomorrow afternoon so more people will see it. The duplicate posting nazis can take a pill if necessary.
Which is to say, they believe that they can truthfully and consistently lie to us about everything. It's part of the belief system. Our urinalists love it because it so suits the "ethics" of urinalism. Our urinalists believe that America is the greates because it has the First Amendment which entitles them to destroy the rest of the Constitution. One wonders why Dan Rather doesn't just go ahead and covert.
It addresses some of the core ideological obstacles the West is facing in the delusion of a "tamed" Islam living in peace within a "multi-cultural" society - as least in the manner contemporary liberals understand multi-culturalism. Islam is simply schizophrenic.
This article also details the growing dissent that scholars like Daniel Pipes is facing within his following. If 75% of Islam is about Jihad and the rest religion, then logically a growing demographic of people in the West who are becoming proficient in all things Islam will start to see the schizophrenia and grow to oppose it.
Thus, we see that Mr. Pipes' argument there is a "moderate" Islam is true, but only a different side of the same coin.
I don't agree with Warner's assertion people are naive about Islam, enough to not make a difference. Our government and institutes of "higher" learning are simply so crippled by political correctness and global business interests as to be incapable to oppose global political Islam. At least right now.
"...It's time we recognized the nature of the conflict. It's total war and we are all involved. Nobody on our side is exempted because of age, gender, or handicap. The Islamofacists have stolen childhood from the world." [FReeper Retief]
"...That the totalitarian force pitted against freedom wears a religious makes this civil war among mankind all the more difficult to engage. Loving freedom as we do, it seems reprehensible to deliberate against a religion. But this is no ordinary religion as it demands absolute obedience of all to their religion at the cost of freedom itself." [FReeper Backtothestreets]
"'Bumping' this critical article and excellent resource. "
I agree.
For the future -- adding appropriate key words helps.
Add this to the war on terror topic AND add key words -- I added some that get used often, please see list, that way when people search on "muslim" or "islam" this article will come up also.
thanks for the pings Salem and george76. This article should be posted again and again until every FReeper reads it. We're next.
Thanks Fred.
Islam Faces a New EraToday's Muslim world is also being betrayed by a similar intellectual passivity regarding the Internet, the dynamo of the next Renaissance. While the French fight an uphill battle to prevent English from laying siege to the French-speaking world via the Net, none of the major Muslim languages plays a major role in this huge knowledge machine. Equally conspicuous is the absence of Muslim countries from one of history's greatest scientific endeavors, the Human Genome Project. Islam is not intrinsically opposed to ideals of justice, equality, and human dignity. It is folly to assume that technological sophistication or economic prosperity need weaken, or run counter to, religious belief. Meanwhile, at some distance from the ivory tower lies the grim reality of much of the Muslim world: poverty; mass illiteracy; want of basic hygiene and primary health facilities; lack of fundamental liberties of religion and speech; little protection from state persecution.
by Munawar A. Anees
1999, Civilization Magazine
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